How The Earth's Wobble Effects Astrology, Horoscopes, & Your Zodiac Sign Personality Traits
Is this real life!?

What? The Earth wobbles? Yes, but there's more.
What if I told you everything you thought you knew about astrology and your horoscope... was wrong?
How does the Earth wobble affect your zodiac sign, per astrology?
I hate to break it to you guys, but the major contributor to our changing zodiac signs is none other than good ole planet Earth.
Cue the gasps, the faints, and the confused faces. It's true friends, our astrological signs are told by the position of the Sun.
The constellations that were present during the time and day of our birth define our zodiac signs.
While this is maybe the slightest bit true, these findings and hypotheses were found more than 2,000 years ago by ancients who were stargazing every night.
What does the Earth's wobble mean? Well, like everything in life, things change.
The position of these stars and the constellations and zodiac signs have shifted since the last recalling of their original discovered positions!
As we all know, the Earth rotates relentlessly and its axis causes the planet to spin in different directions.
When the position of the Earth changes, so does the way we see the sky and all the stars/constellations.
This effects you if you are someone who checks their daily horoscope and believes the reason you are the way you are is because of your zodiac sign.
If you try to convince yourself you can't be with someone because they're a Scorpio, this article may upset and offend a lot of people.
According to astronomers, the birth dates and their relation to the constellation on that day we all know are completely wrong.
Not to mention as a result of the Earth's wobble, where zodiac signs are located changed.
The constellations and overall outlook of astrology also changed, so to compensate astronomers added a 13th zodiac which changes the astrology game completely.
So, if there are so many things impacting the way people view astronomy, how does the Earth's wobbling axis change our zodiac sign personalities in astrology?
Keep on reading, to find out how this scientific fact impacts the way you view astrology, by zodiac sign.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Aries zodiac sign (April 18 - May 13)
The original dates for an Aries are March 21 - April 19.
The Earth's wobble can change your zodiac sign from being impulsive and easily disinterested to now having the qualities of the Taurus, represented by a bull.
You may feel relaxed in calm, scenic environments and love the sound of the winds and the Earth's natural aromas.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Taurus zodiac sign (May 13-June 21)
The original dates for a Taurus are April 20 - May 20.
You have the characteristics of a Gemini, as a result of the Earth's wobble, yes, the menacing twins (aka me).
Ever felt like you were too busy and wished for another one of you?
Boom, now you've got one. Bonus trait, you're amazing in social settings and lots of people are jealous of your shining personality.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Gemini zodiac sign (June 21-July 20)
The original dates for a Gemini are May 21 - June 20.
You are in Cancer territory, as a result of the Earth's wobble, which means you have the ability to adapt to the material and emotional world around you.
You are really good at picking up energies in a crowded room.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Cancer zodiac sign (July 20 - August 10)
The original dates for Cancers are June 21 - July 22.
Prepare for all eyes to be on you because you are treading in the lion's den.
You are theatrical and try not to take life as seriously as those around you, as a result of the Earth's wobble changing your zodiac sign's personality.
You are also very passionate about your work, family, and lovers.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Leo zodiac sign (August 10 - September 16)
The original dates for a Leo are July 23 - August 22.
You are in the Virgo realm because the Earth's wobble has impacted your zodiac sign's personality traits.
You are now where deeply rooted practicalities are the way you navigate through life. You are a perfectionist and will not stop perfecting your crafts.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Virgo zodiac sign (September 16 - October 30)
The original dates for a Virgo are August 23 - September 22.
You acquire the traits of a Libra, who are known to weigh between the balance and harmony of life.
You strive for symmetry and tranquility in all aspects of life.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Libra zodiac sign (October 30 - November 23)
The original dates for a Libra are September 23 - October 22.
You may be confused for a fire sign because of the misconceptions of Scorpios.
This astrology sign tends to be passionate and holds ultimate power over the other horoscopes.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Scorpio zodiac sign (November 23 - 29)
The original dates for a Scorpio are October 23 - November 21.
This is where things get tricky; the zodiac only lasts for 6 days because of the latest discovered zodiac sign, Ophiuchus, (which we will discuss in the next paragraph).
You are in the same house as a Sagittarius, who are natural-born leaders, on a quest for knowledge. You will constantly chase intellectual adventures.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Ophiuchus, the 13th zodiac sign (November 29 - December 17)
Some online sites say that this zodiac sign's date is actually November 20 - December 10.
I don't know what to believe about this horoscope.
However, you guys are impulsive, clever, and power-hungry. Yikes.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Sagittarius zodiac sign (December 17 - January 20)
The original dates for Sagittarius are November 22 - December 21.
You are now entering the body of a mythological creature with the body of a goat and the tail of a fish.
What does this mean for you? Well, you are very equipped to flow through your emotional realm and materialistic things.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Capricorn zodiac sign (January 20 - February 16):
The original dates for a Capricorn are December 22 - January 19.
This may change the way a Cap acts on a day to day basis.
You may take on those traits of an Aquarius, who are known to support the power of the people and aim towards making a change in the world around them.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Aquarius zodiac sign (February 16 - March 11)
The original dates for an Aquarius are January 20 - February 18.
These new dates interfere with those of the Pisces, which is the last horoscope sign in the zodiac wheel.
You may attribute some of their qualities such as battling between living in your reality and fantasy worlds.
How the Earth's wobble effects the Pisces zodiac sign (March 11 - April 18)
The original dates for a Pisces are February 19 - March 20.
The new dates are seen in that of an Aries, the first of the zodiac wheel.
Aries astrology signs are known to be rambunctious and bold, and they will take on any challenge head-on.
Destiny Duprey is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and spirituality.