5 Reasons Physical Attraction Alone Isn't The Most Important Thing In Your Relationship
Looks fade, but the emotional connection is everlasting.

Looks may be what initially attracts you to your significant other, but physical attraction alone is not enough to sustain a relationship. Connections made based on personality are, in fact, what keeps relationships alive.
To get into a relationship based just on looks isn’t wise. Physical attractiveness only allows you to see who the person is on the outside, not where it matters most.
That’s why looks alone are not the best indicator of long-term success in relationships.
Whenever we think of a couple's likelihood to last, we think of how well they get along and their chemistry. Their collective attractiveness is what we tend to look at first, but not the main reason we think they’ll last.
There’s nothing great about having an attractive boyfriend if you don’t connect on an emotional level. You need to be able to feel comfortable enough to be your authentic self with your partner, and that means being able to laugh, cry, and eat chicken wings around them without worry.
What makes a romantic relationship so intimate and special is the ability to share vulnerable moments with one another.
Thankfully, long-lasting relationships aren’t solely built on looks because we don’t control our looks. Our genetics do, so how we look is completely out of our hands. Also, what we find attractive is sometimes subconscious.
Having binge-watching the reality series, Love Is Blind, on Netflix, it got me wondering whether this show was on to something. Is love truly blind? Can you really fall in love with someone based solely on the conversations you’ve shared with one another?
The answer to both questions is yes, but you do have to be attracted to your partner on a physical degree.
Although small, physical attraction does play a role in the success of the relationship, it’s still not the most important aspect.
Everyone should find their partner attractive enough to be able to enjoy the physical aspects of a relationship. When we get in relationships, we all want our needs to be met, so not finding your partner physically attractive could easily end the relationship, like not having an emotional connection.
When you’re choosing your next partner, be sure to keep in mind that physical attraction isn't the only thing you need for a happy and healthy relationship.
1. Just because he’s physically attractive, it doesn’t mean he’ll have character.
Him being attractive doesn’t tell you anything about how he’ll treat you. You can think of quite a few boys who were extremely hot and complete f***boys and jerks. Just because he’s hot, that doesn’t mean he’ll treat you in the manner you deserve to be treated.
After the novelty effect of your partner's looks wears off, you’ll be left with who he really is. That’s when the importance of personality and character will really hit you.
2. And it doesn’t mean he’ll be smart.
There’s nothing wrong with being a pretty boy. But in this day and age of girl bosses, intelligence is more important than ever.
Women want men who can have deep conversations ranging from business topics all the way to personal tragedies. And men who don't have the intellectual capability of holding a conversation isn't exactly your cup of tea.
3. His appearance doesn’t mean he’ll be loyal.
Not all men are cheaters. Some men are very upfront and transparent in that regard.
But it’s undeniable that the more attractive a man is, the more women will be interested in him. When you have more options to choose from, it makes it easier to cheat.
4. Physical attractiveness doesn't equate to financial stability.
Financial stability is really important in relationships, especially if you’re at the stage of moving in together. But being attractive doesn't mean he's knowledgeable about budgeting.
Unfortunately, being attractive doesn’t pay the bills... unless he’s a male model or influencer, of course.
5. All that attention based on his looks might make him self-centered.
Being attractive can really cause some people to become cocky and feel entitled. No one wants to date a guy who’s self-centered because he thinks the whole world revolves around him!
Within a relationship, it’ll become very evident that he views himself as superior to his significant other.
Tamara Sanon is a writer who covers pop culture, astrology, and Bible, and relationship topics.