What Uranus Turning Direct (After Six Months In Retrograde!) Means For Your Love Life And Relationships
Change comes when we least expect it.

After six long months of retrograde, Uranus turns direct in Taurus on January 11th, removing any blocks or illusions we’ve held about our lives. In astrology, Uranus is the planet of sudden change, and in retrograde motion, it means that much of what we’ve been going through has been internally, versus the external changes associated with this planet.
Uranus moves in seven-year cycles and just entered Taurus back in March 2019 for the first time since 1934 — the first time for many of us in this lifetime.
Because of this and Uranus, it's showing us what this new transit will mean for our lives. Uranus in Taurus is about solid and stable changes within our lives. While in Aries, many of the changes we saw were overnight, and were about destroying and burning down anything from before.
We saw things happen dramatically and swiftly, but in Taurus, this operates differently. Uranus is all about the changes, but it’s more as if seeds are planted, and with time and care they will grow and blossom. This doesn’t mean this planet, also known as the planet of shock and awe, won’t bring some unexpected moments to our lives, but it will always be for our best interest and won’t have the destructive quality we saw with Uranus’ previous cycle.
While in retrograde the past six months, it's likely we were challenged internally, meaning our mental and emotional selves went through various changes and developments. But either because there were external blocks or we didn’t feel ready, we were unable have them manifest into external changes.
As we near January 11th when Uranus turns direct, we will be able to see the way through. Where we once thought things were impossible, we will start to see an answer.
Each year, Uranus turns retrograde, which means for half the year this planet is operating and focusing on the external changes; the other half is internal changes and self, creating a balance between both parts of who we are and the life we are living.
But there is a special component to this direct motion, and it occurs on the same date (for most locations) as the second eclipse in our current series. Also occurring on the 11th is the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, which will close out our two-week window between eclipses, and officially usher us into the work and themes of what we’re meant to focus on from now until the next series begins during the summer.
Eclipses are the wild cards of the zodiac, and Uranus is the planet of unexpected change. Usually always strongest when first turning retrograde or direct, together, this energy means we should brace ourselves for the unexpected. Even if we don’t like change, we still must admit it’s necessary. We change, make life changes, and people changing is the only guarantee we have in this life.
We are the ones that deem change positive or negative purely based on how we feel about it and how it coincides with plans we have made. In truth, change is only necessary, not good or bad.
Heading into this astrology transit and the impending Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, it would be helpful to shift our perspective so we’re open to what might come up.
Instead of being scared, afraid or triggered, greet change with open arms and a smile, hoping for the best and having faith in what will be.
In astrology, solar eclipses tend to bring out dramatic external changes, while lunar eclipses govern internal changes like a change of heart or the declaration of feelings. Uranus is turning direct at the time as the lunar eclipse, so we might be on the lookout for that clash between serious and drastic emotional or mental changes with our physical lives.
We may not feel we can act on it immediately; instead, as Uranus turns direct, and with the help of the Sun-Mercury conjunct, we’re able to begin to make plans.
Taurus is an earth sign, one that is stable, grounded and focused on all the most amazing and pleasurable things in life. But it's also the ruling sign of Venus. Because of this, and the fact that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be in Cancer, a water sign that rules family and the feminine, we could see changes in those areas of our lives. It could be targeted towards the women in our lives, ourselves, how emotions are expressed, or how the lack of that affects the relationships in our lives.
It’s an emotional time for all of us, but especially those that identify as feminine, thanks to the full moon and the zodiac sign of Cancer. In addition to that, we do have Uranus in an earth sign, but it doesn’t mean we’re not going to be out of control when it comes to taking our feelings and translating that into action.
This can especially be true for any relationships that have developed over the past six months, whether it’s because we recently met someone, or even became more committed to them.
This Uranus direct period may be a time when we realize that the relationship, job, or life path we’ve chosen doesn’t mesh with the truth of our emotional self, so we’re faced with changing that.
There is no mistake that so much is happening around the time of this second eclipse, and while astrology does happen all the time, and we have free will, this is a date to circle: January 10th. We might just have to throw out any plans we thought we had for this year and be ready to make new ones.
Kate Rose is an artist, writer, passionate yogi, spiritual astrologist, relationship and life coach, and motivational speaker. As a spiritual intuitive, she practices the religion of astrology and love. For more of her work, visit her website.