11-Year-Old Boy Mowing Lawns To Support Black Lives Matter Movement Proves You're Never Too Young To Be An Activist
Even the smallest show of support helps.

In the wake of George Floyd's death, 11-year-old Jack Powers is mowing lawns to raise money to donate to the Black Lives Matter movement.
Powers lives in Shrewsbury, Missouri, and after seeing the recent outcry against racism and discrimination, he decided he wanted to be a part of making a difference.
Powers told a reporter, "I saw what happened to George Floyd and saw how people were being treated and I decided to make a change."
Floyd's death sparked such a conversation within his household, he was able to learn about the situation and make his own conscious decision about what he could physically do to help the cause.
The 6th grader came up with the idea and with his parent's approval, he started his own lawn mowing business in the effort to raise money for the Black Lives Matter movement.
He posted handmade fliers throughout his Missouri neighborhood in an effort to gain clients within a short distance from his house where he could reasonably get to.
Since posting the fliers, he has received a huge amount of support from his neighbors and community.
He is charging $15 per lawn per mow and Powers is not taking any profit from his lawn mowing service. 100% of the proceeds are being donated towards the movement.
Powers explained to KMOV4 News, "I just wanted to make a change and I didn't like how people were being treated."
He is grateful for his community's support. His neighbor April Strelinger told KMOV4 News, "There has been a lot of change, flux and hardship so to see Jack's poster and find a helper, it actually opened up a great conversation with my son about how he can be a helper."
Even though Strelinger did not need her lawn mowed, she donated to his cause anyway.
Powers has sparked a great conversation within his community and he has made a way to bring the racial discussion to a child's level where they can understand.
We now see that children are very aware of the situation and they are wanting to help make their own impact on the world as well. Lots of times parents shield their children from the chaos of the world, but in this case, Power's parents took a situation of wrongdoing and taught their child about it.
You have to be able to teach the next generations to go out and make a positive impact on the world.
He has currently raised over $110 for the Black Lives Matter movement. And if you wish to donate to his cause, you can contact powers directly.
Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.