Who Killed Nicole Brown Simpson? A New Documentary Says OJ Did And He Didn't Act Alone
Who Killed Nicole Brown Simpson? Was OJ the real killer? And did he act alone?

After OJ Simpson was acquitted in the 1994 murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson, he vowed to find “the real killer." This month, a preview for a new documentary about the infamous case may have done that. Filmmaker Norman Pardo is revealing new theories and new information about the murders. He concludes that OJ did kill Nicole and her friend Ron Goldman — but that he didn’t do it alone.
One of the more salacious facts that emerge in Pardo’s narrative is the fact that Nicole was involved with Dodi Fayed at the time of her death. Fayed, the son of an Egyptian billionaire, was best knows because of his romantic relationship with Princess Diana after her divorce from Prince Charles. The couple became involved in 1997 and, tragically, they both died in a car crash in Paris a month later.
This film marks the first revelation about Fayed’s relationship with Simpson.
While the documentary is still in production and does not have a release date yet, the preview screened at the Gasparilla International Film Festival in Florida has true crime enthusiasts interested to see what other conclusions Pardo has drawn based on his film and his years-long acquaintance with OJ Simpson.
What does Who Killed Nicole? suggest about the murders? Read on for more details.
1. Norman Pardo
Norman Pardo claims to have risen from poverty by working first in construction, then real estate. In 1997, he developed a web browser called Spiderboy and was looking for ways to promote the venture. In 1999, an acquaintance challenged him to promote a manage a comeback tour for OJ Simpson, who had been acquitted of the murder in 1995, though his reputation had never recovered.
Pardo took on the project and started booking OJ for club appearances in return for him promoting Spiderboy. He conintued to promote events for the disgraced NFL star until his arrest for burglary in 2007. During that time, he managed to get over 70 hours of video footage of Simpson and was close enough to him to ask about the murders. Pardo tells reporters that Simpson "always told me I don't want to know what happened That wasn't good enough. He should have just said, 'I didn't do it.’"
2. Film project
Simpson’s hints at a darker conspiracy around the muders led Pardo to start asking people who knew Simspon for more details about the murders. Once he started down that line of inquiriy, Pardo says “informants” started to contact him with more information.
From there, he partnered with renowned director Kyle Saylors, who is best known for Kimjongilia a film about North Korean prison camps that premiered at Sundance in 2009.
3. Dodi Fayed
Fayed was an Egyptian born and British educated billionaire who split his time between working for his father’s famous department store Harrods and bankrolling film and TV projects in Hollywood. After a brief marriage in late 1980, Fayed gained a reputation as a playboy. Pardo learned that he was dating Nicole Brown Simpson at the time of her death.
Parso claims to have spoken with a friend of Nicole’s who shared a story about an encounter that she and Niole had with Fayed’s security team. Pardo says: “The bodyguards said that the women disrespected Dodi because they went out and danced with some other guys. So, his gangster guards said, ‘You disrespected Dodi Fayed’ and they roughly grabbed the girls.”
“She thought Dodi Fayed and his goons were behind Nicole’s murder — that’s why she was so scared to say anything until now.”
The woman allegedly went into what she referred tp as a self-imposed exile after Nicole’s death because she was afraid of Fayed and his entourage.
4. Simpson’s reaction
OJ Simpson hasn’t made a public statement about the film personal but his attorney Malcolm LaVergne has been throwing cold water over things Pardo claims happened. To begin with, he casts doubt on the depth of Pardo’s partnership with Simpson, saying that there were far fewer events than Pardo claims.
Simpson himself never gave his blessing to the project. When he first learned what Pardo was planning in 2013, he reached out to him from jail, where he was serving time on the burglary conviction, and asked him to stop.
When Pardo persisted, Simpson cut off their friendship. LeVergne even questions that story, saying “Bull. He always has an angle.”
5. Questionable motives
This isn’t the first time that Pardo has tried to use his old footage of Simpson to his advantage. In 2006, he offered the tapes to Ron Goldman’s surviving family members in exchange for the civil award they received from their wrongful death suit. The family refused.
As for the Goldman family’s feelings about the film, they have not seen it yet, though they do hope to be given access to the first screening when it is completed.
"Our message has always been that they were given a civil judgment when Simpson was found guilty of having to do with the death of their son.”
While some people remain skeptical about the claims in this film, others are quite excited by it. Hillsborough County film commissioner and Gasparilla festival board member Tyler Martinolich has seen parts of it and says it “appeared credible, and compelling.” He went on to say that the parts he saw gave him a radically different opinion of what Simpson "may or may not be capable of doing. Even as someone who thought O.J. was probably guilty, the tapes left me shocked.”
There is no release date set for Who Killed Nicole?
Rebekah Kuschmider has been writing about celebrities, pop culture, entertainment, and politics since 2010. Her work has been seen at Ravishly, Babble, Scary Mommy, The Mid, Redbook online, and The Broad Side. She is the creator of the blog Stay at Home Pundit and she is a cohost of the weekly podcast The More Perfect Union.