20 Best Instagram Poems About Love That Can Help You Save Your Relationship
Poems say everything we can't.

Whether your relationship is just in your mind, still blossoming or already well-established, reading and sharing poetry with your partner can be an enlightening experience. Poetry can communicate feelings you might not know how to express and help you realize when a relationship is right or wrong for you.
Poems are interesting in that they ignore grammar, plot and, sometimes, common sense to express emotion. They don’t care if their readers will like them; they just are, and that’s what couples should be. They should be comfortable enough with themselves and each other to tell the truth, no matter the cost. In this way, poetry can help couples understand what they really want from the other person and how they can attain it. With poetry on your side, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.
At times, poetry can reveal that parting ways and saying your final goodbyes are the best options and that's OK. However, you’ll leave knowing you’re more prepared for your next relationship. Unfortunately, “saving” a relationship may not always mean gluing you and your partner back together but instead, letting them go. You’ll better understand what you want in a partner and how you should be treated.
Most often, couples find that using poetry as their guide only strengthens their relationship. They can discover new things about one another and keep the relationship exciting. Reading poetry aloud can also be very sensual, depending on the situation.
Take a look at these Instagram poems that perfectly explain how it feels when you’re dealing with great and not-so-great relationship issues like crushing, worrying about the future or being jealous of your partner’s exes. Instagram poets always know what's what in love and are there to help you figure it out, too.
Tip: After reading these, consider writing some of your own that you can give to your significant other on a special occasion or just because.
1. When you know your love is on point.
"The only thing you could ever blame me for was giving you a love you couldn't handle." — Writingtoinspire
2. When you need to tell your partner to stop trying to change you.
"Gaining love is never worth it if you have to lose yourself in the process." — Writingtoinspire
3. When your partner is too cute for words, so you just smile.
"it's just that, around you, my dimples become craters." — J. Bird
4. When you're hardcore crushing and secretly dedicate all your Instagram posts to them.
"How many stories do we post that are actually meant to be seen only by one single person?" — Leti Sala
5. When you've had it with everyday relationships.
"she isn't an everyday woman so an everyday love would never do. She doesn't need companionship, she needs understanding. someone who will look at her and really see her for who she is. For what she's become." — JmStorm
6. When you know you found your other half.
"i believe there's only one person/who is made from the same fragment of earth, like you." — S.D. Sargon
7. When you can feel the potential of the relationship.
"Move with me like the clouds do the sky, slowly dancing to nowhere but with everywhere to go" — Emily Rose
8. When you're worried about the future.
"Find me and love me harder on days, when you see the me you know, Slip away." — Gopika Sreekumar
9. When you want your partner to love the nerd in you.
"I read books as much as I want to read your mind. I want to feel the pages where you speak of me. That you love me. That you need me." — Crispy Quotes
10. When you're jealous but don't want to admit it.
"I try not to let the women who lived through your summers before me dampen our spring, we've never had seasons quite like these" — Virginia Roa, v.r.
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11. When you know you deserved better.
"Forgive me if I think of us more often than I should. I just dream of you and wonder how you could give up on me when my love was too precious, when I offered you the world, and you'd still decided to search for something real." — Sheer Poetry
12. When you connect with more than just your bodies.
"There is nothing more beautiful than a man who wants to be intellectually intimate with you" — Antonia
13. When you can't imagine being with anyone else.
"You might not have been my first love but you were the love that made all the other loves irrelevant" — Rupi Kaur
14. When you need to kiss each other to feel whole.
"In that moment, when you pull me in close, your hands drawing lazy circles on my skin, your fingers digging into my hips, knees and chests touching, breath mingling, you bite your lip, I lick mine slowly, our mouths meet, and time stands still, Every. Single. Time." — A.N. Barnard
15. When you need to claim your independence from your partner — and a healthier relationship.
"I despise the idea that I somehow need you to be complete, I am less of a person without you, I am worth less alone, but you are seen as complete without me" — M. Warren
16. When you need reassurance that only your partner can provide.
"Can you hold me together until my heart remembers it was always meant to be whole and not in pieces" — Pyrokardia
17. When you're back in the honeymoon phase.
"We touched and it was like an avalanche, we hugged and a flood ensured, I looked into your eyes and I could tell that you could see it too, the way the sparks ignited upon our touch" — Marilyn Wood
18. When you want to be bold in the bedroom (or pretty much anywhere).
"Fifty shades of grey, dutch style, not on a bear rug in front of a lit fireplace, in some remote cabin in the Rocky Mountains but on an old towel in front of the radiator on a fourth floor apartment in the Bijlmer" — Robert Stigter
19. When your relationship could use some humor.
"I really like women a tad bit witchy, a tad bit frisky and a tad bit bitchy" — Jacob Frizzell
20. When you just need to get your message across.
"I hope your journey leads you back to me." — Jace
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Love is life’s greatest gift, which is why people have a passion for love quotes - and we’ve got you covered. When it comes to saying “I love you”, the truth about marriage, or even finding the perfect love quote for your guy, we have all the cute (or sexy!) quotes you need.
Meaghan Summers is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationship topics.