24 Powerful Eminem Quotes & Lyrics About Insecurities, Enemies & Never Backing Down
Lose yourself, find yourself and be unapologetic in the way you live your truth.

Marshall Bruce Mathers III (commonly known by his stage name, Eminem) was born October 17, 1972 in St. Joseph Missouri to two parents who were musicians themselves. His father, Marshall (called Bruce) and his mother Deborah (called Debbie) were in a band called "Daddy Warbucks". They played mostly at Ramada Inns.
Mathers' parents separated when he was still young, his father leaving the family and heading to California. He would write to his father, but sadly all of the letters would all come back "return to sender".
Bullied frequently as a child, Marshall Mathers came home one time with such sever head injuries that his mother filed a lawsuit against the school. As an outlet of sorts, he discovered rap at the age of 14. He and his friend, Mike Ruby, would write songs together under the names "Manix for Mike" and "M&M".
At first the stage name "M&M" was picked for his initials, and it later evolved to "Eminem".
Mathers spent 3 years in the 9th grade, due to poor grades and truancy, before he dropped out. He started an on again off again relationship with a woman named Kimberly Ann Scott.
During the late ‘80’s and early ‘90’s he went by the name "MC Butter Fingers". He along with his group, "New Jacks" with DJ Butterfingers, signed their first label. They didn’t find much success during this time. Mathers was working cooking and washing dishes to make ends meet for himself, his mother, his girlfriend Kimberly — and his newborn daughter Hailie.
In 1997 he released an album by his alter ego, "Slim Shady". The music put out by Slim Shady gave him a way to express his more raw emotions — the songs often referenced drug use and sex, talked of rape and mental instability.
After being evicted from his home, he traveled to Los Angeles to compete in the Rap Olympics where he took second place. This got his album sent to Interscope Records and they knew they needed to sign him right away.
In 1999 the official release of Slim Shady EP was a huge success — It went triple platinum by the end of that year.
Since then, Eminem has released 10 studio albums, 4 collaborative albums. He has written two books. He was the first rapper to ever win an academy award for a song. He won over 15 Grammy awards and is on Rolling Stone’s list of immortals.
In celebration of his success, here is a list the best Eminem quotes and powerful lyrics from his best albums talking about making enemies, living life honestly and never backing down from your passions.
1. Being different is more interesting.
“A normal life is boring.”—Eminem
2. You can’t replay this level.
“You don’t get another chance. Life is not a Nintendo game.”—Eminem
3. It is your responsibility to keep trying.
“You can make something of your life. It depends just on your drive.”—Eminem
4. All you can do is keep trying.
“The truth is you don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride and nothing is guaranteed.”—Eminem
5. Work with what you’ve got.
“God gave you them shoes to fit you, so put them on and wear them.”—Eminem
6. Be true to you.
“Be yourself, man. Be proud of who you are.”—Eminem
7. You ARE beautiful.
“Even if it sounds corny, don’t let anyone tell you, you ain’t beautiful.”—Eminem
8. Always know who you are.
“It’s okay to lose people, but never lose yourself.”—Eminem
9. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you still feel insignificant.
“You can be quick, jump the candle stick. Burn you back, f*ck Jill on a hill, but you still ain’t jack.”—Eminem
10. There is a good person buried in here.
“Somewhere deep down there is a decent man in me, he just can’t be found”—Eminem
11. Just dreaming isn’t enough.
“Some people dream of success. Other people wake up and work hard at it.”—Eminem
12. Eminem hopes he inspires people to work hard toward what they want.
“If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don’t back down.”—Eminem
13. People will always either love you, or hate you so just do what you want.
“I say what I want to say, do what I want to do. There’s no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it.”—Eminem
14. Do what they say you can’t.
“I do it because I can. I do it because I want to. I want to because you said I couldn’t”—Eminem
15. This will be often, assuming they’re not in a city.
“Just promise you’ll think of me. Every time you look up and see a star.”—Eminem
16. Fueled by your hate.
“Thanks. ‘Cuz your hate is what gave me this strength.”—Eminem
17. They can’t doubt you forever!
“Everyone has goals, aspirations or whatever, and everyone has been at a point in their life where nobody believed them”—Eminem
18. Tough on the outside doesn’t always mean tough on the inside.
“I act like sh*t don’t phase me, inside it drives me crazy. My insecurities could eat me alive.”—Eminem
19. Having someone work against you means that you are working toward something.
“You got enemies? Good. That means you actually stood up for something”—Eminem
20. Don’t take things so seriously.
“Maybe one day we’ll all wake up and this will just be a dream”—Eminem
21. Sometimes you get distracted on your way to your goals.
“I shoot for the moon but I’m too busy gazing at the stars.”—Eminem
22. Don’t waste time!
“Life is too short and I got no time to sit around just wasting it” —Eminem
23. I’ve got your back.
“Straighten up little soldier. Stiffen up that upper lip. What are you crying about? You got me.”—Eminem
24. Do it for yourself.
“When I say or do something, I do it. I don’t give a damn what you think. I’m doing this for me”—Eminem
Kaitlin Kaiser is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.