20 Quotes That Answer The Question: 'Can Money Buy Happiness?'
Sometimes more cash is what you really need.

Money, riches, fame. All things plenty of us dream about having one day. They can all do so much for you and can seemingly get you anything and into anywhere. If you have the cash, you can do it.
But, with desires such as these, the age old question rises to the surface — can money buy happiness?
Sure, it can buy that dress or car you’ve been wanting or get you on that cruise ship to the Bahamas, but deep down, are you truly happy? Some might immediately answer yes. You’re surrounded by stuff, and stuff you like. Of course you’d be happy! Who wouldn’t be? This is all stuff you wanted and now you have it.
For others, though, happiness is not that simple. They could buy and buy and buy and still not be satisfied. That’s because the best things in life don’t typically come with a price tag.
Think about it, what sounds more valuable, a luxury trip around Europe by yourself, or a short road trip with friends? To me, memories are what should hold the most value.
But regardless of what everyone thinks, it’s ultimately up to you to figure out what makes you happy. But just remember one important thing: money only lasts for so long, so try to find what makes you truly happy before the cash flow runs dry.
Now of course there are plenty of people out there who just want to spend, and if you have the means, I won’t stop you. If I had the money to buy everything I wanted, I probably wouldn’t stop either. So for those of you that believe money does buy happiness, here are 20 other people that think along similar lines as you do. Take a look below at the best quotes about money buying happiness that prove a few bucks can go a long way.
1. The amount of money you have can determine your quality of life.
“How you do money is how you do life.” –Orna Ross
2. Money can change a person’s feelings pretty quickly.
“...it is a fact that money exhilarates people, it puts them in hysterias of good cheer, they suddenly care about you and want the best for you.” –E.L. Doctrow
3. Money is a problem solver.
“They say money can’t buy happiness. But it can sure as hell solve a lot of problems!” –Robert Rolih
4. You can buy whatever you want!
“I love money. I love everything about it. I bought some pretty good stuff. Got me a $300 pair of socks. Got a fur sink. An electric dog polisher. A gasoline powered turtleneck sweater. And, of course, I bought some dumb stuff, too.” –Steve Martin
5. Part of the joy it brings is in the way you got it.
“Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.” –Franklin D. Roosevelt
6. Though the best riches can be found within.
"Happiness resides not in possessions, and not in gold, happiness dwells in the soul... By desiring little, a poor man makes himself rich." –Democritus
7. Same, Twain.
"I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position." –Mark Twain
8. From a practical standpoint.
"Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons." –Woody Allen
9. You’ll miss out on nothing.
"Wealth is the ability to truly experience life." –Henry David Thoreau
10. Money’s definitely important.
"When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old, I know that it is." –Oscar Wilde
11. Remember you spend more than just money.
"Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time." –Jim Rohn
12. Pursue what you love.
"Money is not the most important thing in the world. Love is. Fortunately, I love money." –Jackie Mason
13. It’s all about finding the right store.
"Whoever said money can't buy happiness simply didn't know where to go shopping." –Bo Derek
14. Comfortably miserable.
"Money, if it does not bring you happiness, will at least help you be miserable in comfort." –Helen Gurley Brown
15. Unfortunately happiness isn’t a currency.
"What's the use of happiness? It can't buy you money." –Henny Youngman
16. You can rent for as long as you have the funds.
"Money cannot buy happiness; it can, however, rent it." –Gordon Livingston
17. Remember to be smart with it.
"A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart." –Jonathan Swift
18. 365 days a year.
"Money makes the world go round." –John Kander
19. Always $19.95.
"The best things in life are free - and $19.95." –Billy Mays
20. It’s one way to find out who you and the people around you really are.
"Money and success don't change people; they merely amplify what is already there.” –Will Smith
Jesse Oakley is a writer who writes about love, relationships, self-care and spirituality/astrology.