How To Use The 7th House Of Marriage To Find Your Soulmate, Per Astrology

The Seventh House in Astrology is known as the House of Partnership and Marriage

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Everyone wants to meet, marry, and find their soulmate.

You can see how you are designed for lasting love by looking at which zodiac sign and what planet is in your seventh house via your natal chart.

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Libra is charged with rulership over the seventh house. Libra's zodiac sign helps you to understand fairness, justice, partnership, and love as described in marital terms.

Marriage isn't just a holy sacrament, it's also a legal contract with certain duties and functions.

When people get married they also are endowed with rights that non-married persons don't have.

You don't have to be married to have a seventh house partnership, actually or to have a relationship that lasts forever.


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Living with someone, according to astrology, is like marriage. So, this type of soul tie will show up in the seventh house as well.

It makes a lot of sense to see the seventh house of marriage and partnerships from these standpoints, especially if you're trying to understand the meaning of your natal chart.

You may or may not have a planet in your seventh house, but everyone is born with the seventh house in their natal chart. Also, your seventh house might not be in the sign of Libra.

Yours can be in any of the twelve zodiac signs within astrology, and yes, the seventh house can have two zodiac signs on the cusp. This too tells a story about your marital future.


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The seventh house is ruled by the zodiac sign Libra and carries with it the planetary ruler, Venus. So having a planet in this location can help you understand what you are here to learn, do, or accomplish when married.

The Seventh House is the perfect place for you to fall in love and to shift from being more self-oriented to more partner-oriented. In the Seventh House, it is very important to have a purpose.

You want to have a goal that you can strive to achieve. You could be striving to accomplish something small or something large for your relationship.

You will see that when you find your soulmate, you will feel complete. Like you have found your other half.


Love in the Seventh House, according to Joni Patry, explains the expectations you may have when it comes to marriage. You may be living together but you have a commitment to each other.

Planets in the Seventh House show a reflection of who you are and you will attract someone that matches your self. She also describes what it means for each planet to be in the Seventh House.

So, here is what astrology says it means to have a single planet in the seventh house for love, marriage, and find your future soulmate or partner.

Sun in the Seventh House

The Sun is the planetary ruler of Leo. The Sun represents the ego and Leo is known for its playfulness.


Leo is also the king of the zodiac and someone who loves to be in the limelight, and even hog it.

When you have the Sun in your Seventh House, you may find a partner who shines too brightly and is overpowering.

However, to make love last you'll have to accept their need for attention, or the relationship will not work. Sadly, these types of power struggles aren't good for relationships when the Sun is also in Leo.

For long lasting marriage,  you're likely to attract someone who has strong Leo or Aquarius traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Leo.

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Moon in the Seventh House

The Moon rules the zodiac sign, Cancer. The Moon, like Cancer, is the symbol of our emotions and how they change.


When the Moon is in the Seventh House, you fluctuate and change very often. Your moods can be influenced by your partner's personality.

You are likely to attract a soulmate who has strong Cancer or Capricorn traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Cancer.

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Mercury in the Seventh House

Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini. The planet Mercury is charged with communication, transportation and the way you learn.

To have Mercury in your Seventh House you need a marriage that allows you to communicate with your partner.

This is very important. It is imperative for you to have intelligent conversations where you understand each other deeply. You may find a younger partner and will have a great sense of humor.


You are likely to attract someone who has strong Virgo, Pisces or Gemini traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Pisces.

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Venus in the Seventh House

Venus rules two zodiac signs, Taurus and Libra. Venus is the planet of love and beauty. It defines how you receive love and how you want to give it.

When Venus is in the Seventh House, it means that you have lots of love and give off charismatic energy.

You are an attractive partner and want to be with someone who has looks you simply can't resist. This can cause jealousy if you or your partner attracts the wrong type of attention outside of your relationship.


You are likely to attract someone who has strong Virgo or Pisces traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Pisces.

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Mars in the Seventh House

Mars is the planetary ruler of Aries. Aries has to be first and can make for an impatient partner. You don't want to bore an Aries or else it's bye-bye for you!

You also don't want the planet Mars in the Seventh House because you likely won't be very cooperative when someone tells you what to do. Mars is the god of war so it will make you much more argumentative when you feel like someone is trying to control you.

This is not good for compromise and can be very problematic if you end up with a partner who also has their Mars in the Seventh House or is a Sun in Aries person.


You are likely to attract a karmic soulmate who has strong Aries traits but the relationship won't last. It's better to choose a person with personality traits like a Gemini who will find your energy exciting.

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Saturn in the Seventh House

Saturn rules Capricorn and Saturn, when it's in the Seventh House, you can stay married for long periods of time. When Saturn is in the Seventh, you have the tendency to stay in a relationship way past its due date.

You might be attracted to someone more mature, older, someone who will take care of you because this person will be much more stable.


You are likely to attract someone who has strong Cancer or Capricorn personality traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Capricorn.

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Jupiter in the Seventh House

Jupiter brings luck. Jupiter rules Sagittarius who is a mutable zodiac sign and easy to get along with but they don't always like to be tied down for too long.

Jupiter in the Seventh House makes a very philosophical partner. You may be attracted to people who have some sort of addictions or are excessive in some way, and you may find a relationship with a foreigner.

You are likely to attract someone who has strong Sagittarius or Gemini personality traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Sagittarius.


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Uranus in the Seventh House

Uranus rules Aquarius, an air sign. Aquarius is a natural friend to all, but they are also cold and distant when it seems that the relationship is controlling or doesn't make sense after a while.

Uranus in the Seventh House can be advantageous if you're a Gemini Sun sign or have your Venus in Gemini. Uranus can bring you a partner who travels a lot, who's not around, and that you feel disconnected from. You might find yourself attracted to unique and unusual individuals.


You are likely to attract someone who has strong Leo or Aquarius traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Leo.

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Neptune in the Seventh House

Neptune rules Pisces and it also is a planet of dreams and escapism. If you have Neptune in your Seventh House you'll want a partner who grounds you.

But, there's a negative to Neptune in the Seventh House. You might pick a partner who is dishonest.

On the positive side, you could marry someone who is spiritual, even a mystic. How you communicate will require work either way.

Neptune in the Seventh House can mean someone is not clear in communicating and therefore there is a lot of misunderstanding when you talk about heavy topics.


You are likely to attract someone who has strong Virgo or Pisces traits, or who has their Venus in the sign of Pisces.

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Pluto in the Seventh House

Pluto equals passion and power. Pluto can also be a manipulator. Pluto is the planetary ruler of Scorpio which is the sign of rebirth and lust.

To have Pluto in the Seventh House calls for a very controlling partner. You attract people who you really dislike and fear.

At first, you might be lured by passion and find yourself lost in emotion, but when you dig in deeply, you may notice red flags. It's important to pay attention to them.

Not all hope is lost if you have Pluto in your Seventh House, however. You may attract a Taurus or a Scorpio zodiac sign who is here to love you with all they have.


Take your time getting to know your partner and don't be shy about asking questions until you're confident things are healthy.

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Senior Editor, Aria Gmitter, M.S, M.F.A. is a writer who covers love and relationship topics involving spirituality, astrology, and celestial events. Follow her on Facebook.


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Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, and relationship topics.
