Who Is Jon Francetic? New Details About The 'Married At First Sight' Star Who's Now Engaged To The Show's Psychologist
He met his fiancé when he was married.

Well, well, well this is an interesting development. One of the male participants on Married at First Sight's has gotten engaged to the show's psychologist and marriage counselor. Good for them, but somehow I don't think that's exactly how the show is supposed to work. Ah, love is grand! The show's counselor, Dr. Jessica Griffin, recently revealed that she wouldn't be returning to the show and now we definitively know why. She got engaged to Jon Francetic during a recent trip to the Grand Canyon. It was a total surprise to Jessica. Her new fiance, Jon Francetic, took to his Instagram on to share the news with a photo of the couple and the caption: “I just love how happy she looks. Oh, and we got engaged at the Grand Canyon yesterday! And now @dr.jessicagriffin is mine forever,” the season 6 castmate wrote along with the hashtags, #shesmine and #nervouswreck." Who is Jon Francetic?
1. He was on season 6
Dr. Jessica Griffin and 30-year-old Jon Francetic began dating about five months after his season of Married at First Sight ended. They have been dating for a year and a half. Francetic is a financial associate who was paired with commercial insurance adjuster Molly Duff during the show but when decision day came, Francetic and Duff decided to call it quits. Their divorce was finalized after filming of season 6 ended.
2. She was not his counselor
Even though Griffin, who is a 41-year-old mother of three, met Francetic and counseled him and his wife Molly Duff, she made it clear that she was never technically his individual therapist. Francetic and Griffin confirmed that they were dating in August. In a blog post in June she clarified this position by writing:"Within my television role, I am not a therapist. It must also be stated that at no point should the role I (or others) provide be construed as replacing actual therapy. We are NOT individuals' or couples' therapists on these television shows or in real life. We do not have a client/therapist or doctor/patient relationship at any point during production or any point, period. My role that I am hired to do as a 'Relationship Expert' is to provide consultation to the cast of a television show and consultation to production on topics that fall within my expertise."
3. Is their relationship unethical?
Naturally, people are side-eyeing this development and wondering if the nature of their relationship from the star is unethical. After all, Jessica was Francetic and his-then wife Molly's marriage counselor on the show. Francetic addressed this, saying that his “MAFS contract explicitly states that there cannot be a doctor/patient relationship.” This means that the counseling he received on the show was not treated as a true doctor/patient relationship or bound by medical ethics.
4. She defended him against ex-wife
During Francetic's season of Married at First Sight, there was a confontation between Dr. Jessica and Molly Duff. She stopped by Jon and Molly's house and tore into Molly about her lies and bad behavior. Francetic had recorded his then-wife being a total brat to him at Universal Studios. He said he recorded her so that people would see how she treated him. When Jessica had Jon play the video in fron of Molly she tried to twist things around and paint herself as the victim.
5. Finding love in extraordinary ways
In an Insta post, Jessica gushed about her relationship with Francetic, writing: "I have always said, you can find love in extraordinary ways — you just have to follow your heart and be you, nobody other than you, and the right person will find you (if he’s persistent enough and eventually hunts you down and won’t take no for an answer.). For the first time in my history of knowing him, Jon was at a loss for words and a total adorable mess on his knee. So, of course, I said yes – just helping a guy out,” she said, before adding that she broke her nose on Sunday. Today, we celebrated yesterday’s Grand Canyon engagement by a sick mountain bike trail ride in Sedona where I decided to faceplant via an endo (where you flip head over feet over your handle bars) and landed on face likely breaking nose, bike landing on top of me and jacked up both legs. Zoom in for the proof. Hey, in my defense I was a little distracted by this incredible guy. I love you with everything I have."
Amy Lamare is a Los Angeles based writer covering entertainment, pop culture, beauty, fashion, fitness, technology, and the intersection of technology, business, and philanthropy. She is deeply devoted to her chocolate Labrador and an avid long distance runner. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook.