'90 Day Fiancé': Who Is Geoffrey Paschel's New Girlfriend, Mary Wallace — And What Happened To Varya?
There's going to be a showdown between Varya and Geoffrey's new boo.

The latest episode of 90 Day Fiancé:Before The 90 Days left fans with a cliffhanger ending. In earlier episodes, Geoffrey Paschel had proposed to his Russian love interest Varya Malina, and she had turned him down. Disappointed, he headed home and started a new relationship with an American friend named Mary Wallace.
Now, Malina is rethinking her decision and wants to try again with Paschel. She doesn't know about Wallace, however, which makes her plan to surprise Paschel with a visit to his home in Tennessee a risky proposition. The cameras catch her going to the door of his house, where he is shocked to find her there. But her shock may be the bigger one when she hears a woman's voice saying, "What's going on?" from inside the house.
TLC is making fans wait to see what going down with this unexpected love triangle. For now, we want to know more about the new woman in Paschel's life.
Who is Geoffrey' Paschel's new girlfriend, Mary Wallace?
Who is Geoffrey Paschel?
Paschel has made waves as one of the most controversial figures on the 90 Day Fiancé franchise. He introduced himself to the audience as a 41-year-old man living in Tennessee. He explained that he is a landlord who owns different properties around the area. He mentions being divorced twice and says he's had four children across those marriages, although his youngest son tragically died at 13 months old. At the outset of the season, he was filmed having lunch with friends and telling them about Varya Malina, a woman from Russia, whom he had met and fallen in love with online. As he details his plans to go visit her, his friend Mary Wallace expressed some hesitancy about Paschel's plan. She pointedly asked him if he had shared the details of his past and he confessed to the cameras that at one time he was caught dealing drugs and did time in a federal prison for those charges. What's more, he hadn't yet told Varya about that incident.
Mary Wallace was carrying a torch for Paschel.
Audiences also learned that Paschel's friend Mary Wallace was actually his ex-girlfriend. They didn't share a lot of details about their relationship, instead offering the vague explanation that the timing hadn't been right for them. Wallace, however, questioned why Paschel was looking for love overseas when she was right there, interested in dating him again.
Who is Mary Wallace?
Wallace has an Instagram page that has switched from public to private and back again in recent weeks. Going by what she shares on there, we can say she has known Paschel since at least 2018, which is the first time he appears in one of her photos. She keeps most of the details of her life vague but she mentioned having a daughter, though she doesn't share any pictures of her child or give out her name or age. She doesn't specifically say where she works either but in one photo, she can be seen wearing medical gloves and sitting in what appears to be a lab or doctor's office of some kind and she tags it as work. She also celebrated her 36th birthday in October 2018, so we know she's 37 now. She has posts that show her traveling, going to live music events, and posts that express pride in her Blackfoot nation Native American ancestry.
Wallace was there for Paschel when he got his heart broken.
Most of the season featured Paschel's fledgling relationship with Varya Malina in Russia. The two of them got to know one another during his long visit there and things were going well until he confessed to his history of drug crimes. Malina was shocked and knew her family would disapprove so when Paschel proposed, she declined. He took it hard and went back to the United States with the mindset that his relationship with the Russian was finished.
Luckily for him, Wallace was back in Tennessee and they started dating shortly after his return. “When I left Russia it was kind of depressing but I don’t think that I should hold back anymore, I think that I should really explore what’s out there for me. When I was here with Mary she asked ‘why not me?’ and so when I got back we talked and hung out and I think that we’re potentially going somewhere, so I’m excited about it,” he told the cameras. “Mary is a very special person to me, she knows me really well. We have a history together. Things didn’t work out in the past … we weren’t on the same timeline, but I truly think this time could be different.”
Paschel and Malina in Siberia.
How much does Wallace really know about Paschel?
Paschel says he and Wallace have history together and that may be true. But the bigger question is how much of his actual history does she know. Even before his season went to air, Paschel's past had been under scrutiny. He has a string of domestic violence charges leveled against him by each of his four wives. He is still legally married to his fourth wife and the couple has been in a nasty custody dispute for years. He was also arrested for assaulting a girlfriend in June of 2019, raising questions about the timeline of his relationship with Malina and whether he was with that woman while also pursuing his online affair with the striking Russian.
If Wallace didn't know about all of this before Paschel went on the show, she probably has read some of the articles about him since he achieved reality TV fame. Paschel took to Instagram this week to tease a reveal of what he claims to be the truth about his past but so far he hasn't dispelled any of the accusations.
Are Geoffrey Paschel and Mary Wallace together now?
In the latest episode of the show, the domestic tranquility Wallace and Paschel were trying to create was about to be shattered by a surprise visit from Malina, who had decided to try and revive the romance with Paschel. The promos for the upcoming episode show Malina knocking on Paschel's door, while Wallace can be heard in the background asking what is happening. We don't know yet what confrontation will erupt between the two women and Paschel. But we do know that Wallace posted photos of herself and Paschel kissing on April 27. She captioned the photo "Through good days, bad days, and terrible hair days.. (especially our much younger days)...I’m thankful I have you ALL the days!"
90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days airs on TLC on Sunday nights.