The Scariest Zodiac Signs And What Makes Them So Creepy
Think of this as a warning.

No matter how kind, compassionate and non-threatening you may be, there’s still something about your personality that can scare someone. No one is all good or all bad, and most of us are a little bit of both.
It’s better to be conscious of the parts of your personality and the traits of other people that can be frightening. One way to get a better understanding of this is with astrology.
And the scariest thing about each zodiac sign all depends on placements of planets and stars.
What is the scariest zodiac sign?
Taurus has a reputation for being able to stare you down while standing their ground. Not only are they stubborn, but when they are angry, never expect them to bend or calm down. They may not get angry very often, but when they do, it's with an intensity unseen in other signs.
Does the scary part of someone only come out when they’re feeling bored, or is it when they feel overwhelmed or trapped? Does being scary make them feel powerful and intimidating, or is it something that makes them feel ashamed or embarrassed?
If you have no idea that you’re scary but someone has bad reactions to you, you may become furious or hurt. But it’s better to be aware of what makes you scary and embrace it, rather than have it be a complete surprise.
Not every trait that is scary to other people is a bad thing. You might be forceful in your opinions or impulsive. Someone could find that scary but you might think it’s a positive trait.
The Creepiest Thing About Each Zodiac Sign That Makes Them Scary
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Creepy Facts About Aries: Aries are scary because of their temper and how it can come out of nowhere.
You have to walk on eggshells around Aries because there's no way to prepare for anger. To make matters even scarier, they can be confrontational and will speak their mind, even if what they're saying is going to hurt somebody.
But it's not just their words that hurt — Aries get physical and will throw things or punch a wall.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Creepy Facts About Taurus: Taureans are scary because of their stubbornness. This isn't new information.
When Taurus digs their heels in and makes up their mind about something, it's almost impossible to get them to change it.
You know that expression "cut off your nose to spite your face?" Well, that has Taurus written all over it. They just won't give, even when it's to their own detriment.
While their stubbornness can help them accomplish their goals, it's frightening if you have to deal with it head-on.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Creepy Facts About Gemini: The reason Geminis are scary is because they're such good liars.
Some might attribute this to the duality of their personality and say being two-faced comes naturally to them, but that's not entirely accurate.
Geminis don't enjoy lying, it's just a necessary evil. Many do enjoy gossiping and talking about people, but they would probably justify it by saying that it's more out of a fascination with the way people think than anything malicious.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Creepy Facts About Cancer: Cancers can be scary in their possessiveness.
They are emotional creatures, and sometimes fear makes them clingy and causes them to hang on too tightly. They don't want to be suffocating but it may be hard for them to let go — and that includes past relationships.
The more someone Cancer cares about tries to get away, the tighter this zodiac sign hangs onto them. Pre-breakups, breakups, and post-breakups are extremely emotional times for Cancer, and they can't stop themselves from putting extra pressure on their partner.
Leo (July 23 - August 22)
Creepy Facts About Leo: Leos are scary when they get overly dramatic.
If Leo is in a mood, they'll blow up even the simplest thing and interpret it as a slam against them. Everything is a big deal, and only Leo can stop whatever it is from destroying everything in sight.
They aren't boring, but sometimes the drama is a little too much. Life isn't the theater; not all emotions need to be heightened and not every action is a reason for conflict.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22)
Creepy Facts About Virgo: Virgos can be scary in their need for perfection.
It's one thing to have ridiculously high expectations for yourself, but when it includes other people, that's not good.
Searching for flaws and mistakes in another person and finding them lacking in major ways isn't a nice thing to do, and it can be terrifying for the person to whom you're being overcritical. It's more than intimidating to be around someone you think is judging you.
Libra (September 23 - October 22)
Creepy Facts About Libra: Libras are scary in the way they can hold a grudge.
They have one side to them, which is charming and genial, and another side where they list off every bad thing anyone ever did to them.
As compassionate as Libras are, they don't have a lot of empathy for anyone they feel has wronged them. Who knows if Libra ever follows through with their grudge and tries to get revenge!
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)
Creepy Facts About Scorpio: Scorpios are scary in their fascination with true crime.
Admittedly, many of us are completely obsessed with true crime podcasts, documentaries, and TV shows. But Scorpios really get into it.
They like to visit crime scenes (not active ones) and come up with their own theories. They are brilliant analysts when it comes to crime, especially murder, and everyone knows that if Scorpio wants revenge, they're going to get it. No wants Scorpio's true crime fascination to give them ideas.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)
Creepy Facts About Sagittarius: Sagittarius' inconsistency is why they can be scary.
One moment, they're doing what they promised to do, and the next, they've completely forgotten about it. They don't like anything that feels like it's tying them down and, unfortunately, that sometimes includes responsibilities.
Sagittarians can be irresponsible, careless, and then, when confronted, they lash out. They don't lack confidence, so if someone tries to give them some helpful comments, it may not be well received.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)
Creepy Facts About Capricorn: Capricorns are scary because of how emotionally detached they can be.
It's one thing to keep your emotions under control at work, but at home is another matter.
Capricorns can be extremely focused on staying in control to such an extent that they shut down their feelings and mentally remove themselves from the situation. Clearly, they do this out of a sense of self-preservation, but it's hard to communicate with them when they're so far removed.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)
Creepy Facts About Aquarius: Aquarians can be scary in the way that they're contrary.
They may argue for something passionately that they don't care about at all, or will get into a fight as a means to become energized.
In other words, Aquarius will stir things up, without regard to the consequences, just because it's fun for them. It's a way for them to blow off steam, but they don't seem to understand that it makes them seem like jerks.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Creepy Facts About Pisces: Pisces are scary in their negative thinking.
There are times when Pisces get extremely pessimistic, especially when things don't go the way they had planned.
When they have suffered a string of disappointments, it can be challenging for them to look on the bright side. Everything will seem dark and unfair until they get inspiration from somewhere and are able to see the good in the world.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer and performer. She's had articles in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Bustle, Medium, and Woman's Day. Visit her website or her Instagram.