It's OK To Feel Heartbroken, But You Need To Let Your Pain Go
You need to allow yourself to heal after heartbreak.

By Monalisa Roy
The truth is that heartbreak and pain are inevitable. You cannot escape it. It’s never easy to let go of the ones we truly love. It feels wrong.
We feel guilt, anger, and hurt. We keep telling ourselves that we don’t know what we should do.
But the truth is, we do.
You have the power to stop the pain. Past a certain point, it’s up to us to stop our heartbroken feelings. Holding onto pain sounds like torture, so why would you want to torture yourself?
How many times have we felt so bad about something that we milked it all day? How many times have we blamed events for a heartbreak?
And how many times have we refused to do anything, just because we’re sad? Plenty of times, right?
When we can’t blame ourselves for our pain, we look for someone or something else to pin it on, as if that makes it any easier. That guy left you because he was lousy, while you gave the relationship 100%. Your best friend walked away because she was so spiteful, too, right?
But at what cost should we wallow and blame others? Eventually, wallowing in our pain can really hurt us.
We take risks with our jobs, our families, and our friends. So eventually, we need to find new ways to cope, because focusing on our heartbreak doesn’t help us.
Instead of wallowing, it’s far better to let go of all the pain that doesn’t serve us. Instead of ruining our lives with our own sadness, we should commit to living our lives differently and move on from the pain.
It’s okay to feel heartbroken, but eventually, you need to let your pain go.
If you can’t cope on your own, find help. Tell your best friend what’s going on. Talk with your therapist. Read a book, set goals, and get things done.
Do you really want to let a heartbreak define your life? Or, do you want to come out stronger, despite your pain?
One day, you’ll decide that you want more for your life than pain and suffering.
You’ll fall in love with yourself again and refocus on your goals and dreams, instead of letting your broken heart define you. Everything happens for a reason, and, in time, that reason will show.
It’s important to realize that, even though you’re in pain right now, you need to release your heartbreak. Because if you don’t, who will?
Monalisa Roy is a writer who focuses on relationships, breakups, and love. For more of her breakup content, visit her author profile on Unwritten.