85 Amazing Tree Of Life Tattoo Ideas For Your Next Ink
If you are looking for some beautiful tree inspired tats, here are some great ones.

The Tree of Life holds a lot of symbolism in almost all cultures. It shows how the earth is linked to heaven and hell.
There are many meanings and interpretations. The Tree of Life can be "a feminine symbol, bearing sustenance, and a masculine, visibly phallic symbol - another union."
The trees that have no leaves or only some, illustrate your resurrection. The tree also bears fruit or seeds, which alludes to immortality because of the constant cycle of production. The Tree of Life also gives gifts and wisdom of spirituality.
The Tree of Life also can represent our nervous systems when it is inverted. The roots represent the nerves in our brain and the branches spread throughout the body.
If you want to learn more about the symbolism behind the Trees of Life in different cultures, look here.
The Tree of Life used as a tattoo has many different meanings. It can represent the foundations of the world, immortality, and renewal.
You need to research the meanings behind the Tree of Life tattoos so that you can pick the one that means the most to you. There are Celtic meanings, Biblical Meanings, and many more. Once you have picked the type of tree, you can personalize it to fit who you are.
And don't forget to decide if you want it black and white or in color. If you choose the latter, you need to pick the colors you want and the effect they will have, whether it be watercolor backgrounds, colorful leaves, etc.
If you include birds, it means sustenance, wealth, and prosperity. If you put a Sun and/or a Moon, it represents the passage of time and the connection we have to the heavens. If they are a backdrop to the tree, it represents renewal. But most of all, the tree means immortality and that wife will go on for eternity.
So if you are looking for a Tree of Life tattoo, really put some thought into the design so that you can have an image that is special and unique to you.
So, here below, are 85 images for your viewing pleasure and inspiration. You can take pieces and parts and make your own family tree, palm tree, pine tree or forest tat.
1. A heavy outline.
2. Birds together flock together.
3. Leaves of a tree keep growing.
4. A little spotty.
5. Mandalas for life.
6. Names are apart of your tree of life.
7. Hearts of love.
8. We all have roots.
9. Life and death are tethered together.
10. Geometric tree of life.
11. One green leaf on a dormant tree.
12. Crisp and clear.
13. The owl watches over your tree of life.
14. The more roots you have, the more interesting your life is.
15. A crescent moon.
For Creative Juice: Ideas, Projects & Tutorials
16. A light, wispy tree.
17. Cyber tree.
18. A full tree.
19. A subtle understatement.
20. The sun and the moon are apart of your tree of life.
21. A beautiful combination of green.
22. Two little birds sitting in a tree.
23. A tree is the symbol of your soul.
24. Just a nice outline.
25. Initials carved into a tree.
26. Just a reminder that life is too short.
"You only live once."
27. Crisp, warm colors.
28. A feminine tree of life.
29. Dark linework shows the depths of your soul.
30. The comparison of light and dark.
31. A clear, traditional image.
32. A rocky life.
33. A bright splash of color.
34. A little blue and pink make the tree come alive.
35. What an amazing thing a little color can do.
36. Just a small statement.
37. A branch of beautiful, vibrant flowers.
38. Three different tree of life examples.
39. A full torso of color.
40. A little bit of color shows how the tree is alive and thriving.
41. A bright, light tree image for a girly girl.
42. A true watercolor tree.
43. Wispy, girly, lovely.
44. A bit realistic.
45. Plain, never dull, never boring.
46. Ancient and timeless.
47. The amazing sky behind a sharp outline.
48. Your DNA is a part of your family tree.
49. A full moon tree = a full life.
50, Bright color brings happiness to every corner of your life.
51. This one is my personal favorite.
52. A play on watercolors.
53. A vibrant tree of life.
54. An ambre tree.
55. The key to life.
56. A fully pink tree.
57. An inspirational family tree.
58. A tree outlined with color.
59. A color-saturated tree.
60. A paint-splattered tree.
61. A tree is afoot.
62. A little eerie.
63. So clear and colorful, it almost looks real.
64. An exact replica.
65. A tree gives you warmth.
66. A tree dedicated to a loved one.
67. When you fly the nest.
68. A tree gaining it's leaves.
69. Show your spirit.
70. All the seasons.
71. You hold your life in your own hands.
72. Your tree is your dream.
73. Turn your tree of life into a treehouse.
74. It's the circle of life.
75. A splash of green.
76. Drips of ink.
77. Yin Yang.
78. A beautiful baby belly.
79. A heart tree.
80. Life keeps going on.
81. A whimsical tree.
82. A full tree = a full life.
83. A subtle understatement.
84. Intricate tree cross.
85. Trying something new.
Emily Francos is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics. Follow her on Facebook.