30 Best Liz Newman Poems About Life Changes, Growth And Metamorphosis
Spring is a time for big life changes.

If there is anything in this life that truly embodies the beauty of rebirth and new beginnings, it’s springtime. Sometimes it comes slow, sometimes it bursts forth suddenly, but springtime always makes its entrance in one way or another.
Spring has a way of lifting our spirits in ways we understand and ways we don’t. What’s special about a new season - especially springtime - is that it truly is a renaissance. After months of shorter days, colder weather, and death and decay all around us, our entire world is bursting forth into buds and blooms before our eyes.
It sounds cliché, but it’s always surreal hearing birds chirping for the first time after the seasons change. You never really think about it, but that moment you realize that there’s actual flowers on the trees outside and birds singing in the mornings, it kind of wakes you up, not just physically, but emotionally, as well.
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Not only are we constantly in a cycle of changing seasons, but we all experience our own seasons of change, as well. There are times in your life when you fall in love for the first time, start the job of your dreams, move to a new city, and start your own family.
But just as we move from one season to the next, we all deal with not-so-happy seasons of change, too.
Your first heartbreak, a big failure, getting fired, feeling like you’ve hit rock bottom - the list goes on.
But even when you do feel like you’ve hit rock bottom, and even when you feel like you have no fight left in you, that’s when the seasons change, and the flowers start to bloom again. It might come slowly, or things might change before you know it, but we all get second chances (and third and fourth) in life to dust ourselves off and try again.
Time is meaningless, after all. You don’t have to be someone or do something in a certain amount of time for it to count. Whether you’re dealing with heartbreak, loss, new experiences, or success, you have all the time in the world to grow, learn, and start over.
As long as you believe in yourself, anything is possible. But sometimes, simply knowing that you have these seeds of change inside you isn’t enough. Sometimes, you need someone to really awaken that “never give up” attitude within you and prove to you that you’ve had that fighting chance, that ability to grow and learn, inside you all along.
That’s what it feels like to read Liz Newman’s poetry on Instagram and in her published works.
When you find yourself thinking, “I don’t know if I can anymore…” her poetry is that little whisper in the springtime wind that tells you, ”Yes, of course, you can. Just try again.”
Not only are Liz Newman's poems inspiring and heartfelt, but they prove that she’s gone through those seasons of change herself and is able to come out on the other side to tell you that things get better with just a little time and patience. Since the release of her book, Hope Between Heartbeats, Liz has continued to focus her poetry on loss and learning, change and transformation.
But even though the message remains the same, there is a sort of rebirth in her newer poems, too. More specifically, how part of the beauty of poetry is its ability to grow along with you, according to Liz.
Not only does she want to show her readers that there’s a sense of life and love in her poems, but she also wants to remind them that her poems can bring feelings of hope and change in times of need, too.
“We have all felt shattered before, but we can rebuild and become stronger for it. We can find strength by moving forward together.”
For Liz, writing and sharing her poems with others feels like a kind of healing; one that opens her up to a bigger transformation as a person, instead of keeping everything to herself — the bad and the good. Writing for her is a therapeutic way of sharing her true self with her readers and mending her soul in the process.
While she may be writing from personal experiences, Liz does hope that by writing from the heart, she’ll touch someone else’s heart who may be going through the same things she did.
“Being able to relate with others is such a magical gift. It brings hearts together in an incredible way, and it can be a healing experience. And it’s that magic that I strive for when sharing my poetry with the world.”
In short, no matter what you’re going through in life (bad and good), it’s nice to know that there’s someone out there who is happy to be a part of your journey, which is how Liz wants to portray herself in her poetry.
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In her own life, Liz is preparing for a new season of transformation and change, one that includes welcoming a new baby to the world!
Embarking on the new journey of first-time motherhood is her own springtime; a time of new experiences in love and life, and something beautiful to look forward to. Take a look at these poems by Liz Newman and explore all of her poems on her Instagram page and in Hope Between Heartbeats.
Read her poems when you’re feeling down and need a reminder than a season of change is coming, but read them too when you’re high on life to remind yourself to be grateful for the birds chirping and the flowers blooming, and to remind yourself to not take even the littlest things for granted. Even on the darkest, coldest days, it’s important to look forward to the next season of change.
1. When you need a reminder about what’s really important.
"I had been so focused on my petals that I forgot to nurture my roots." – Liz Newman
2. When you’re still holding on after the story is over.
"It hurts because you kept loving them even when the story ended... and there was nowhere to spill the ink of the heartbreak their absence wrote." – Liz Newman
3. When your heart needs as much love and attention as your plants.
"Hearts bloom too. If they are given a chance to be nurtured, to be planted with patience and showered with love. To grow in the light of acceptance each and every day. Yes, hearts bloom, too." – Liz Newman
4. When you’ve found someone you see a future with.
"You ask me about my hopes, and I ask you about your dreams. Lay beside you as we talk about the shapes of the clouds and the futures we see." – Liz Newman
5. When you’re holding out for something better.
"Soft and subtle rays of sunshine slowly rising in the still morning. That's how I think of hope. As a sunrise at a time my soul desperately needed light." – Liz Newman
6. When you need a change in life.
"Her life started to feel a lot like a skipping record. Monotonous for onlookers and relentless for her." – Liz Newman
7. When you’re able to grow from your past.
"Her scars and her mistakes, fashioned into fine lace. She wore her fragile flaws with pure elegance and grace." – Liz Newman
8. When you embrace your life, chaos and all.
"This story of mine is surely messy. It is chaotic and unfinished. But I've decided I prefer that over it being unwritten." – Liz Newman
9. When you’ve found the light.
"Every once in awhile when the world feels like a dark and overwhelming place, I'll find the light I needed in my friends and family, in the smell of the grass and the sound of birds singing melodic musings in the morning. Every once in a while when the world feels like a dark and overwhelming place, I pray for the grace I'll need to look for the light, in myself, in the people around me, in a world full of beauty and suffering." – Liz Newman
10. When you realize the importance of love.
"And then, love said softly... 'Come in. Won't you stay awhile? Rest... You're safe here.'" – Liz Newman
11. When part of you sticks with me.
"I forgot a lot of things, but I could never misremember your eyes. They are ingrained in my memory, as much a part of me as anything would ever be." – Liz Newman
12. When you feel a change coming on.
"I lost a piece of myself but found another... I think this may be metamorphosis." – Liz Newman
13. When your dreams become a reality.
"What color will your eyes be? Maybe blue like him or maybe brown like me. What will life have in store for you? I hope happiness. I hope health. I hope a thousand dreams come true. My days are full of daydreams of who you might become. My nights are full of prayers that you'll prosper and then some. But, mostly, I sit and think of how in love I am with you. Of how your birth will be the product of my wildest dreams come true. So, continue to grow, and take your time. You're safe to rest with me. I cannot wait to meet you, my sweet, sweet son-to-be." – Liz Newman
14. When you find a cure for a broken heart.
"She preferred storms and indie music. She always felt that the rain's rhythm with the music could cure even the more broken of hearts." – Liz Newman
15. When your heart aches for something.
"Each beat of your heart cried out for home. Each beat of mine cried out for you." – Liz Newman
16. When change is inevitable.
"I found myself thinking about daybreak... How even the sun experiences growing pains of change. That the darkness ignites a transition in all of us, that we will stretch our tired hearts and awaken in sunlight when we've had enough time learning from the stars." – Liz Newman
17. When you’ve found the light within the darkness.
"It's hard to feel seen when we've spent so much time in the dark. But sometimes our hearts can be illuminated in a few simple words: 'I'm here for you,' 'I believe in you.' Let someone see you. Let the light in." – Liz Newman
18. When we’re all fighting our own battles.
"So many people are hurting in their own way, trying to heal in their own way. Even if we don't always talk about it, I am rooting for all of us to be okay." – Liz Newman
19. When the morning brings a renewed sense of hope.
"The morning has its way of reminding me that the light will always return to me." – Liz Newman
20. When it’s time to refashion your pain into something beautiful.
"It's taking the pain, giving it new purpose as something tragic and beautiful. Tragic in that it had to happen. Beautiful in that you found a way to make something resembling hope out of it." – Liz Newman
21. When even the smallest step is a step in the right direction.
"What could I possibly say to change anything? What could I possible do to change anything? Say anything. Do anything. if you want to change anything." – Liz Newman
22. When truth is the only truth in life.
"It was never just a love story. It was always a story about a girl who knew her own heart, a girl unafraid of who she was or how she was evolving. I always admired that bravery, the elegance she exuded by embodying her truth." – Liz Newman
23. When living through it all is better than not living at all.
"It was young love, but we were old souls, weathered by time and all the more beautiful for it." – Liz Newman
24. When you need a reminder to forgive yourself.
"Forgive yourself when you're having a hard time. Remind yourself that you're human and that you're trying. Humble yourself enough to know when you need help. Love yourself, because you have come so far, and you'll only continue to grow. Trust yourself enough to know that you are going to get through even your hardest days. Give yourself a chance to heal and to grow and know that you're worthy of that process." – Liz Newman
25. When you know what it feels like to have your voice taken away.
"There's a profound sadness that we feel when our voices are silenced, when we are made to feel unworthy of being heard." – Liz Newman
26. When you’ve found your ‘forever.’
"Find that 'I love you' that sounds like 'forever.'" – Liz Newman
27. When you find the balance between giving and receiving love.
"Give love freely, but don't give your heart away. Fight for love, but don't fight to convince it to stay. Let wisdom weather you, to remind you, you can weather any storm. Let others see the real you, let the comfort of a support system keep you warm. And know: that mistake, that loss, that heartbreak, that scar? It hurt and it mattered, but it never mattered more than who you are." – Liz Newman
28. When you’ve found someone who is willing to be there for you, even if they don’t always understand.
"My suffering has its own frequency, and so does yours. And, I may not always hear yours, nor will you always hear mine, but I'll always be here to listen for it." – Liz Newman
29. When you’ve made an impact in life and love.
"People would whisper about us and our fall from grace. As our world fell to ruin and our worst fears were realized, we'd be submerged and forgotten, the stuff of speculation, legend at best. We were a lost city, singing our siren ballads of heartbreak and woe from the depths below. We were here! We were here. We were here..." – Liz Newman
30. When you’re on a mission to surround yourself with kindred souls.
"Surround yourself with voices that roar with yours. Without drowning out the sounds of your cries. We roar together. We heal together." – Liz Newman
If you’re looking for a little inspiration, we’ve got the best quotes to share and savor. For quotes from the most inspiring celebs, activists, and poets, look no further! You might even find the quote that motivates the best parts of your life (and love!) forever.
Emily Ratay is a full-time writer living in Pittsburgh. She's passionate about the environment and feminism, and knows that anything is possible in the right pair of shoes. She plans on writing a non-fiction book in the future.
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