10 Ways To Shake Things Up In Your Relationship
All relationships need some mixing up every now and then.

Monotony is defined as the lack of variety and interest.
Sooner or later, there comes a point in our lives where life becomes routine.
It feels like there’s no fun or excitement left.
Whenever someone asks you what’s new, the answer is always, “Routine: same old, same old.”
Sometimes, when you wake up in the morning, you feel as if there’s nothing to look forward to.
You know exactly how your day is going to pan out from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed.
That’s when you know you’re stuck in a monotonous rut.
There is nothing wrong with having a predictable, disciplined, and stable life.
However, sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone and do something to keep the spark alive.
We get so involved in our lives and comfort zones that we don’t make time for any adventures.
Remember, adventure may hurt you, but monotony will kill you.
The worst type of monotony we can experience occurs in our personal relationships, especially romantic ones.
It’s often hard to break away from it, but there are options to try.
Here are a 10 ways to shake things up in your relationship to break from the everyday monotony.
1. Communicate
It doesn’t always happen that both parties in the relationship feel the monotony.
One person may be very involved in their own routine to even realize how the other person is feeling.
Therefore, it is crucial to let the other party know how you’re feeling about the stagnancy in order to work towards making it better.
2. Take time out for each other
If the monotony has set in, it is important to set time aside for one another.
You can spend that time at home or go out, whatever floats your boat.
It is essential to break away from the routine and spend time with your significant other without any distractions.
3. Get out of your comfort zone
We get so tied up in our everyday life that we can’t imagine what it would be like to get out of our comfort zones to do something.
Take up an adventure or something you normally wouldn’t do, get that adrenaline rush that will help bind your relationship together and leave you wanting more.
4. Try a new activity together
The world is full of choices.
In fact one is spoilt for choice.
Rather than being in the normal work-home rut, try a new activity that your partner and you both enjoy.
It could be a new sport, a class or a hobby.
Whatever it is, it will help you look forward to your time with each other.
5. Take a trip together
I cannot emphasize how important it is to travel as a couple.
From the planning to execution, it will only bring you closer and more importantly, it will help in getting to know each others’ likes and dislikes a lot better.
6. Surprise each other
It is such a wonderful feeling to get a surprise from another person.
It doesn’t have to be some grand gesture, but just the thought counts.
Rather than always agreeing to what your partner wants or saying “whatever you want” to everything, plan something from start to finish and surprise them.
This will bring back the lost spark in your relationship.
7. Spend time apart
A happy and successful relationship doesn’t involve two people being joined at the hip.
In fact, it’s just the opposite.
Having your own set of things to do and then coming back to your partner will help you feel more fulfilled in your relationship.
Being in a relationship shouldn’t involve a person losing their identity to become one.
In fact two people need to maintain their separate identities and realize how much they miss each other while spending time apart.
8. Discuss old memories
As time goes on, two people who are in a long-term relationship may end up having very few things to talk about.
Silence can be troubling to some people and if you are one of them, the best way to talk about new things is by reminiscing about old memories.
Sure there must be a lot you would’ve experienced together and talking about it will only bring you closer.
9. Make deliberate changes
No two people are perfect and, there have to be things and habits you don’t like about your partner and vice versa.
Rather than letting it be as it is, it is a very thoughtful gesture to try and work deliberately towards correcting them.
It will make your partner know how much you love and appreciate them.
10. Research
The moment you realize you’re getting stuck in any kind of routine, research things that your partner and you will enjoy together.
Try something new every week.
It doesn’t need to be something big, just some small thing or activity that will keep you on your toes.
It will help you look forward to something and keep things moving.
When monotony strikes in, life becomes complacent.
We lose the drive and want to do things differently.
We get so stuck in our ways and routine that it becomes hard to break free.
However, if we don’t make a change, our relationship will suffer.
We will be resentful towards our partner and our relationship for becoming the way it is.
The sooner you can address this issue, the better it will be in the long run.
See what works for you. Each person is different, and different things can help break life’s monotony.
It’s not fair to let the relationship suffer just become you don’t want to put time and effort to make both your lives better.
Remember, it is crucial to prevent a relationship from getting boring.
Tanzeela Sareea is a writer who focuses on relatonships, love, and dating. For more of her relationship content, visit her author profile on Unwritten.