8 Natural Remedies For Anxiety & Stress That Are Incredibly Powerful
Things you might already have in your house could be the answer to your anxiety.

When you have anxiety, it feels like there is never an escape from those spinning thoughts. It can be hard to find ways to relax when you're starting to feel anxious or having an anxiety attack.
However, not everyone wants to go on a medication or talk through their problems with a stranger just yet. It can be really hard to work up the courage to admit your anxiety is a problem and seek help.
Thankfully, there are many natural remedies for anxiety that you can do at home.
As well as addressing anxiety, these remedies also teach you how to alleviate stress and those annoying symptoms that come with it.
I have been lucky enough to see a few therapists and doctors in my lifetime who have taught me a lot when it comes to treating anxiety. It isn't all about the medications — there are really simple remedies you can make to help calm you down when you need it.
These remedies can be used when you feel stressed at home or when you have an anxiety attack coming on in public. Some of these tips are just things you can buy from the grocery store that can help your anxiety, some you have to make (almost like an anti-anxiety recipe), and other natural remedies that won't break the bank.
Remember: your anxiety is something shared by many — you are not alone. While everyone suffers from anxiety in varying degrees, I know how upsetting it is to deal with severe anxiety almost daily.
Here are some natural remedies for alleviating anxiety and stress.
1. Freeze an orange. Yes, freeze an orange!
Okay, this first one sounds weird, but trust me when I say it really does work.
When you are feeling anxious or on the verge of having an anxiety attack, your brain needs something to focus on other than your anxious thoughts. Buy a large orange and keep it in the freezer. It will become really hard, almost like a hockey puck.
When you start to feel anxious, without thinking, just immediately walk to your freezer, pick up the orange, and hold it in your hand. Focusing on the orange and how cold it is will help your anxiety slowly fade away.
Move the orange from one hand to the other — the motion will help focus your mind and calm your nerves. While this trick only works if you're at home, it does make a big difference in preventing an anxiety attack.
2. Keep peppermints with you wherever you go.
One key symptom many deal with when it comes to anxiety is nausea. Our brain is so powerful that it can make us feel sick and on the verge of vomiting when we aren't. This symptom has always been the worst for me when it comes to my anxiety.
Peppermint is an incredible, natural remedy for stomach aches and pains. When your stomach feels nauseous or when you start to feel your anxiety taking over, pop a mint in your mouth.
Altoid mints, in particular, are known for being extra strong when it comes to that peppermint taste and will take away that queasy feeling in your belly. They will also make your breath smell good — win, win!
3. Make your own lavender essential oil and keep a little bottle with you in your purse.
Lavender is known for its calming properties — simply smelling or even seeing the color lavender can help put the mind at ease. Lavender is great for helping you go to sleep when your anxiety won't let your mind rest, or when you are out in public and need a little something to take the edge off.
While you can buy already made essential oils, they can be a bit pricey and sometimes contain ingredients that aren't natural. Making your own oil is easy, fast, inexpensive, and will keep your mind occupied on something for a little while.
All you need for your oil is freshly cut or dried lavender (crushed), vitamin E, and olive oil.
Let your crushed lavender dry overnight and then place it in a jar with an unscented oil. Olive oil works best for this, but you could use any oil of your choosing.
Fully cover the lavender with oil, leaving about two inches at the top of the jar for expansion. Let your lavender and oil soak in the sunlight (if you can) for about 48 hours.
After that, strain your oil and add the rest to a new, dark container. You may add vitamin E if you wish for extra healing properties. Dab a few drops of the oil onto your wrists or behind your neck to help alleviate your anxiety and keep you calm.
4. Always have a few pouches of ginger, green, or chamomile tea at your disposal.
Decaffeinated tea is a great natural supplement to help calm the nerves and soothe the soul. There really is nothing better than curling up under a blanket with a hot cup of tea, even in the summer time.
Ginger tea is incredible when it comes to relieving nausea, bloating, and headaches — all of which are nasty symptoms that come with anxiety. Brewing a hot cup of ginger tea and adding a few drops of honey will help your body become less tense.
Chamomile is also known for releasing tension and calming the mind. Green tea is helpful in reducing high blood pressure when you feel a panic attack arising. It is also good for calming the body and helping you focus on meditation and breathing.
Try to take a few deep breaths between each sip of tea and watch your anxiety slowly fade.
5. Take a steaming hot bath or shower.
If you can, take a steaming hot bath when you start to feel anxious. The warmth from the steam will help release your body's built up tension and slowly calm your nerves.
Why do you think people pay hundreds of dollars to go to a spa for an hour? The warm water and steam can really work wonders on your body and mind.
6. Exercise!
Exercising for about 20 minutes a day can really help relax your body and clear your head. When you're working on something that is starting to stress you out or you just need to break away from your routine for a couple minutes, go for a run outside.
Giving your body a reason to work off all of those pent up stressors and sweat it all out will help you sleep better at night and prevent more frequent anxiety attacks. On the next nice, summer day, try going for a little jog around your neighborhood.
7. The easiest trick in the book: Just breathe!
Easier said than done, focusing on your breathing when you're feeling anxious isn't always a simple task. If you really focus your mind on your breath, your anxiety will go away.
Your body can't focus on two things at once, so it will have to choose between your breathing or your anxious thoughts. Push yourself to breathe in for four seconds, hold it for seven, and then let it out for eight. This is called the 4-7-8 breathing technique and my therapist swears by this one — and so do I.
8. Learn about and practice mindful meditation.
You don't have to join a yoga class (although they are very beneficial) to reap the benefits of it. Look up a mindful meditation practice on YouTube and find one that you resonate with.
Find a quiet place in your home and sit cross-legged with your back straight. Follow along and try to focus on your breathing as you go. Mindful meditations can last as little as ten minutes and go for as long as an hour. Find one that fits into your schedule and try to meditate a few times a week.
Carlie Fox is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.