How To Be More Social During Quarantine, By Life Path Number
Social distancing can be fun if we are willing to be open-minded.

It's hard to be social while under quarantine. With government shutdowns, national social distancing, and quarantining due to the coronavirus, we are no longer at arm's length with one another.
Social distancing has created new paths in how we connect with each other during this pandemic.
Your life path number can help you find new ways to socialize while under quarantine.
Each life path number has a unique communication style that can learn to adjust to the current situation.
From the various challenges that we are daring each other to complete such as the “take a shot” and the “exercise” challenges, we have become creative in how we interact with each other.
I believe that we have been doing an excellent job of making sure we are connected together, no matter what your life path number is.
The new hashtag, #AloneTogether is positive and inspirational, and it's great to see people supporting each other in the world.
I believe it is creating a place for us to understand that staying in is the safest option for the time being but we also can connect together while staying home.
Another example of how we have created something positive is by #SingingTogether.
Tyler Perry even created a social challenge — He’s Got the Whole World Challenge — that involved several celebrities who decided to join in.
Famous celebrities who participated included Fantasia, Whoopi Goldberg, Yolanda Adams, and Jennifer Hudson.
I have decided to join the bandwagon and socialize and start a water challenge while under quarantine with my friends across the United States (California, Texas, Florida and Georgia).
We have decided to drink one gallon of water per day and we have to show proof throughout the day that we have done so, and if we haven’t, we have to pick the exercise of the day such as squats, push-ups or sit-ups.
This challenge has made us closer and gives us something to feel great about, the feeling of accomplishment at the end of the day makes this challenge more fulfilling.
Now that we have become creative in spreading health, love, and positivity around the world, how can we use our path numbers to express how we should stay in touch during social distancing?
Our life path numbers are much like the zodiac, they feed us information that relates to our lives and the way we live our lives.
Known as the “numbers of destiny” or “numerology”, we can use these numbers to see which one describes us and which one will give us the motivation to seek new ways to keep staying in touch during social distancing.
Life path numbers give us a sense of direction in which we are going in life. They suggest our way through the trials and tribulations of life and reflect on our state of mind.
They reveal who you are, your values and challenges you might face in life all while letting you find new interesting things about you that you never thought you have.
Finding the perfect number to align with what our world is enduring during this pandemic can be frustrating, but I am sure there is a number that will motivate you to stay active with one another during social distancing.
Your life path number can help you socialize during the current quarantine.
Here's how each life path number can socialize while under quarantine, per numerology.
Life Path Number 1 — The Leader
You are creative and you like to influence others around you to channel their creative side.
A great way to stay in touch during social distancing is finding a creative way to get your family and friends to join in on something that is positive yet also fun.
I have decided to do a wine and vision board date through facetime with my family and friends.
We all make sure we have our wine and everything we need to build our vision boards and we discuss them on video chat.
Our goals are to make sure we meet them when we are done with quarantine.
So during this time you can tap into that unique side and find some creative fun.
Life Path Number 2—The Team Player
With this number, you are considerate and you put thoughts into the things that you do.
You often see the best in people and you can handle any type of situation thrown at you.
A great way to stay in touch during this time is to try to find ways to motivate and empower your family and friends.
This pandemic has so many people questioning everything and with your motivational and inspirational spirit, you should try to use these traits to help motivate your family and friends to push through during this world crisis.
Life Path Number 3 — The Creative
With this number, it means that you are great at networking, communicating and interacting with people.
You are optimistic about life, love, and relationship so a little social distancing isn’t going to stop your show.
You can use all of these attributes to create a way to stay in touch with the people who are drawn to your energy.
Maybe you can create a family/friend Taco Tuesdays at home during social distancing.
You can go online and have everyone make tacos, drink your favorite beverage and listen to music while telling each other about their day. Use your energy to create some fun.
Life Path Number 4 — The Manager
With this number, you are very serious. You are determined and you ensure that things will get done.
Hardworking is in your nature and you are disciplined when it comes to hitting your goals. You enjoy learning and growing as an individual.
During this #alonetogether pandemic, you should try to incorporate your goals. Maybe challenge your family and friends to a reading challenge or start a virtual book club.
You can use your natural-learning spirit as a way to learn with the ones you love.
Life Path Number 5 — The Freedom Seeker
You are open to new ideas and experiences that life gives you. You believe that life is all about living in the moment so you often like to reflect back and appreciate how short life is.
You are self-focused but this doesn’t stop you from remembering the bigger picture in life and that is life is not forever and you have to enjoy it while you have it.
Find a new way to engage your family and friends on how to enjoy life during this quarantine.
Maybe you can create a family night theme game night online where everyone tunes in and plays a game that will have everyone engaged in. Use your experiences and Carpe Diem attitude to create a fun way to social distance.
Life Path Number 6 — The Nurturer
With this number, you enjoy looking after others. You desire to become a parent and to get married.
People are drawn to you because you have a natural spirit to take care of others even when you need to be taken care of yourself.
You have a gift of making people feel needed and wanted even if you don't need them or want them. You care for others without any question.
During this pandemic, you should try to focus on yourself. You are often busy caring for others that you forget to put your own needs first.
Life Path Number 7 — The Seeker
You love to live your life with peace and reflection. You can connect with others without it letting it define you. You seek a kind and respectful relationship with others.
You love yoga and meditation because it gives you balance.
Maybe you can do a #distancingyoga challenge with your family and friends and see how well it can bring peace and strength to each other’s lives during this time.
Use your peaceful mindset to create a fun and healthy way to balance social distancing.
Life Path Number 8 — The Powerhouse
You are in love with money. You seek financial advancement and enjoy saving all of the money you have. You thrive on building financial security and you will not waste money on miscellaneous items.
You enjoy power and control and you use your financial resources to do so.
You have a good heart but nothing is more important than the growth of your finances.
During this social distancing, you should encourage family and friends to look into ways to invest and save more money to make sure that if another world crisis happens again that they will be more prepared.
Life Path Number 9 — The Emotional One
With this number, you are emotional and generous. You have compassion for others and your heart is something that controls you.
You are unique and you are very versatile. You can adapt to any environment.
During this social distancing, you should find ways to improve your own self-care.
Take a YouTube workout class or try some new healthy recipes. You are always compassionate for others, so try to be compassionate for yourself.
Katrina Harris is a writer who covers love, relationship, and astrology topics.