Today's Bible Verse About Love & Daily Devotional For Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Your daily devotional for Tuesday's Bible verse about love.

Today's Bible love verse, daily devotional, and prayer from biblical scripture are here for Tuesday, March 3, 2020, to teach you how to love and to grow your Christian faith using God's word.
Today's daily Bible love verse comes from the book of 2 Peter 1:5-7 (NIV)
The Bible reveals that many Christians were first imperfect people who became the great teachers of God's unfailing love.
Yesterday's daily Bible verse from scripture talked about love as a form of currency. But promising to love others is hard and it's easy to fall short.
There's a little bit of a hypocrite in all of us. The Bible talks about unconditional love, and the reason we need a love that's so forgiving is that no one is perfect.
The diet you promised to keep but broke for a piece of cake. The time you said you would drink water throughout the day, or that you'd go to a party, but was a no-show at the last minute... there's a character flaw in all of us.
But, there's hope in love and it's one reason why it's so important to research your Bible daily and ask questions about your faith. Sometimes the message of hope comes out strongest in the person who is trying hard to overcome their own hypocrisy because not only is that person warring against the world (in hopes that they don't reveal it) but they are also in the heat of battle in a war against the self.
To love God is to fight against our own prideful nature that limits our capacity to love others fully, which is the greatest commandment of all.
The great men and women of the Bible who carried the grace-filled message of God's love to the rest of the world, and penned the Bible had human flaws, too.
If God can show his love to them, and teach a lesson of unconditional love, imagine what He wants to do in your life, too?
Here's what the Bible teaches us that love is according to today's daily devotional study and biblical interpretation scripture 2 Peter 1:5-7 for Tuesday, March 3, 2020.
The fulfillment of the gospel of Christ through the Patron Saint, Apostle Peter who wrote 2nd Peter proves that God loves flawed people.
Have you ever struggled with your character flaws? Of course, you have. I, too, have personally wondered who could ever truly love the real me, unconditionally when all my flaws were out in the open.
And, when my worst side comes out pridefully, I'd like to say that I'm ashamed, but anger sometimes makes it hard to see the truth in yourself — like Peter.
What were Apostle Peter's character flaws, according to the Bible?
Peter was a liar. Peter promised to stay beside Jesus, and then when his opportunity to prove how loyal he came, he betrayed Jesus Christ not once, but three times denying he even knew him, before Jesus was crucified on the cross.
Peter was violent. When Jesus told his disciples not to fight when he was to be taken by the soldiers into the city for his trial that would eventually lead to crucifiction, it was Peter who drew a sword and cut off the ear of one of the centurions.
Peter was proud. Peter did not have a servant's heart. When Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.
Peter stood on the sidelines, and yes, he's the same guy who refused to submit to Jesus and wrote that we all should submit to the authority of God later (John 13:8). His intentions were pure, but they also revealed control issues.
Peter had control issues. He didn't want to see Jesus humiliated, but that was the whole purpose of Jesus riding the donkey into Jerusalem, (Matthew 21:7) and dying naked on the cross later on, like a shameful criminal (John 19:16-30).
What does today's Bible verse teach us about love and grace when it comes to our worst character traits?
According to today's daily devotional and Bible love verse — grace heals anger.
Anger was a classic symptom of the Apostle Peter's personality deficits. Anger is a sign of character flaws in a person. If you have ever brought up someone's flaws, you'll likely be first met with anger, denial, and sometimes fear.
In fact, these were the primary symptoms of the Apostle Peter's character issues. Who is the Apostle Peter? He became a great servant and teacher used by God. Peter is who Christ said God's church would be the rock that the Church was built upon.
Both of these books were written by the Apostle Peter who knew Jesus when he was alive, and they are instructions for the laity of the Christian church.
According to today's daily devotional and Bible love verse — your flaws have a purpose.
You don't have to start off at a specific place or social status to love others. Peter shows us that you can teach others how to become a better person using your own flaws as a reference point.
Peter was a fisherman. He was not highly educated. Yet, it was his rough edges that smoothed over with time that provided a powerful testimony of God's work in his life.
Peter's lack of education would make him the least likely candidate to write two books that would become core to an entire global religion. However, the two books of the Bible that teach about character and how to choose men and women for leadership roles in the church were written by Peter.
However, anyone can be a writer when you write what you know. Peter understood how hard it was to overcome your personal hypocrisy and fatalistic personality traits because he was pretty much the king of failure in that department.
According to today's daily devotional and Bible love verse — love turns you into a leader.
He wrote books on how the leadership of the church should be because (in my opinion) he was none of those things. He wanted to set the bar to an ideal, that he could never reach, but with God's help, he could try to jump and hit the goal.
The Apostle Peter writes about spiritual discipline in the Bible to help Christians grow their faith.
All good coaches weren't necessarily star players. Some coaches are good because they see what others don't and they know how to motivate others to achieve their best version of themselves.
They know how to break things down into small parts so that they can help others manage their strengths and minimize their weaknesses.
Hence why 2 Peter 1:5-7 reads like an instruction manual: "For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love."
You need to grow in faith because when you're flawed you may not see your goodness hidden beneath your flaws. You need to borrow the eyes of God's love to see that purely within you.
You need knowledge. Being aware helps you to understand how to change. It's hard to change what you don't understand clearly. Because each flaw has a root that comes with an emotional trigger, that is part of a mindset.
You need self-control to combat that mindset each day. Changing the way you think isn't an overnight process.
Ask any top motivational speaker such as Les Brown, Tony Robinson or Mel Robbins, or even Brené Brown — they will tell you it takes years to figure out how your inner self ticks.
According to today's daily devotional and Bible love verse — Love takes perseverance.
Being a Christian is an uphill battle that requires tenacity, grit, and an effort.
But, the moment you think you did it all yourself, then you're back to pride, which is backsliding to square 1 of this process. Hence, why Peter said add godliness to your work.
And tons of love. Mutual affection from others is a sign that you are doing okay, and that things are working. We are a people born to be in community, and without others, there is no reciprocity of love.
According to today's daily devotional and Bible love verse — grace is a process.
Because the first law of Jesus's commission is to love others (as you love yourself) not pridefully, but with a grace that sees your flaws as hopeful processes and inner workings of God's love.
The grace that leads to works of constant forgiveness that is the language of love that all humans are asked to speak. It's what makes us all children of God — a fellowship of love.
But yes, like Peter, that's hard to do. We'd rather run from problems, avoid pain, and deny that we have any need for grace instead.
According to today's daily devotional and Bible love verse — start where you are.
Peter was an uneducated man with major character issues be the person to describe how God's future church would be?
It was his assigned mission given to him by Jesus. Peter's job was to share the gospel, but it wasn't exactly what Peter signed up to do.
In fact, Peter ran from the role, and at the end of the day, anyone could say Peter was a Christian and a hypocrite, and he was, but he was also a grace covered servant whose heart was in the right place. God looks at the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)
According to today's daily devotional and Bible love verse — you'll still make mistakes, but keep going.
Peter's character flaws and personality issues didn't really go away during his service to God until he died a martyr himself, but Peter, like you and me, can still be of service in love and grace when doing things for other people.
Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A., is YourTango's senior editor of horoscopes and spirituality. She earned her degree in comparative religious studies at the University of Miami and is a member of Theta Alpha Kappa, The National Honor Society for Religious Studies and Theology.