8 Helpful Ways To Support The Black Lives Matter Movement
Silence is violence.

We shouldn’t need to see a black man die in order to take a stand against racism, but as history continues to repeat itself, we must mobilize in order to end racism and police brutality.
Protests in response to the death of George Floyd have incited many to get behind the Black Lives Matter Movement and challenge systemic racism in America.
What is Black Lives Matter?
The Black Lives Matter Movement is an organization originally established in 2012 after the killing of Trayvon Martin, and George Zimmerman’s subsequent acquittal. It seeks to reform the power structures that consistently oppress black people.
Now, more than ever, it's important to get behind this movement and bring an end to racial inequality.
Here’s how to support Black Lives Matter now and forever, beyond just posting the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag.
1. Educate yourself.
Knowledge is power and the first step to overcoming issues is understanding them.
Even though conversations around racism are at the forefront of our news today, they’re part of a long history of injustice that has been going on for centuries. Understanding the variety of ways in which the Black community are targets of prejudice and discrimination is essential to tackling racial inequality.
Read books, essays, and articles. Watch films and documentaries. Listen to Black activists, speak to Black communities, and learn how you might be contributing to the problem and how you can stop.
2. Acknowledge your privilege.
If you're a non-black person, you must understand that you will never fully understand the struggle this group faces.
Acknowledging the privileges you’ve been afforded because of your race will help you better understand how minorities suffer because of systemic racism.
Use your privilege to make active changes in spaces you may have access to that black people are excluded from. For example, fight for more diversity in your workplace or school faculty.
3. Elevate the voices of the Black community.
For too long, the voices of the Black community have been silenced by oppressive forces.
Regardless of your race, look to members of the Black community for guidance and information on how to counteract racism.
If you’re a non-black person, use your voice, but do not speak over the people you are trying to help. Share posts of Black activists, listen to speeches by people who have actually experienced racism, and highlight these experiences rather than your own.
4. Donate.
Making monetary contributions to the Black Lives Matter Movement allows activists to allocate funds where they are needed and push for change more effectively. Here are a few to consider dontating to:
- Black Lives Matter: You can donate directly to the Black Lives Matter movement, which seeks to end white supremacy.
- The Bail Project: This offers support to protestors and other people who cannot afford bail. Its goal is to end mass incarceration which disproportionately affects black people.
- Fair Fight: They advocate for fairer elections by educating and fighting against voting discrimination privileges for white voters and elected officials.
- Campaign Zero: Campaign Zero aims to end police brutality by providing the public and government officials with urgent, research-based policy solutions.
5. Attend protests.
If you feel that it's safe for you to do so, attending protests is a great way to show solidarity with this movement.
History has proven the power of protests in bringing about great change for civil rights. Look up peaceful marches or gathering your area, or consider organizing one yourself.
6. Sign petitions.
Petitions call political attention to particular issues and highlight the needs of black minorities. They are also simple to partake in and share with your friends and family.
Here are a few petitions that take just a few moments to sign:
- Black Lives Matter’s #DefundThePolice petition calls for investment to be placed into underprivileged communities, rather than into a police force that attacks and kills these communities.
- The Justice for George Floyd petition is fighting for the officers involved in George Floyd’s murder to be arrested and charged. So far, only one of the 4 officers has been arrested.
- StandWithBre launched a petition for the police who murdered Breonna Taylor in her apartment, to be brought to justice.
- Reclaim the Block created a petition demanding a redirection of funds from the Minneapolis Police Department, to be invested in community-based organizations that promote the wellness and safety of the city’s black communities.
7. Call out racism.
It’s not enough just to post about change, we must all practice what we preach. Become aware of instances of racism you encounter and call them out.
If you have a family member or friend who speaks negatively about racial minorities, educate them. If you hear someone making racist remarks in public, let them know the damage they’re causing. If you see a security guard follow a black person around a store for no reason, ask them why.
Use your voice to educate and create change.
8. Celebrate Black excellence.
Even though the news can be heartbreaking and negative, the reason people are protesting is because blackness is something that should be celebrated rather than punished. Black lives should not only matter when they are lost.
Share black art, poetry, music, and positive news stories that highlight the beauty and power of this community.
Alice Kelly is a writer with a passion for lifestyle, entertainment, and trending topics.