40 Empowering 'I Love Me' Quotes To Give Yourself For Valentine's Day When You're Single
Single and loving (myself).

Self-love is an unconditional type of love that thrives on self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-acceptance. We’ve heard it told time and time again, self-love is the best love. That really is true, because self-love can never be taken away from you. It’s a permanent form of love, unlike the love that comes from other people.
Taking time to love yourself is time well spent. You can always count on yourself to love you for who you are, no matter what, so you don’t have to fear heartbreak or loss.
With Valentine’s day right around the corner, it can be depressing to see all those happy couples going on dates and talking about how to celebrate Valentine's Day, and all those sickly sweet rom-com trailers — but don’t be discouraged.
You have your own love story... starring you.
Valentine’s day is a day about love. Who cares if people think Valentine’s day is meant only for couples? Single people can have a fun-filled memorable day just like people in relationships — or even better.
Couples aren’t the only ones who can experience love. You are completely capable of loving yourself. Being single is the perfect time to prioritize self-love. You don’t have as many distractions and can dedicate your time to yourself and your goals. Getting more opportunities to do what you love, whenever you want will really help you see the value of singleness.
Valentine's Day is an amazing opportunity to discover yourself and fall more in love with who you are, something that being in a relationship can sometimes hinder.
Dear single people, don’t allow anyone to make the love you give yourself seem inadequate, because loving yourself is a priority. Being the best version of yourself has nothing to do with your relationship status, but it has everything to do with self-love.
Single or not, you deserve the best of the best. To keep your spirits high, read these love quotes for Valentine's day that are meant for ONLY YOU about loving yourself while your single. These "I love me" quotes are empowering and remind us that it's okay to give yourself a little love... even on Valentine's Day.
40 Best 'Be Your Own Valentine' Quotes For Yourself
1. Be Bold Enough To Love Yourself.
“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.” — Aberjhani
2. Love Doesn't Only Come From Others.
“Fall in love with your solitude” — Rupi Kaur
3. Once You Love Yourself, You Can Love Others.
“Self-love is an ocean and your heart is a vessel. Make it full, and any excess will spill over into the lives of the people you hold dear. But you must come first.” — Beau Taplin
4. True Freedom Comes From Self-Love.
“No boundary or barrier surrounds the heart of a person that loves their self and others.” — Shannon L. Alder
5. Your Value Is Not Dictated By Your Relationship Status.
“She remembered who she was and the game changed.” — Lalah Delia
6. You Can Find Love Within Yourself.
“We can't be so desperate for love that we forget where we can always find it; within.” — Alexandra Elle
7. You're The Cinderella That Thrived Without A Prince.
“Happily Single" is recognizing that you don’t need or want to be rescued from your life by a handsome prince because your life is pretty awesome, as is.” — Mandy Hale,
8. Always Love Yourself.
“Be you, love you. All ways, always.” — Alexandra Elle
9. Your Independence is Beautiful.
“You are not his princess; you are your own queen.” — Nikita Gill
10. The Secret To Happiness Is Self-Love.
“To fall in love with yourself is the first secret to happiness.” — Robert Morley
11. It's Not Selfish To Love Yourself.
“Loving yourself isn’t vanity. It’s sanity.” — Katrina Mayer
12. You Give Yourself The Best Gifts.
“Forgiving yourself, believing in yourself and choosing to love yourself are the best gifts one could receive." — Brittany Burgunder
13. Self-Love Is Needed For Prosperity.
“Other than the love of God; the greatest love is self-love. You have to love yourself more than you love someone else in order to succeed in a prosperous life.” — Barbara Hart
14. Your Relationship With Yourself Is So Important.
“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance” — Oscar Wilde
15. You Are Powerful In Your Singleness.
“I am powerful in my love for myself. The truth of my being is I love myself exactly as I am. I honor my empowered heart.” — Amy Leigh Mercree
16. You Shine Brightly Regardless Of Your Relationship Status.
“We are all like candles, and whether we are single or joined with another does not affect how brightly we can burn." — Stacey Lee
17. I Chose To Be Single.
“Single is no longer a lack of options – but a choice. A choice to refuse to let your life be defined by your relationship status but to live every day Happily and let your Ever After work itself out.” — Mandy Hale
18. The Ticking Clock Doesn't Matter.
“Let us crush these so-called biological clocks that give us nothing but fear, and encourage us to make stupid decisions. Let us crush these biological clocks that hurt us and rob us of the fabulous lives that Jesus died to give us." — Osayi Osar-Emokpae
19. We Should Celebrate Singleness.
“ We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it." — Johnny Depp
20. Society Doesn't Need To Approve Of Your Singleness.
“The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself.” — Rita Mae Brown
21. No One Is Worthy Of Your Time More Than You.
“Make a pledge to yourself right now, to declare that you are worth your time and energy.” — Deborah Day
22. You Are A Complete Person.
“You are magnificent beyond measure, perfect in your imperfections, and wonderfully made.” — Abiola Abrams
23. Love Starts Within You.
“All love begins with the love within.” — Vironika Tugaleva
24. Self-Love Is Mandatory.
“Nothing is as urgent as self-love.” — Rasheed Ogunlaru
25. Be Grateful For You.
“You're taught to "be grateful" for everything. But have you ever been taught to "be grateful" for yourself? In 2020, be grateful for yourself. Make that a promise.” — C. JoyBell C.
26. You Are Giving Yourself The Best Love.
“We accept the love we think we deserve.” — Stephen Chbosky
27. You Are Powerful.
“I've got self-love, self-confidence, and self-motivation... I AM POWERFUL.” — Stephanie Lahart
28. Self-Love Is Sexy.
“Your healthy love for yourself is sexy!” — Amy Leigh Mercree
29. Love Yourself For Who You Are
“Love yourself for what you are, instead of hating yourself for what you are not.” — Faraaz Kazi
30. Live To Give Yourself The Life You Deserve.
“Living is for-giving: love yourself, accept yourself, forgive yourself.” — Wald Wassermann
31. You Matter.
“I matter. I matter equally. Not, 'If only', not 'As long as'. I matter. Full stop.” — Chimamanda Adichie
32. You Are Love.
“Love is coming home to yourself and realizing you are Love.” — Wald Wassermann
33. There's Freedom In Not Caring What Others Think.
“This is true freedom, to love oneself enough not to care what others think.” — Emiko Jean
34. You're Brave Enough To Take On Life On Your Own.
“Single" means you are brave enough to face the glorious unknown of the unaccompanied journey.” — Mandy Hale
35. Do What Makes You Happy.
“Be true to who you are! Don't sit around waiting for approval, life is too short...DO what makes you happy!” — Rosalie Bardo
36. You're Never Alone.
“Remember, you are never alone. You are always with you.” — Akiroq Brost
37. You Are A Masterpiece.
"I am the creator of my very own self and I intend to treat me like my greatest masterpiece.” — Charlotte Eriksson
38. You Are The Protagonist of Your Own Story.
"You deserve to be the protagonist of your own wonderful, bizarre, terrifying little life. If you decide you are enough, you are enough. You don’t need to wait for some grand external validation of your worth before you offer your kindest heart to yourself." — Kathy Brown
39. Count All Your Blessings.
“I celebrate who I am, what I love, and all of my blessings that lead to joy.” — Amy Leigh Mercree
40. I Love Myself Too Much To Settle For Less.
“Single |sin•gle| (adjective) - Too fabulous to settle.” — Mandy Hale
Tamara Sanon is a writer who covers pop culture, astrology, and relationships.