50 Hilarious Pool Memes To Get You Excited For The First Day Of Summer
Are you enjoying the beginning of your summer? These 50 quotes will relate to you hilariously.

Have you ever just been trolling through Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter and you came across pool memes? Pool memes are so funny because they are so true and relatable. With summer break recently starting and the first day of Summer officially here, it's a great time to compile memes about the pool that you can share with anyone of any ages.
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Some of these funny memes will make you wonder about the sanity of the world, think that some DIYs are resourceful and some that make you not want to ever go to the pool again.
I love going to pools when it's not very crowded or overpacked, which is rare during the summer and not very relaxing. When you can go sunbathing, not when it's too hot, which in the south that's all the time, is relaxing when you curl up on a reclining chair under the warm sun rays with a good book or some music. Just relax as much as you can this summer at the pool and remember to laugh and have fun.
And let me just say, a meme with a dog in it makes me smile every time I see one, even if I've seen it before. If I tried to take my dogs to the pool — they are 6 and 9 pound Yorkie-poos — I'm sure they would climb themselves up to on top of my head and stand there or they would need baby floaties. I'm not joking. Now that would be a wealth of memes in itself.
Whether you go to your backyard pool, your neighborhood pool, a club Olympic size pool or even at the ocean, everyone has swimsuit malfunctions and do crazy things. So no matter where you go, if your pool is chlorine or salt water or you are just chilling in the ocean, we all have the same type of experiences.
Here are 50 funny pool memes that are so relatable and hilarious that you will be crying or laughing so hard that you may wet your pants. (But you're in the pool, so that doesn't matter... right?)
1. When you don't have the money to buy a hot tub.
Photo Credit: Memedroid
"Do it yourself hot tub Redneck level: Genius."
2. When it's too hot to sit outside of the pool.
Photo Credit: MEME
"Stay cool during summer with chairs and a pool."
3. When summer is coming.
Photo Credit: We heart it
"Summer is coming."
4. Umm ... When you have unwanted guests in your pool.
Photo Credit: Grasshopper
"Are you coming to the pool or not?"
5. Babies love the water.
Photo Credit: ViraLuck
"This is what my friend's baby does when he gets to go in the pool..."
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6. Redneck improvisation.
Photo Credit: poolcenter.com
"No pool no problem."
7. When you focus on such little tasks.
Photo Credit: SLAPLaughter
"Quite possible the most serious person I've seen come out of a water slide..."
8. When it's so busy, you can't have any fun.
Photo Credit: Life in the Uncanny Valley
"Go to the pool they said. It'll be fun they said."
9. That feeling you get when the pool is empty.
Photo Credit: ProSwimwear
"How I feel when I get to the pool and it's empty."
10. When you don't let anything stop you from swimming.
Photo Credit: Dump a Day
"Don't let a little rain ruin your summer plans."
11. Automatic reason to go racing.
Photo Credit: SwimJim
"If you are swimming in the lane next to me, the answer is yes ... We are racing."
12. When you don't live up to expectations.
Photo Credit: Pinterest
"How I think I look swimming the 100 fly. How I actually look."
13. When you want to be outside but you are sleepy.
Photo Credit: Jokideo
"When it's summertime but it's also nap time."
14. Vacay is on its way.
Photo Credit: CHEEZburger
"Bring on summer!!"
15. When you need a butler cause you are lazy.
Photo Credit: CHEEZburger
"Can someone bring me a drink?"
16. The water is so cold the first time you jump into the pool.
Photo Credit: CHEEZburger
17. When your beach body is a pizza body.
Photo Credit: Activekids
"Okay, my beach body is ready."
18. When you want to take an extreme nap.
Photo Credit: MEME
"My dad bought a snorkel for the sole purpose of taking naps in the pool. Labor day weekend goals."
19. When your only mood is relaxing at the pool.
Photo Credit: Astrologymemes
20. What an interesting sunburn that's going to happen.
Photo Credit: CBS News
Outline of a smiley face in sunscreen on Adam Sandler's torso.
21. Just when you remember you forgot something.
Photo Credit: Instagram
"When you are about to leave then realize you forgot your cap on the other side of the pool."
22. Can't see.
Photo Credit: YourSwimBook
"How I feel when my goggles fog up..."
23. I'm free! Splat.
Photo Credit: SLAPLaughter
"That moment of glory right before you hit the water."
24. When you act tough, but then you get into cold water.
Photo Credit: SLAPLaughter
"Getting in the pool: Expectation- The cold never bothered me anyway. Reality- Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold, cold..."
25. When you are sarcastic even when you are in trouble.
Photo Credit: imgflip
"I'm not drowning, just waving."
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26. A schoolcation.
Photo Credit: Typical Student
"When it's summer vacation but u have 60 pages of online textbook work a 100 page book and an essay due on the first day of school for AP Euro."
27. Why don't we mere humans think of things like this?
Photo Credit: Kid Pools
"We all living in 2017 and this kid is already in 3017. This kid is going places."
28. When you are so pale that your skin looks reflective.
Photo Credit: boredpanda
"Cool bathing suit! I like the reflective white stripe in the middle!" "This is a two piece."
29. There are too many people in my lane!
Photo Credit: Bustle
"Let the hunger games begin!"
30. A Dad giving his daughter whatever she wants.
"Me: Daddy, can we get a swimming pool for the summer?" "Dad: I'll see what I can do meudail."
31. When you totally fail.
Photo Credit: Leancy Travel
"How I thought my summer body would be VS how it actually is."
32. Reality never lives up to your expectations.
Photo Credit: Someecards
"Vacation picture expectations vs reality."
33. When you try to be something you aren't.
Photo Credit: Saying Images: Inspiring quotes & pictures
"At the beach. How do I think I look? How do I actually look?"
34. Someone has to keep the pool busy.
Photo Credit: www.saryan.info
"It's a tough job, but someone has to do it."
35. When you are doing it wrong.
Photo Credit: poolcenter.com
"Swimming you're doing it wrong!"
36. He's trying to be cute with his corny pickup line at the pool.
Photo Credit: www.pinterest.com/allamericanswim/
"I just want to swim laps around your heart."
37. What! He's alive!
Photo Credit: The Meta Picture
"Some years after global warming. Rose?"
38. No cares in the world when you are in the pool.
Photo Credit: The Big R Bin: You'll love what's in store
"Not a single woof was given that day."
39. When you forget something and have to go back.
"When you are about to leave then realize you forgot your cap on the other side of the pool."
40. When you are literally drowning in school work.
"Deep Learning."
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41. Short people can easily drown.
"When you are too short at the pool."
42. Monday ... Monday ... Monday ...
"If Monday was a pool."
43. We all know how much it hurts to keep your eyes open under water.
"Well, they aren't wrong."
45. When men think of a genius idea.
Photo Credit: 2Peas Refugees
"Focus group. This could have been avoided with 1 focus group (of women)."
46. When you are proud of yourself for not using your floaties in the deeper part of the pool.
Photo Credit: Reddit
"When you go to the 4 foot deep part of the swimming pool without using floaties."
47. Floatie fixing.
Photo Credit: MEME
"My son kept trying to drink the pool water, so we put floaties on his feet..."
48. When the pool is in an alternate reality.
Photo Credit: The Meta Picture
"Now you're swimming with portals."
49. What! You have to get out of the pool?
Photo Credit: Quick Meme
"You want me to get out of the pool to go to the bathroom? Ain't nobody got time for that."
50. Just Keep Swimming.
"Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming."
If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.