Quotes About Drawing Near To God For Christians Who Find Dating Complicated
When you're not sure if you should be praying to find someone.

Christian singles know how hard it is to draw near to God, especially when dating using apps or online sites.
Girl! Dating is hard. It is hard all around. It is hard to make yourself vulnerable, to let in new people, to learn about them. It is hard to relax and be yourself, to show someone new your real self, and to try to connect with someone, without fear of being hurt.
Dating is hard for everyone, and that's why it's important to draw near to God and spend quiet time alone with Him.
How can singles draw near to God when you're a dating Christian?
Quiet time helps you hear what God has to say for your life. Dating can make it hard to listen.
For singles out there trying to live Godly lives, lack of quiet time can make dating harder. Christians are required by faith to keep God at the center of their lives. They are asked to put God first, family second, and self third.
Your inner anxieties screaming, "don't go to a bar, you will make poor choices" or saying "be careful if you're going dancing". Then there are the thoughts that say "How much should I talk about God on this date? Have I brought Him up too much? Not enough?"
The main problem for a lot of Christians is living in today's society of non-committal love interests and casual intimacy. How do you remain close to God while putting yourself out there?
Here are 20 Bible quotes and verses about drawing nearer to God when you're single, dating, and a Christian, taken from scripture.
1. Trust in God to show you your future.
“I won’t give my heart to another girl until God shows me it’s my wife.” —Eric Ludy
2. Give God the reigns to guide your heart.
“If God is going to write your loves story, He's going to first need your pen.” —Eric Ludy
3. Chivalry is earthly, prayer is Godly.
“A real man opens more than your doors. He opens his Bible.”—Unknown
4. Trust that God has a plan.
“Leslie, don’t you believe that I know who you will marry, and that I’m capable of leading you to that right man someday?” —Leslie Ludy
5. Don't give your heart away until you know it's right.
“Your heart is precious to God so guard it, and wait for the man who will treasure it.”—Unknown
6. Don't allow your history to force you into the same bad habits.
“No matter where we are today or what mistakes we've made in the past, He has given us everything we need to glorify Him right now.” —Joshua Harris
7. Never lose yourself in a relationship.
“Relationships should draw you closer to Christ, not closer to sin. Don’t compromise to keep anyone, God is more important.”—Unknown
8. You will find each other.
“Imagine a man so focused on God that the only reason he looked up to see you is that he heard God say, “that’s her.”—Unknown
9. Trust that God sent someone to love you.
“You don’t have to chase what God sent.” — Unknown
10. Spirituality is attractive.
“Nothing is hotter than a man can face temptation and say, “Nothing is worth turning my back on God and losing what I have” — Unknown
11. God will guide you toward someone to love.
“She focused on God. He did the same. God gave them each other.” — Unknown
12. God's Got you.
“Wait on God and trust His timing” — Unknown
13. You want to find someone who shares your beliefs.
“God is going to send you someone who is going to constantly remind you who God is” — Kim Brooks
14. Don't focus on finding a partner, focus on your relationship with God.
“Instead of focusing on finding the right guy, spend your energy becoming the woman God has created you to be.” — Amanda de Koning
15. God puts you where you need to be
“Stop trying to be noticed, God is hiding you for a reason.” — Tovares Grey
16. Keep your eyes on God.
“Run as fast as you can toward God, and if someone keeps up, introduce yourself.” — team_Jesus Ministries.
17. Don't forget to first fall in love with God.
“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance: to seek him is the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.” — St. Augustine
18. Those who pray together.
“Be with someone who makes you feel more in love with God every day” — @adamcappa
19. You will never be second if he puts God first.
“Seek a Godly man. A man who puts Christ at the center of his life.” — Unknown
20. Find someone with whom you can share your love of God.
“A man will love you great, only when he loves God greater.” — Unknown
Kaitlin Kaiser is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.