What The Sun In Capricorn Conjunct Pluto & Saturn Means, According To Astrology
Clean up one mess before you begin another.

What does the Sun in Capricorn conjunct Pluto and Saturn in Aquarius on January 13th mean, according to astrology?
Growing up, my little Polish grandmother would tell me to "clean up one mess before you begin another," and there is no greater analogy for this astrological event.
There is a theme being echoed on January 13th, and it's a repeat of last year's double Sun conjunct Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, only slightly different.
This time around, the universe is issuing a warning— and, that is to clean up our lives. We have to take care of ourselves, and let go of what we need to.
The Sun in Capricorn will conjunct Pluto during the New Moon in Capricorn on January 13, and Saturn in Aquarius makes this meaning in astrology important to note.
This time, however, Saturn has moved to Aquarius, so rather than empowering politics, it's shift in attention is diverting power to the people instead.
Only, we can't just go from where we are now to there.
That would be irresponsible. We need change that involves some form of clean up, and that requires taking on some work, using our platforms respectfully to help one another.
We need to be better people. Better people who understand the power that we have been given.
We must think about what is holding us back so we don’t ruin what is to come, either through the distraction of our past or just being afraid to jump into something new.
In astrology, a conjunction is when we see two planets within just a few degrees of one another.
Essentially, they combine energies and team up so that they operate from a common standpoint and affect us more strongly.
The reason we’ve been seeing so many conjunctions is that with the stellium in Capricorn, we’ve seen there already are about three planetary bodies in this earth sign.
Both conjunctions are those we often only see once a year, which means that not only is the energy very powerful, but it’s also a moment of opportunity that won’t last forever.
The last time we experienced this was in 2019.
We saw it again in 2020 and, now here it is for the last time in 2021.
Just as there is common energy of really letting go and moving on, there is also that reassurance that while we should use it as an excuse, we also can’t permanently mess up what is meant for us.
We can keep walking by a door refusing to open it because we’re afraid or because our ego tells us that we shouldn’t or can’t.
But it doesn’t mean the door disappears, it only means it exists until we’re ready to turn the knob and see what was behind it all along.
There are two important components of this astrology that we must look at in order to really understand the magnitude of what is coming in.
This occurs within just a few days of the most powerful astrology of the year:
Uranus turning direct, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, the stellium in Capricorn, and the Sun-Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
One of these events would likely cause a ripple effect in our lives that we would feel for some time, but all of them and in such a short period of time is calling for us to be aware and pay attention. And, of course, to make the most of whatever opportunity comes along.
The other important part of all of this is that both conjunctions involve the Sun, which, in astrology, traditionally represents our sense of self or our inner self, which rules our thoughts, identity, and actions.
Just like the Sun is the center of our solar system, so too is our inner self.
And just like planets orbit and turn around the Sun, the events and people in our lives move around us.
When there are transits that involve the Sun, we are more likely to see greater change within ourselves and our beliefs, which, of course, translates to change within our lives, something that will be magnified thanks to Uranus turning direct, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, and the eclipse.
The first conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn is about seeing the truth of a situation.
In many ways, we may experience relationship problems around this time that feel like they came on suddenly when they have existed for some time.
This is also a time when we may become more aware of how we feel either in a relationship, a career or life path.
Emotions like loneliness, depression and anxiety may surface, which can lead to the desire to completely overhaul your life in whatever area these feelings are occurring.
It’s important to remember that because of the astrology involved, any decisions we make about change at this point are not sudden or spontaneous no matter how it might seem.
Just because we finally have that wake-up call we’ve needed, that doesn’t mean the events that brought us here haven’t taken years or even decades.
The second Sun conjunction was with Saturn, known as the father of the zodiac, and the lord of time and karma.
This is a heavy-hitting planet that usually always provides the very obstacle we must overcome in order to achieve and build success.
The conjunction between Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn that occurred last year, was one of the most anticipated events of 2020 given that it only occurs once or twice in our lifetime.
And now, just as these planets came together, they now are both forming conjunctions with Sun so the changes they bring can be internalized.
Traditionally in astrology, the Sun is representative of more external change, and the moon internally.
While the Sun represents our inner core, it is the part of us that makes decisions; in many ways, the consciousness while the moon is the unconscious.
We can see these dramatic astrological events like a story in which we had an awakening around the 11th when the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer woke us up to feelings, desires, and a truth that we had suppressed.
Then, when Uranus turns direct it encourages us to take action.
We have already experienced the strongest stellium in Capricorn in 2020.
It resonated with tones of past conjunctions like one we experienced collectively in the 90s.
But once again, the universe comes in to assist with the sweeping change we’re on the brink of, followed by the Pluto-Saturn conjunction.
We are given the opportunity to take what we feel and incorporate it with action for each other and by each other, only made possible by having this change take root within our consciousness.
We’re not just simply heading in a new direction this year. We’re not changing names but still acting the same or dating the same type of man.
This year is about changing from the inside out, from ground up (the kind that Capricorn specifically prefers), because we must understand that there is always a time for a change, that change is unavoidable, and that we can never outrun our pasts.
We must deal with what we’ve created. We must handle the mess we’ve made or allowed before we’re free to move not just into our future, but into the possibility of "what if."
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.