How To Change Your Name After Marriage
Now you know.

There's a whole lot of planning and paperwork that goes into having a wedding, and even moreso with getting married (it is a contract, afterall). But once everything is all said and done, we might assume the administrative part is over.
But it's not. Now you need to change your name!
Unfortunately, there's no way to get a head start. You can't get very far with name changes until you have your marriage license in hand, so be sure to have it handy. And once you do that, here's how to change your name after marriage.
1. Have your license with you.
“To make your life easier, you'll want to consider purchasing at least one copy, making sure to store them securely when not needed,” advises Kevin Dennis, president of the Weddings International Professionals Association.
2. Change your social security information.
In the United States, make changing your name on your social security card your top priority.
Says Dennis, “You'll need your marriage license, an ID (such as a driver's license or passport) to prove your identify and age, and then proof of US citizenship (such as a passport).” You'll have to do this in person, but you can expedite by completing the form online in advance.
3. Use your driver's license.
Your driver's license is typically the next step after your social security card. “Once you have your new social security card on hand, you can visit any DMV to make the change. Be sure to have your current driver's license in hand, as well as your marriage license,” Dennis says.
4. Tell your boss.
According to Dennis, “You'll want to inform your employer of your name change so you can adjust anything on file, as well as update your insurance, retirement and tax forms.”
Whether or not you change your email will be up to you and your employer, but if you do, have your prior email forwarded to your new email for the foreseeable future, and make a note in your email signature of the change.
5. Update your bills.
Run through all of your bills (rent/mortgage, phone, utilities) and have your name updated. You can do this by calling each individual service.
6. Use your passport.
If traveling internationally in the near future, be mindful of the timing. “You'll need your passport to match your flight reservation, so be sure to plan accordingly,” Dennis warns.
7. Update the rest of your accounts.
Put together a list of accounts where you need to change your name — from your banks and credit cards, to your student loans and library card.
8. Have someone else do it for you.
"The best money you can spend in the wedding planning process is a service called Miss Now Mrs!" says Shannon Tarrant, founder of Wedding Venue Map. "It’s the best name change solution I’ve seen — auto-complete forms, specific information for your state, city and county and then print."
The service provides the office addresses, the order to file the changes, and tips for easy filing.
Aly Walansky is a NY-based lifestyles writer who focuses on health, wellness, and relationships. Her work appears in dozens of digital and print publications regularly. Visit her on Twitter or email her at