6 Things To Know When Planning To Move In With Your S.O.
It's a major change.

My S.O. and I have remained together through thick and thin.
Some of those times were quite thin, indeed.
After about a year, we decided, primarily for economic reasons, to move in together.
I love a lot of things about living with my beau, but it took me a while to adjust.
I’m fiercely independent and giving up my own space did not come easily.
Here are six things I wish I had known before I made the leap — keep reading if you’re thinking of making the move yourself!
1. You will find out how cluttered they really are
Clutter stresses me out to no end.
When I come home to a cluttered house, I automatically grit my teeth, throw my hands up, get to organizing, and start griping about second-shift labor.
I’m also a paperless tree-hugger.
My S.O. hoards paper, like a squirrel building a nest for winter. He makes endless lists.
Coming to a compromise about excessive resource consumption, not to mention regular recycling, took a lot of work, but was worth it in the end.
2. You will discover their little quirks after the move
If you’ve been hiding the fact that re-watching The Office for the 30th time while downing a pint of Ben & Jerry’s represents your perfect Sunday evening, you’re about to blow your cover.
That’s okay, though.
You will soon find out about their proclivity for jamming out to metal while performing household chores.
Everyone has their little quirks, whether you like it or not.
Some will drive you mad, others will make you laugh.
So, remember that, in the end, a deep belly laugh benefits your health and builds intimacy.
So, respond kindly to your partner’s eccentricities.
3. You will argue (perhaps more than once) about money
How you decide to split up the bills is highly personal.
But in most relationships, some degree of income inequality does exist.
Money expert Suze Orman recommends splitting bills up according to income lines, but you may have other personal considerations.
For example, if you live for hours-long baths on the weekend, but your beau pays the water bill, expect some griping.
The same goes if, when winter comes, you feel like you’re in a deep freezer, but your S.O. insists they’re comfy.
We worked ours out by me tackling the electric bill (I like temperature controlled my way year-round), and he took water and sewer.
4. Your viewing habits may change
I’m one of the lucky ones whose boyfriend doesn’t watch football on end.
However, many find themselves listening to the drone of sports announcers after moving in with their S.O. or any other number of programs that you may find annoying, for that matter.
For better or worse, your S.O. will change your viewing habits once you move in together.
Try to be supportive and share the television equally so that resentment doesn’t build!
5. You will need to let things go when you move in
However you split the chores, one of you will insist that the other doesn’t do their share quite the right way. This is normal.
Furthermore, a recent study from Wakefield Research and TaskRabbit revealed that nearly half of Americans have argued over household chores at some point.
Maybe your beau scrubbed the toilet, but forgot to put a few drops of essential oil in the toilet brush holder for scent and disinfection.
Thank them anyway.
6. You will love and cherish your alone time
I love my S.O. I also breathe a sigh of relief when I get some alone time and I know he does too.
After living alone for a long time, I crave my solitude.
No matter how much you love someone, cohabiting means having someone aware of your every move, even in your private moments.
Make time for yourself.
Keep your own friendships and outside interests — doing so will help you stay sane.
Moving in with your S.O. can solve a host of problems — or create new ones.
Awareness and knowledge are the keys to success!
Work on making your communication habits positive and constructive.
As long as your S.O. is willing to give you the same respect and courtesy, you should get along swimmingly!
Good luck!
Kate Harveston is a writer who focuses on relationships, dating, and love. For more of her relationship content, visit her Twitter page.