10 Types Of Relationships That Have No Chance Of Lasting
These are basically doomed from the start.

By Unwritten
Is it ever possible to start a relationship in which partners will be able to live happily until old age?
It’s difficult to predict the future.
But, the chances of success are higher if lovers want to be together, invest emotionally, and recognize the signs of serious issues in time.
Hence, not all relationships with issues are doomed.
So, are you ready to find out what increases the risk of a breakup and how to deal with stress in the case of failure?
And what couples are doomed to break up?
1. Those who don’t discuss financial matters
Romance alone will not get you far.
If the partners aren’t aware of each other’s financial requests at the very beginning, it will play a cruel joke on them in the future.
Therefore, it is necessary to negotiate beforehand on how to manage the family budget.
Who will be the main breadwinner? What are your career ambitions? Are you both ready to sacrifice your comfort if a crisis comes?
Otherwise, there’s a risk of unpleasant surprises.
2. Those who fall in love with their illusions
It is foolish to choose a partner relying solely on who they might become in the future.
In the end, these are your guesses and dreams and you will have to live with who they really are.
If you don’t like someone’s character, bad habits, and social circle, you will not be able to change them.
Hence, you will have to be able to accept them with all their shortcomings.
However, if you are not ready, then do not be fooled. A breakup is inevitable.
3. Those who like to even the score
For example, a woman had refused to have sex, then a man did not buy her a gift.
She could not come on holidays with him, then he went on vacation alone. There are couples like this.
No one is willing to give up their wishes, so the partners play a game called “you give me something, and then I will give you something in return”.
And the rates will rise until someone gets crazy and leaves the game.
True love does not tolerate competition — you either mutually invest or you drown each other.
4. A star and an admirer
In such a relationship, one partner is selfish and requires unquestioning veneration and adoration.
First, another partner indulges them and takes care of them, almost wears on their hand until the demands of the “star” increase many times and the person does not receive anything in return.
One day, the admirer gives up and stops being a donor, because they are also alive and need love.
There needs to be a balance of energy and support if you don’t want your relationship to be doomed.
5. A thinker and a dummy
Even if the partners have been brought together by true love, sooner or later the difference in intellectual levels will manifest.
People who are at different evolutionary stages cannot be together.
If one seeks to improve oneself and develop their knowledge, while another one doesn’t need anything from life, the relationship will fail.
Sooner or later, one of them will tire of carrying dead weight and the second one will not be able to rise above their station.
6. Partners with conflicting interests
Relationships aren’t only about love.
People need to have similar interests and goals for the relationship to flourish.
If a woman wants to have children, but a man doesn’t.
If one of them wants to devote themselves to saving the world, while another one cares for nothing but themselves, then such a relationship will not work out, no matter how the two are deceiving themselves.
Lifestyles and ideals must coincide; otherwise, they will kill each other.
7. People with a big age difference
At first, in such a relationship, everything goes perfectly.
For example, the heart of a young lady loves the reliability and sustainability of a mature partner.
However, they will hardly be together to old age, since their interests and needs differ too much.
At some point, the young partner may want to have kids, devote themselves to self-realization, and feel passion, while the second one, being in their 50s, quickly loses interest in everything and tires himself of the frenetic pace.
Then, their future can be doomed.
8. Two leaders
This type of relationship is about strength, purposefulness, and a strong-willed character.
They are similar and this cannot inspire.
However, a relationship is the union of a leader and a follower or when both partners are easy-going and willing to share obligations.
Leaders are not capable of giving in, because they want to be first and foremost in everything.
And if there are two bosses, there can be a struggle for power, which, in turn, can result in a breakup.
9. An emotionally unstable couple
When one of the partners plays the role of a caring parent, sooner or later they will become exhausted - especially if they get nothing in return.
A person gets tired of being forgiving and all-loving when their efforts are sabotaged and criticized; they also have the right to love!
Therefore, they leave and go where they will be valued, taken care of, and where they will always be welcomed.
10. Those who are united only by physical proximity
If the partners have nothing in common except physical proximity, then their relationship is doomed to fail.
In any relationship, you also need to talk, do household chores, and be there for each other in times of grief and joy.
And what if there are health problems, financial problems, or personal crisis?
You cannot build a strong and healthy relationship if it’s only based on sex.
However, you can find an exception to each of these cases.
A breakup is the last resort and most couples aren’t doomed to end up like that.
Many problems between partners can and should be worked on and solved.
But, only if both partners want it.
However, if the breakup is inevitable, it’s necessary to do your best to get over it with minimum losses.
Moreover, if you haven’t met your beloved one yet, then you should visit godatenow.com. There, you will be able to find someone special.
What are some of the most common signs that a relationship will fail? Let us know in the comments below!
Unwritten is a website covering relationships, dating, and love. For more of their relationship content, visit their site.