Who Is Raz B? New Details On The B2K Singer's Domestic Abuse Charges
Raz B went from a boy band to behind bars.

He was a rising star in one of the most popular R&B "boy groups" of the new millennium. So who is Raz B, and how did it go horribly wrong for him?
According to TMZ, Raz B — best known for being one-fourth of the popular R&B boy group B2K — was recently arrested on domestic violence charges after his girlfriend claimed he tried to strangle her.
Later, Raz B claimed that his attack on his girlfriend was “self-defense,” one that happened after she tried to attack him, not the other way around.
Regardless, Raz B is currently sitting in Hennepin County jail, where he is being held without bail until his trial begins.
Let’s look at what we know about Raz B, and how he fell from grace. Who is Raz B?
1. Raz B originally said that he didn’t feel “safe” about going on tour with B2K
In a separate report for TMZ, Raz B — whose real name is De’Mario Monte Thornton — said that he didn’t feel “safe” going on tour with his then-former group. B2K, which also consists of Lil’Fizz (Dreux Frederic), J-Boog (Jerry Afemata), and Omarion, is currently on a reunion tour which will conclude in Las Vegas later this month. Raz B told TMZ that while he didn’t feel safe, he was going to continue to tour with them (despite originally saying that he would quit the group) but would be “beefing up” his personal security.
2. He accused former B2K manager Chris Stokes of sexual abuse
One of the main reasons people who are not R&B fans know the name “B2K” is because of Raz B’s very public accusations against the group’s former manager, Chris Stokes. According to HipHopDX, Raz B’s claims about Chris Stokes were graphic, to say the least. “I used to have to f**k Chris all the time,” he said. “He’s what you call an incest perpetrator, dog. Someone’s who’s close to you like a father figure who will straight mislead you and take advantage of you.” But Chris Stokes emphatically denied the accusations. “Negativity I will never play into,” he replied. “I never hurt any of B2K & Always had their best interest at heart including financially. I forgive any negative energy or tweets! God forgives and so do I. They back! Now stay positive in 2019 & Go get your tix! Enjoy them being back! Much love!”
3. He came out with a statement about “needing privacy” after he was arrested for domestic violence
Celebrities usually ask for privacy when they’re going through a divorce, after they’ve given birth or after someone they love passes away. Raz B, however, wanted privacy after he got arrested for domestic violence. (To each his own, we guess.) “Raz B takes full responsibility for his actions,” said the statement in Essence Magazine. “The incident comes after a long history of publicly documented trauma for the musician, and difficulties coping with its aftermath. The incident represents a turning point after years of isolation, repressed emotions, and unhealthy coping mechanisms in response to childhood trauma. Raz B apologizes to his family, his fans, and most importantly his group mates of B2K—who he considers his brothers and never intended to disappoint in this way.”
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4. B2K is currently touring without him
The rest of the members of B2K aren’t exactly losing sleep about Raz B not taking the stage with them. According to CityPages, the tour has gone on without Raz B, and the other members have announced that they will continue to tour without him. They also have not commented on his recent arrest, and don’t seem to be supportive of his current situation.
5. Raz B has admitted that he needs help
According to Ebony Magazine, Raz B has admitted that he needs “professional help” now that he’s sitting in jail on a domestic violence charge. “He intends to seek treatment to become a better man and grow beyond the pain of his worst mistakes,” they said. Whatever the case, we sincerely hope Raz B can come to terms with his past and not take his problems out on other people — least of all, other women.
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Bernadette Giacomazzo is an editor, writer, and photographer whose work has appeared in People, Teen Vogue, Us Weekly, The Source, XXL, HipHopDX, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, and more. She is also the author of The Uprising series. Find her online at www.bernadettegiacomazzo.com and www.longlivetheuprising.com.