How Aries Season Affects Each Zodiac Sign From March 21 - April 19
Aries is at its fullest force.

As we say goodbye to Pisces season, we are looking at the major cosmic influence of the strongest, most war-like sign of them all: Aries. Aries season is upon us and it's going to kick our butts. Or, it's going to make us butt-kickers of the highest degree.
When is Aries season?
Aries season starts on March 21 when the Sun moves into the Aries zodiac sign. The effects of this zodiac season will last until Aries season ends on April 19 when the Sun moves into Taurus.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, so this season is considered the first sign of the astrological calendar.
Fire sign Aries doesn't play around, so if you start to feel aggressive, hostile or competitive, you can attribute this raging fire to the influence of Aries and its ruling planet Mars over the next month. In a way, it figures that the hardcore approach of Aries is dropping in on us during this particular season. We should start to see some real dissension; expect arguments and extreme statements. There will be threats during this transit and lots and lots of bad behavior.
Aries' influence stimulates the need in every zodiac sign to lead and help out. We might find ourselves more involved than ever before in a project we considered but never dove into. This is going to be the season of involvement, brain-storming, and focused plan-making due to Aries' ruling planet Mars, the planet of action. And while we may feel it's all running a little too hot, the cosmic force that is Aries will not let us down.
Aries season effects on each zodiac sign
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
This is your season, and as it is with all Aries seasons, you'll be feeling strong and collected like the god of war your sign is named after. People are going to be looking to you for answers, and it's in your nature to provide help. Your mind and intellect will be tapped into by friends and colleagues during this time; people trust your ideas and opinions. It's a strong season for you, Aries, and you're going to show those around you just how brilliant you can be.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
When Taurus is affected by Aries, let's just say it's party season. You've spent enough time in the dark — whether that refers to the winter or to some suppressed state of apathy, it no longer matters. You've woken up and you're ready for fun. And don't think fun can't lead to something productive. It certainly can in your case. Expect a royally good time followed by a job promotion.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You, too, will feel the surge of power in your veins, but being that you're Gemini, you'll doubt it into non-existence. This is your big chance, Gemini; you don't have to doubt this. Allow yourself the joy that is coming your way. Aries' influence is knocking on your door right now, so don't sit on your couch ignoring it out of fear. This is your time to shine, but you have to let yourself go forth. No more time for doubt and harsh self-judging, so get out there and let them see you.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You may feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction during Aries season, Cancer, and that could actually be the impetus for big change. You've avoided change for a while; it's been on your mind and you know things can't stay the way they've been. After Pisces season, Aries is going to give you that push in the right direction. You may feel a bolt of self-confidence — use it and work it towards your own positive advantage.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Big dreams have always been at the heart of what makes you tick, Leo, and now, more than ever, you're going to want to manifest those big dreams. The influence of Aries' energy is going to work your sense of action; the time for dreaming is over, and it's time to work now. This season is going to hone in on what you really do want and need, and your own natural sense of wanting accomplishment is going to take you through to the goal. So, make a goal now and don't stop until you reach the top.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
All is well in your world during Aries season, Virgo. There's a sense of contentment coming; you, yourself can hardly believe it, yet there it is: peace. Ironically, when the war god Aries transits into your world, it has a soothing effect on you. Perhaps you feel more confident about your choices, and you will definitely feel the spirit of change. Aries in your life, at this point, can only bring you clarity.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
You've never really felt comfortable during Aries' influence, and this time will not change that pattern. Aries brings out the worst in you, Libra, and you'll notice. You will change for the better because you do see yourself as a person with great potential for good, but Aries will bring out the bad, and that's something you'll have to work with. Try to stay upbeat. Break out of your shell and give someone a compliment. It will be nice for you to be kind.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Aries affects Scorpio like War and Pestilence in one brisk movement. Having said that, heads up, Scorpio: this is going to bring out your very darkest thoughts. Watch for depression during this time, but also try to avoid taking out frustration on innocent bystanders. You will feel more hostile now than ever before. Rely upon your spirituality to see you through to lighter, happier days.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
You've never had a problem adopting the influences of fellow fire signs, and this is no different. Aries brings out your inner warrior, and even though that inner warrior tends to get lazy, not this time. You will be defending the weak and fighting the oppressive. You will clearly see right and wrong, and you will make the correct choices as to how to proceed. The world needs you now, Sagittarius — don't sleep on us!
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
If you felt ambitious and success-oriented before, wait until you feel the force of Aries on that courageous soul of yours. Expect larger projects and bigger goals to be created and worked on during this transit, Capricorn. You will be fired up and passionate about everything you involve yourself in, not to mention that your infectious drive will affect others in a productive way. You've always been a go-getter, and with Aries backing you up, there's basically nothing you can't accomplish.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
During Aries season, Aquarius, you'll be fighting the good fight, simply because it's right — and it's time. However this applies to you, there's a fight coming your way, one that you're well prepared for and one that you will win. It's a good season for you, but understand that it won't last long. Grab what you can of Aries' superpower before it ends.
Pisces (February 19 - March 10)
While Aries is very different than Pisces, these two signs are also very close together in the Zodiac, which means there are crossover traits that you will experience heavily during this zodiac season. You'll find that you won't back down as easily and that, if you need to say something, you will. Communication will be easier for you during this time, so say what you mean and mean what you say, Pisces. At this moment, you've got the ears of the people, so tell us something good.
Ruby Miranda interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.