Meaning Of Each Minor Arcana Tarot Card In The Suit Of Wands Deck

A look into the Suit of Wands in a tarot deck.

Tarot Card Meanings For The Suit Of Wands, Minor Arcana Lucas Pezeta via @pexels

When you’re starting out with Tarot, it can feel super overwhelming. There are 78 cards and each one represents many different things.

Depending on the type of Tarot spread you use and the card’s placement, the symbolism and meaning can change, too.

To read the Tarot accurately, start by learning what the Major and Minor Arcana cards mean. You can break the Minor Arcana cards into Suits and separate them from the Major cards. One deck you will find within the Minor Arcana is the Suit of Wands.

What does the Suit of Wands mean in a Tarot card reading?

The Suit of Wands Tarot card deck of the Minor Arcana is associated with new beginnings, primal energy, spirituality, inspiration, creativity, and ambition. The Suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire. Fire represents sexuality, passion and enthusiasm.

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The Wand Suit corresponds to your innermost desires. Each card tells you what makes you tick. Depending on which number you draw among the Suit, each deals with a spiritual level of consciousness. Reversed, the cards can represent egotistical behavior, impulsiveness, and meaningless.

Now that you know a little bit about the Suit of Wands, let’s dive into what each Tarot card means.

Tarot card meaning of the Ace of Wands


This card shows a hand extending from a cloud, holding a single wand. In the background, there are lush green fields and a castle.



This represents new ideas, the potential for growth, and the success it holds in the future.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright in a spread, it represents inspiration, new opportunities, growth, and potential.

Reversed meaning

When the card is reversed, it represents an emerging idea, lack of direction, distractions, and unexpected delays.

Tarot card meaning of the Two of Wands


This card shows a man in a castle, dressed in red, holding a globe and a wand. The second wand is attached to the castle.


He holds the world in his hand and has an idea or opportunity that will bring about new adventures, but he is still too scared to leave the castle to pursue them.


Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it means future planning, progress, decisions, and discovery.

Reversed meaning

When the card is reversed, it represents personal goals, inner alignment, fear of the unknown, and a lack of planning.

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Tarot card meaning of the Three of Wands


This wand depicts a man stands on a cliff, back turned to the observer. The Three wands are firmly planted in the ground.


He is able to see all of the obstacles that will be in his way from his high vantage point.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it means progress, expansion, foresight, and some overseas opportunities.


Reversed meaning

When the card is reversed, it means playing small, a lack of foresight, and some unexpected delays.

Tarot card meaning of the Four of Wands


This card shows a couple dancing happily, surrounded by flowers. A family stands near the castle in the background.


This represents the joys of achieving an accomplishment as well as the comfort of being with family and being at home.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it means celebration, joy, harmony, relaxation, and homecoming.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it represents Personal celebration, inner harmony, conflict with others, and a transition.

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Five of Wands


This card shows five people fighting each other using wands. They all dress differently, and you can notice that they are in a defensive position and not attacking.


This shows that there is no purpose to their fighting but to create discord, and they all come from different backgrounds and have different belief systems.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it means conflict, disagreements, competition, tension, and diversity.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it means inner conflict, conflict avoidance, or a release of tension.

Tarot card meaning of the Six of Wands


This card shows a man, crowned by a wreath, parading through a crowd on a white horse. He holds a wand, and the other five wands are in the background.



This shows a successful adventure and the people’s celebration of this man’s accomplishment.

Upright meaning

He wants to show off. When this card is upright, it means success, public recognition, progress, and self-confidence.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it means a private achievement, a personal definition of success, a fall from grace, and egotism.

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Tarot card meaning of the Seven of Wands


This card shows a man on fill, with a wand in each hand, fighting off the remaining wands.


He is defending his land and his accomplishments. His mismatching shoes can represent the fact that he was unprepared for battle, or could be in between beliefs.


Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it represents a challenge, competition, protection, and perseverance.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it represents exhaustion, giving up, or being overwhelmed.

Tarot card meaning of the Eight of Wands


This card shows eight wands traveling through the air at high speeds.


This shows fast movement, travel, or a change in general.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it means movement, a fast-paced change, action, alignment, and upcoming air travel.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, the card represents Delays, frustration, resisting some sort of change, and internal alignment.

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Tarot card meaning of the Nine of Wands


This card shows an injured man clutching a wand. He is surrounded by eight wands and looks defeated and tired.


This is also his last challenge, and he must muster up the strength to complete it.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it means resilience, courage, persistence, a test of faith, and boundaries.

Reversed meaning

When the card is reversed, it represents inner resources, struggle, being overwhelmed, defensiveness, and paranoia.

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Tarot card meaning of the Ten of Wands


This card shows a man carrying ten wands. He is transporting them to a village.



He is worn down but knows in a few minutes he will be done.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it represents a burden, extra responsibility, hard work, and completion.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it represents doing it all, carrying the burden, delegation, and release.

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Tarot card meaning of the Page of Wands


This card shows a young man, confidently holding a wand as he observes a tree.


He recognizes potential growth, but his wand is planted firmly on the ground, meaning he is not quite ready to take action.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it means inspiration, ideas, discovery, limitless potential, and a free spirit.


Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it means newly-formed ideas, redirecting energy, self-limiting beliefs, and a spiritual path.

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Tarot card meaning of the Knight of Wands


This card shows a knight, dressed in armor on a white horse, holding a wand. His armor has a salamander on it.


He is poised and ready for action, with a lot of energy and enthusiasm for his journey.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it represents energy, passion, inspired action, adventure, and impulsiveness.

Reversed meaning

When this card is reversed, it represents a passion project, haste, scattered energy, delays, and frustration.


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Tarot card meaning of the Queen of Wands


The queen sits on a throne decorated with lions. She holds a sunflower in her left hand and a wand in her right. She has a black cat at her feet.


She is both feminine but also in tune with the darker parts of her personality.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it represents courage, confidence, independence, being a social butterfly, and determination.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it represents self-respect, self-confidence, introversion, and re-establish a sense of self.

Tarot card meaning of the King of Wands


The kind sits on his throne holding a wand, representing life and creativity.



The lions represent his strength.

Upright meaning

When this card is upright, it represents a natural-born leader, vision, an entrepreneur, and honor.

Reversed meaning

When it is reversed, it represents impulsiveness, haste, ruthlessness, and high expectations.

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Kayla Baptista is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.
