What Happens When You Date Someone With The Same Zodiac Sign
Is there such thing as same sign compatibility in astrology?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a relationship with someone who shares your zodiac sign?
When you meet someone and fall in love with them, it is likely that you are the clichéd opposites who attract each other's personalities. On the other hand, you may become swooned by this person because they are exactly the same person you are! And I don't mean they do everything you do, but they might enjoy the same hobbies, movies, ideals about life, etc.
I have never met another Gemini who was interested in dating me, and I thank the heavens above for this. Why? Because Geminis are stereotypically hot-headed and multi-faced masters of manipulation whenever they feel threatened. I have dealt with the really good and really bad sides of myself and I would never want to face those personalities in a partner!
But enough about me. Let's talk about you and your match made in heaven (or not, depending on your sign). Relationships are like a box of chocolates, you never know who you will pick out for that day. It might be the sweet, savory salted caramel chocolate delight. However, the next day you might get the molasses cluster, and that is never okay.
Same sign compatibility for all zodiac signs
Aries and Aries compatibility
When two Aries are together, the relationship can flourish because of both of your creative nature; you will always have a blast with one another. However, two rams who are angry at the same moment can be ugly. Do not expect a relationship without arguments with any sign. But do heed our warning of these two budding hot-heads.
Taurus and Taurus compatibility
The bull is another hot-headed force to reckon with. They have their eyes on one goal, and if you also see the same future with them, that's the ultimate goal. If you both disagree about multiple scenarios, this will cause a massive amount of tension. But like I said if you both have similar goals and ideals in mind, the relationship will not crumble.
Gemini and Gemini compatibility
These pesky twins will never bore you! But imagine two sets of twins?! You are in for a life full of entertainment. Both of you may act as two social butterflies or one of you may be the life of the party while the other is a homebody. This can make your party animal get tired of you quickly and will immediately flee the scene.
Cancer and Cancer compatibility
Two Cancers are an almost perfect match! You are both well-natured in babying the other and neither one of you complains about it. Although, this can act as a way for one of you to complain the other is mothering you way too much.
Leo and Leo compatibility
Both of you lion cubs need to receive as much attention as the other. When one of you demands the affection they need, the other might feel neglected. But if and when you find your balance, your passion will run high. Be careful not to create too much animosity in an argument, as your partner will also begin to erupt.
Virgo and Virgo compatibility
You two are highly passionate individuals who see the beauty in all aspects of life. Do not try to tell your partner how they should change their behaviors or habits because it will create multiple arguments. Do not worry too much about the outcome, just enjoy the relationship as best as possible.
Libra and Libra compatibility
Two Libras will always do their best in pleasing their partner, sexually and emotionally. They are natural love bugs who will go to every length to make sure you know you are appreciated. Be careful with the other as they will try and mask their hidden resentment towards you with an overflow of love and affection.
Scorpio and Scorpio compatibility
There is a lot of passion in this relationship. In order for this union to work, trust is an essential element here. You must openly communicate your feelings or else you are in for a disaster. If one of you becomes suspicious or jealous, run for the hills.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius compatibility
This match is one of the other few beautiful relationships! There will be lots of fun and adventures in your time together. Both of you tend to be strong speakers when discussing your opinions, but you are both okay with that. The only issue here will be if one of you wants to settle down while the other is okay with taking it slow.
Capricorn and Capricorn compatibility
Two Capricorns might not look each other's way when they are looking for a relationship. This is because you are both realists with higher goals in mind. Nonetheless, it will be a very nurturing and natural relationship when you allow it to be.
Aquarius and Aquarius compatibility
This sign is very open to hearing the other out no matter the topic. When two Aquarius come together, it'll feel like they are your best friend. The only downfall to this relationship will be how shy each of you can be.
Pisces and Pisces compatibility
These two fish will float in a pool of love. Circling one another with passion and dreams, you are both trying to reach for the stars with one another. This match is great unless one of you has issues within that need to be accounted for.
Destiny Duprey is a writer who covers spirituality, astrology, and love.