How To Use The Power Of Manifestation To Get What You Want In Life
Make the things you want happen.

We all have hopes, dreams, wants, and desires. At a young age, I was taught that what's meant to be yours will be yours. But what if you can make something yours?
Lately, I've been interested in the power of manifestation.
What is the power of manifestation?
Manifestation is essentially the act of feeling something is yours and making it real. When you manifest something, you're making it known to the universe that this thing — whether it's a dream job or a new car — will be yours.
It is a combination of pseudoscientific self-help strategies intended to bring about a personal goal, primarily by focusing one's thoughts upon the desired outcome. The techniques are based on the law of attraction of New Thought spirituality.
In order for manifestation to work, you have to fully believe in it. Throw your negative mentality out the window and start thinking positively. Negativity will only hold you back from everything. Even if you just start thinking with a positive attitude, you'll see a big change in your quality of life.
However, manifestation takes a lot more than just positive thinking. You have to have faith in the process and know that what you're manifesting will be yours.
One of the most important parts of the process is to be in the mindset that you already have what you're trying to manifest.
If you're wanting to test things out a little, I recommend starting small. For example, manifest something like a free meal and watch in amazement as it actually happens sometime that week.
Manifestation really works! Here are some different ways you can manifest what you want. I guarantee whatever you want will be yours.
4 Ways to Use the Power of Manifestation
1. You can manifest using objects.
You can manifest using objects by putting all of your energy into a specific object. Hold it in your hands and fill that object with positivity and your dreams.
One easy thing you can use to manifest your dreams is water. Fill up a glass bottle with clean water, preferably something like spring water, and wrap your hands around the bottle. Think about all the things you want to manifest and put them into the water. Many even claim that water molecules can change with high vibrational positive energy. Once you put your manifesting thoughts and positive energy into your water, take a sip. Keep it nearby, like on your nightstand, and drink from your positive water any time you feel like you want to manifest something towards you.
Another popular way to manifest with objects is using crystals. Crystals are known to have different healing powers and different energies. Choose a crystal that has a significant meaning to you, or it can even just be one you think is pretty, and hold it in your hands. Put your energy and dreams into it and keep it around you. Hold the crystal whenever you need to feel that energy or whenever you want to start manifesting something.
2. You can manifest using meditation.
Meditation in general is good for the soul. It helps calm the body and mind and brings peace into your daily life. Meditation teaches us to focus on one thing and to let go of everything else around us.
You can set any intention you want when meditating, but in this case, your intention will be to manifest your dreams. During meditation, close your eyes and do some visualization exercises. Visualize how your life will be when everything you want has come to you. Picture yourself getting in your dream car and turning it on. Imagine what your hands feel like on the wheel as you start driving away.
As your meditating, focus on this and you can even go through the motions. Children have big imaginations and it's time to bring yours out too because whatever you imagine and believe in will be yours.
3. You can manifest using your words in mantras.
Manifesting with words can be very easy, but it takes some getting used to. When a lot of us want something to happen, we use words like "I wish" or "I want", or even "I hope". When it comes to manifestation, those words don't exist and they should never be in your vocabulary.
Manifesting is all about believing that you already have something and letting it come to you, so speak in the present and use active words.
For example, instead of saying "I want that raise", say "I'm going to get that raise." Change your mindset into a positive one. Another example is instead of saying "If I'm chosen for that new job", say "When I'm chosen for that new job...". You'll be surprised at what a big difference those small words can make.
4. You can make a list of what you want to manifest in your life, also known as scripting.
It's good to talk about things and manifest them that way, but what makes your thoughts and desires even more real is writing them down.
Pick up a pen and write out your dreams in any way, such as in list form, as a letter, or even as a story. Write out how your dream life will be, but the key is to write it as if it's how your life is currently.
For example, you can make a list that says "I'm grateful now that I have..." and list all the things that you want to manifest towards you. The more detail you write in the better! Then, store your desires in a secret spot and you can reread them anytime you want. Reading what you wrote down out loud helps put it out into the universe too!
3 Manifestation Examples
1. 369 Manifestation
The 369 manifestation technique involves using the sacred numbers of 3, 6, and 9.
There a few ways people use this method.
One is to pick three affirmations, say them six times each day, and focus on your wants for nine seconds as a way to just think about what you want to manifest.
Another is to write your manifestation down three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening.
2. 5x55 Manifestation
The 5x55 manifestation technique involves writing down what you want to manifest 55 times for 5 days straight.
Make sure to keep your mind on the single desire you want to become true while you write.
3. 10-10-10 Manifestation
The 10-10-10 manifestation technique involves writing out three lists number 1-10. You make one list of 10 things you desire, another list of 10 things you're grateful for, and then 10 things you enjoy.
This manifestation practice is focused on creating a positive mindset for yourself.
4. Water Manifestation
The water manifestation technique only takes about 3 minutes to complete. You'll need two cups, one filled with water and the other left empty.
Label the cup filled with water with your current reality (if you are manifesting money, you would put the amount you currently have), then label the empty cup with your desired reality (i.e. being rich).
Hold the cup labeled with your current reality and focus on the emotion of already achieving your desired outcome. You then pour the water into the empty cup and drink it while keeping your desire in mind.
5. Sigils Manifestation
Sigil manifestation uses symbols called Sigils which are symbols used to harness all of your positive energy and will into action.
To create your manifestation sigil you first write out your affirmation and then cross out any vowels. Then rewrite and cross out repeating letters. Make a numerical chart and find teh numbers that correspond with the remaining letters.
Finally, create a number circle and connect your numbers within the circle. Ta da! You have created your manifestation sigil!
6. Journaling or Scripting Manifestation
This manifestation technique can be done in just about a million different ways.
You can manifest anything through journaling by creating lists, learning from your past, tracking dating activities, and figuring out exactly what you want.
7. The Money Manifestation Mantra
This manifestation technique started out on TikTok.
It works by holdings four pennies together and shaking it while you listen to the "money Mantra" song.
8. Other Mantras
Mantras in general are a great way to manifest what you want in life. Repeating a mantra helps initiate and curate positive thinking and energy.
It helps mostly during meditation to help center and ground your mind to what you truly are and what you really want out of life.
9. Love Affirmations
Repeating love affirmations out loud or just writing them down is supposed to help manifest what you want. The constant repetition can change your inner beliefs creating a more positive energy the universe welcomes and rewards.
Many believe you should repeat a love affirmation a total of 21 times.
Lauren Margolis is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.