5 Steps To Help You Return To Work After Coronavirus
Your work might have stopped, but the grind is just beginning.

Losing work because of the pandemic is scary. You’re left feeling completely out of control, living from one day to the next, worrying about how you’ll pay your bills and buy necessities.
It has been a stressful time for everyone, but for people whose work has dried up because of the virus, this pandemic has created some especially difficult obstacles to overcome. Even as the world starts to reopen, the challenges persist.
Will I be able to get my job back? Can the economy recover enough to keep my business open? Will social distancing affect how my work operates? Are there still businesses hiring amidst all of this? Could coronavirus return or worsen and cause me to lose work again?
These are just some of the questions that plague our minds these days as we attempt to resume a somewhat normal life post-pandemic.
The harsh reality of life right now is that some sectors of the economy cannot and will not resume anytime soon, or at least not in a way that supports economic growth. Restaurants, theaters, bars, nightclubs, and concert venues are just some of the businesses whose success largely depends on attracting large crowds.
For a lot of people, this means their summer party plans are altered, but for many, this is a source of income that may not exist in the world of social distancing.
It isn’t just as simple as picking your life back up where you left it when the pandemic began. But we must begin to take active steps towards ensuring our futures in spite of this adversity.
This too shall pass, and you’re going to want to be ready to progress your career when it does.
Whether you were laid-off from your full-time job, your income slowed down, or you’re worried about the stability of your current position, here's how to return to work after coronavirus.
1. Refocus your career path.
The world is changing and so must we. In order to overcome this challenging time, we must adapt to it.
Think about sectors of the economy that are thriving in the current climate — or at least not totally crumbling. Then, consider how you could fit your skills and experience into one of these areas.
Lots of staple and bulk food stores are hiring to keep up with booming business. Tech companies are continuing to flourish during this time. There are plenty of ways to shift your career slightly while still making the most of your skills.
Say you’re a chef whose restaurant is making staff cuts. Look for positions as a private chef for families who don’t want to risk going out in public to restaurants.
Or, consider lending your skills to online education. Maybe you’re a performer whose gigs have dried up. Why not teach music, dance, or acting over video call?
2. Kickstart your job hunt.
When it comes to looking for a new job, there’s no time like the present. The job market is pretty competitive these days, so you’ll need to dust off that resume ASAP.
Highlight your best skills and experience. Keep it concise and remember most recruiters will spend less than a minute looking at your resume.
Give yourself 3-4 hours a day to look through job listings and send out applications. That way, you can put everything into each one and not burn out after 10 straight hours of job hunting.
Think of the companies you’re still giving business to during this time and reach out directly to them. Netflix or Zoom might need your customer service skills or IT knowledge. Supermarkets like Costco or Walmart have taken on a lot of extra staff, so they could benefit from your HR experience.
Rehearse phone and video interviews by practicing with friends. Remember to give yourself days off, and stay positive.
3. Reach out to all your contacts.
Networking is key to any job hunt. Make of use out of your contact list, because you never know who where your next gig could come from.
People want to help as much as they can during these trying times. Speak to people you know in your field and see how they are adapting to the current situation. Maybe they have a creative new way for business to resume, or some advice for who to contact.
Ask friends and family, whose work has continued during this time, if they know of any open positions in their area. Connect with former colleagues or friends who have also been impacted and learn how they are proceeding with their job hunt.
Whether someone has a job to offer you, advice to give, or just a friendly voice to comfort you, any and all contacts are valuable.
4. Build your skillset.
You might mean finding that your professional experience doesn’t lend itself very well to the current job market, and that’s okay. Now is a great time to work on some skills that could make you every employer's dream.
There are so many online courses you can take to improve your knowledge on IT, marketing, law, finance, and much more.
Set aside some time within your job search to taking an online class or reading up on interview tips. Many courses will even give you accredited certifications that will look great on your resume and impress recruiters.
Have a look through the requirements on job listings that interest you to find what skills employers look for that you think you might be lacking. But remember, it’s totally acceptable to apply for jobs even if you don’t meet all of the requirements.
5. Find a side hustle.
A supplementary income is a great cushion when you’re worried about your next paycheck. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from this pandemic, it’s how quickly life can change, so it’s a good idea to have a little bit on the side to keep the lights on.
Think about the things you already do for free and see if you could make a little extra cash from it. Maybe you proof-read your friends' essays or resumes, or maybe you’re the designated driver in your group and have to cart everyone’s groceries home. What you do as a favor, other people make money from!
Lend your spare-time to strangers or people willing to pay for your services. Sell some of your old vintage clothes online and you can ease the burden of your money worries.
Alice Kelly is a writer with a passion for lifestyle, entertainment, and trending topics.