50 Best Quotes To Wish Your Bro A Happy Brother's Day
Happy National Brother's Day

Ever since I was little I wanted a younger sister. The thing about life is it doesn’t always give you what you want, sometimes it gives you what you need. I never once asked for a brother and I ended up getting four of them. As you can imagine I wasn’t the least bit thrilled at first.
When I was six, I didn’t really think brothers had much value. I’d never been a sister before and I had no idea what that was like. I was an only child. So all I could do was go off what I saw on TV — and trust me those sitcoms did sisterhood justice.
I had no idea what my brothers and I would relate to when it came time for me to be a big sister. I knew that they would not want to do anything “girly” with me as a sister would. So I didn’t know how to be a big sister to a little brother.
As I got older and spent more time with my brothers, I realized that we had a lot more in common than I originally had thought. My preconceived notions of us not being able to be friends or hang out quickly disappeared because my brothers became some of my best friends.
Just because my brothers are some of my best friends, that doesn’t mean they don’t annoy and irritate me. Trust me they do! But that’s what siblings do, and these National Brother's Day quotes prove just that.
What’s so awesome about a brother-sister relationship is that no matter how many times you infuriate one another, you’ll always find a reason to share a laugh or create a new memory. The love shared between siblings is greater than any conflict, that’s why I think siblings forget about arguments so quickly.
I couldn’t imagine my life without my brothers and I mean that. I know that I can always count on my brothers for everything from cheering me up to having my back. Having brothers is one of the best things to happen to me.
To celebrate National Brother’s Day check out these brother quotes about siblings to show him just how much you love him.
1. “Brother — a person who is there when you need him; someone who picks you up when you fall; a person who sticks up for you when no one else will; a brother is always a friend.”
2. “My brother is my only best friend. No one can replace him.”
3. There is no love like the love for a brother. There is no love like the love from a brother. ― Astrid Alauda
4. “God blesses him who helps his brother.” ― Abu Bakr
5. “If you have a brother or sister, tell them you love them every day – that’s the most beautiful thing. I told my sister how much I loved her every day. That’s the only reason I’m OK right now.” ― Amaury Nolasco
6. “He is my most beloved friend and my bitterest rival, my confidant and my betrayer, my sustainer and my dependent, and scariest of all, my equal.” ― Gregg Levoy
7. “I don’t believe an accident of birth makes people sisters or brothers. It makes them siblings, gives them mutuality of parentage. Sisterhood and brotherhood is a condition people have to work at. “ ― Maya Angelou
8. “Your brother is always the first male friend you will have in your life.” ― Ritu Ghatourey
9. “Half the time when brothers wrestle, it’s just an excuse to hug each other.” ― James Patterson
10. “Stop for a moment and realize how lucky you are to have one.” ― Maxime Lagacé
11. “I had a brother who was my saviour, made my childhood bearable.” ― Maurice Sendak
12. “Do you know what friendship is… it is to be brother and sister; two souls which touch without mingling, two fingers on one hand.” ― Victor Hugo
13. “A brother is a friend God gave you; A friend is a brother your heart chose.”
14. “If thy brother wrongs thee, remember not so much his wrong-doing, but more than ever that he is thy brother.” ― Epictetus
15. “I smile because you’re my brother. I laugh because there’s nothing you can do about it!”
16. “What strange creatures brothers are!” – Jane Austen
17. “Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.” ― Marc Brown
18. “To the outside world we all grow old. But not to brothers and sisters. We know each other as we always were. We know each other’s hearts. We share private family jokes. We remember family feuds and secrets, family griefs and joys. We live outside the touch of time.” ― Clara Ortega
19. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.” ― Richard Bach
20. “Sibling relationships outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty, and distrust.” ― Erica E. Goode
21. “There is no buddy like a brother.”
22. “The beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than diamonds or silver or gold.” ― Martin Luther King Jr
23. “A brother is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit.”
24. “The happiest days of my youth were when my brother and I would run through the woods and feel quite safe.” – Rachel Weisz
25. “Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” ― Susan Scarf Merrell
26. “How do people make it through life without a brother?”
27. “I learned everything from my older brother and sister and taught it to my younger sisters.”
28. “Everyone knows that if you’ve got a brother, you’re going to fight.” ― Liam Gallagher
29. “Being sister and brother means being there for each other.” ― Unknown
30. “Brothers are playmates in the beginning and best friends for life.”
31. “When I look at each of my brothers, I see two things. First, I see the next place I want to leave a rosy welt. Second, I see a good man who will always be there, no matter how hard life gets for me or him. Then, I get out of the way because I realize he’s coming at me with a wet dish towel.” ― Dan Pearce
32. “A brother’s love exceeds all the world’s loves in its unworldliness.” ― Robert Browning
33. “Be grateful when your older brothers grounds you, and when they tell you what to do and. Beautiful they are just trying to fulfill their duty of protecting you.”
34. “From the time we’re born, our brothers and sisters are our collaborators and coconspirators, our role models and our cautionary tales.” ― Jeffrey Kluger
35. “In time of test, family is best.” ― Burmese proverb
36. “Brothers and sisters peas in a pod, bumps on a log, bugs in a rug, birds of a feather, partners in crime, friends forever.”
37. “Will you be there for him if he needs you? Of course. Should you love him without question? Absolutely.” ― David Levithan
38. “I can get another husband but never another brother.” ― Corsican proverb
39. “Because I have a brother I’ll always have a friend.”
40. “Son, brother, father, lover, friend. There is room in the heart for all the affections, as there is room in heaven for all the stars.” ― Victor Hugo
41. “A friend forgives quicker than enemy, and family forgives quicker than a friend.” ― Amit Kalantri
42. “Your parents leave you too soon and your kids and spouse come along late, but your siblings know you when you when you are in your most inchoate form.” ― Jeffrey Kluger
43. “Your brother is who gives you a honest advice.” ― Arabic proverb
44. “Some have more than one example to look up to. Others have only their brother.” ― Maxime Lagacé
45. “We are all equal in the fact that we are all different. We are all the same in the fact that we will never be the same.” ― C. JoyBell C.
46. “Siblings by chance. Friends by choice.”
47. “A bad brother is far better than no brother.” ― Swahili proverb
48. “Brothers get dirty, play catch, defend & protect, laugh, imagine, build forts, tell secrets, invent, ride bicycles, sell lemonade, catch bugs, build Lego, wrestle, have sleepovers, misbehave, play cars, daydream, climb trees, hold hands, count the stars, fight, build sandcastles; together.”
49. “Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring — quite often the hard way.” ― Pamela Dugdale
50. “No life’s worth more than any other, no sister worth less than any brother.” ― Michael Franti
Tamara Sanon is a writer with a passion for covering topics about health and wellness, lifestyle, astrology, and relationships.