Who Is Nicole Jimeno's Boyfriend? What We Know About 'The Family Chantel' Star's New American Love Interest
Sister Pedro has a new man.

The Family Pedro may have another chance to "harvest the American dollar." Nicole Jimeno, sister to Pedro Jimeno of Chantel-and-Pedro fame, has a new boyfriend — and he reportedly lives in New York City! Who is Nicole Jimeno's boyfriend?
TLC audiences recognize Nicole from her multiple appearances on 90 Day Fiancé and The Family Chantel, where she sowed discord between her brother Pedro and his wife Chantel Everett.
Pedro, who's from the Dominican Republic, came to the United States on a K1 visa to get married to Chantel several years ago. They made it down the aisle and are building a life together in Atlanta but their families have been against them almost from the start.
Nicole, in particular, really dislikes Chantel. And Chantel's family suspected that Pedro's mother wanted him to marry an American so he could send them money from the US.
Now Nicole has a new boyfriend and rumor is that he's also American. So, what do we know about him?
1. Nicole doesn't get along with Chantel.
Nicole splashed onto TLC when she appeared in an episode of 90 Day Finacé. Her brother and his wife Chantel had traveled to the Dominican Republic for their second wedding ceremony; they had gotten legally married in the US already but only Chantel's family had been able to attend.
Nicole immediately seized the spotlight by getting into a fight with Chantel, suggesting that the marriage was better off being ended, rather than recommitted. Then things got very weird when she ended a sentence by saying “en punto,” which means “period,” but Chantel thought she said “puta,” which means “b****."
Chantel asked if Nicole really called her the B-word, and Nicole said yes, apparently just to make Chantel angry. Chantel then stalked off muttering that Nicole is a "b****-ass, slut-ass, w****."
2. Chantel's family thinks Nicole is part of a plot to "harvest the American dollar."
Chantel's family is no more welcoming of Pedro than his sister is of her. Chantel's parents became convinced that the marriage was a sham, set up by Pedro's mom as a money-making scheme. They said she even had a business setting up such marriages between Dominican and American couples.
Pedro explained that she's actually a lawyer who helps people with their paperwork. Nothing he could say would make them trust him, however.
Chantel references storylines from her shows in an IG post.
3. Nicole is a terrible house guest.
In a later season of the show, Nicole came to visit Chantel and Pedro and tensions ratcheted up even further — to the point that Chantel went to stay with her family rather than bein the same apartment with her sister-in-law. The problems between the two sets of in-laws came to a head when Nicole and Pedro joined Chantel and her family at the Everett home for dinner and a fight broke out.
Chantel's brother River insulted Pedro and pushed a light fixture into his face, so Pedro reacted by pushing him. There was a melee with multiple family members grabbing at each other. It ended with Pedro and Nicole leaving the house, while Chantel's mother stood there with Nicole's weave clutched in her fist yelling for the police.
4. Nicole even tried to get Pedro to cheat on Chantel.
When Pedro made a solo trip to visit his family last season, Nicole planned a night out with friends, including a woman who had a long-standing crush on Pedro. She encouraged them to get drunk and dance provocatively.
Later, she showed video of the evening to Chantel, who was predictably upset. The fighting, the marriage sabotage, and the name-calling are all major reasons that Chantel was resistant when Pedro told her that he wanted his mom and sister to come to the U.S. eventually.
Nicole brought an old flame into the picture.
5. Nicole Jimeno's boyfriend is American.
Despite all of her on-air shenanigans, Nicole has found a boyfriend seemingly willing to overlook the way she treats her own family and in-laws. She is reportedly dating a man named Ale who lives in New York City.
She has made her Instagram account private, so there aren't any photos of the happy couple together. But reports say she has been visiting him in NYC quite a bit.
6. Are Nicole and her mom trying to come to America?
During an episode of The Family Chantel, Pedro informed Chantel he really wanted to be able to bring his mother and sister to the US. Chantel, unsurprisingly, wasn't into that idea, saying, "Why the hell would I let her live with me?”
But Pedro still wanted to be close to his family and they have always appeared to be on board with that plan as well. Maybe this new relationship will end up being Nicole's pathway to America.
Will Nicole marry an American? And will TLC consider her for her own season of 90 Day Fiancé? We can only hope so.
Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. Her work has been seen at Ravishly, Babble, Scary Mommy, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side.