9 Ways The Serenity Prayer Helps You Accept The Things You Cannot Change
Letting go is a process.

In times of trouble, people say the Serenity Prayer in search of peace because it's hard to practice letting go and accept what is in front of you. After all, it's not easy to allow God to handle the things you cannot change.
What is the Serenity Prayer?
The Serenity Prayer is often recited by people who want to change because it helps them practice acceptance. The Serenity Prayer grew in popularity among A.A. members when it was introduced to Alcoholics Anonymous.
Because of its concise and powerful message, the Serenity Prayer helps to motivate anyone to change during hard times. Whether you are religious or spiritual, there are certain prayers that help you when you feel out of control.
The Serenity Prayer has helped both religious and non-religious individuals keep their focus where it belongs. When control starts to creep back in, the Serenity Prayer is a tool that motivates them to keep going in life.
How To Say The Serenity Prayer
The full prayer goes:
"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His will.
That I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen."
However, there are several variations of the prayer, including a shorter version:
"God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference."
Who needs to say the Serenity Prayer?
The Serenity Prayer is helpful to everyone during times of fear, not only individuals in recovery from addiction. This prayer can be said by anybody who feels they need it.
This prayer wasn't solely made for people who are having a hard time; rather, it can be said when you simply want a reminder of what life is truly about.
Why does the Serenity Prayer work?
The Serenity Prayer encourages acceptance when you are trying to let go of what you can't control. Saying it during a difficult time can help you to stay focused on yourself.
The Serenity Prayer is used for healing, motivation, and wisdom. It mirrors the practices and spirituality of Alcoholic Anonymous "Twelve Steps" process.
Regardless of whether you are in recovery or you need a prayer that helps you to release your cares and concerns, the Serenity Prayer is a great way to remind you that letting go is a process.
What The Serenity Prayer Teaches
1. Trust
The Serenity Prayer teaches you to trust God, aka your Higher Power. The most important aspect of the prayer to remember is to trust the process, and the main way to do that is by trusting God.
He is in control, even when you think your life is in a downward spiral. He is there, He knows what He is doing, so just let Him work.
2. Acceptance
The Serenity Prayer encourages acceptance of two things: what you can control and what you can't. You have to remember to accept things and people for what and who they are, even yourself.
You cannot change people, but you can change yourself. If you do suffer from control issues, remember that you have to accept and love yourself before you can make changes.
3. Courage
Sometimes courage has to be blind. The Serenity Prayer encourages you to let your problems fall into God's hands. Trusting in faith that you have someone greater than yourself looking out for you helps build courage, courage, and more courage.
Courage is the leading quality people need to have. Having courage can actually help make things easier for you, even though it can feel scary. Letting go is a terrifying process but having courage is part of that journey.
4. Wisdom
Wisdom is the key, but the Serenity Prayer teaches that knowledge is a process. When you have experience, knowledge and fairly good judgment, you have wisdom and know how to use it.
The best way to fight the process while recovering is to have wisdom and to remember that life is all about experiences. The important thing in life is how we get back up and keep pushing to do better for ourselves.
5. Peace
The Serenity Prayer is a prayer for peace. You learn to protect your peace when feeling emotionally chaotic.
Peace is the most underestimated thing we take for granted. Sometimes we forget that living a peaceful life is all we need, but it's essential to a happier life.
6. Serenity
The Serenity Prayer helps you realize you deserve happiness. In order to find happiness, you have to remember that it's okay to make changes in your life.
It's easy to say that you want to be happy, but you have to put in the work and fight for serenity, even though the battle isn’t easy.
7. Self-love
Love controls all, especially learning to love yourself. In order to beat anything making you fearful, start and end your day with love.
Loving yourself and others makes the process easier. People often forget the importance of love and how giving and receiving it makes a person’s day. Love always wins.
8. Mindfulness
Each day you can strive to be a better version of yourself, and that requires you to live in the moment.
People tend to forget that they are not alone. Saying the Serenity Prayer is a simple reminder that you have a higher power who wants to help you.
9. Faith
Anything is possible, and with faith you can move mountains. You have God at the core of your life, and when you have Him, all things are possible.
In order to stay strong through tough times, you must have courage, accept things for what they are, and put God first. You can stay strong during your journey and learn to let go by repeating the Serenity Prayer.
Katrina Harris is a writer who covers astrology, spirituality, love, and relationship topics.