Each Zodiac Sign's Emotional Personality Type, Per Astrology

Insight into your emotional personality.

Each Zodiac Sign's Emotional Personality Type, Per Astrology pexels

What is an emotional person? A person who feels deeply about subjects or things is often thought to be intuitive and a feeling personality type. 

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If you look at zodiac signs and their astrological characteristics, you may have heard about moody Cancers, or sad Pisces. The reason for this explanation is that zodiac signs influence much of what we become as living, breathing, human beings.

Our natural tendencies shape us both in ways we know or don't know. We often see personality breakdowns of zodiac signs, or certain emotional needs and traits that the group of people with your zodiac signs tend to have.

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In some ways, this shows that we all have certain habitual traits as a result of the heavens. 

One way in which your zodiac sign significantly effects you is in your emotional personality. As a Virgo, I know I can put my feelings on hold when needed in order to make logical decisions and think clearly.

You might know you blow up when angry, have no problem cutting people off, or take the time to be a peacemaker in your friend group. This can be largely as a result of your zodiac sign! 

Any way you look at it, examining your horoscope sign can often lead you to a deeper understanding of who you are and what drives you to be that way, per astrology. 



ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Aries tend to lead strongly with their emotions, as one of the more passionate zodiac signs. Although this may result in some emotionally strong bonds with others, it's more likely to end in competition. Aries feels the need to prove themselves, which can lead to aggression in some instances.

Their connection to their emotions is strong but tumultuous, meaning that they often find themselves dealing with mood swings from one end of the spectrum to another. This may impact their relationships with others, and their relationship with their own strong emotions.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus tends to be more loving and gentle than Aries, having a much lighter hand. Their love of being touched, for example, suggests a sensitive nature. They also relate strongly to arts like cooking, gardening, music, crafting and creating.


This seems to show their love of artistic creation and nature, and shows that they have not only a green thumb, but a gentle hand as well. When they love someone or something, they act as a protector and defender. One way in which they handle conflict is as a peacemaker, trying to negotiate and compromise differences to come to a peaceful resolution.

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GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)

A Gemini finds great emotional value in being sociable and having a community. They tend to be very thoughtful and at times, even empathetic towards others. Their version of sympathy doesn't feel like pity, but an expression of genuine emotional understanding.

A Gemini also is very affectionate, meaning they both need emotional support and give it. Their connection to their emotions feels strong, but without much of the 'up and down' of other zodiac signs.


CANCER (June 21 - July 22)

Cancers are another one of the most emotional. Although their nature is more pessimistic and moody, they are also deeply sensitive to the people around them and tend to overanalyze things going on around them.

They may feel slighted or appreciated over something small. In general, Cancers find themselves riding the emotional roller coaster more often than other signs, because they are in touch and not afraid to show their emotional side.

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LEO (July 23 - August 22)

Emotionally, a great way to sum up a Leo is to say they are warm. A Leo may be mistaken for being impersonal and reserved, while in reality, their emotions just live slightly below the surface. Leos tend to be very generous and willing to help others when they are in a time of need and will always find a way to go above and beyond to find a solution to their problem. As a naturally passionate horoscope, they feel emotions strongly.


VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)

As one of the zodiacs more focused on reason, Virgos can often be seen as generally detached as well. They tend to apprach situations very logically and methodically, often surpressing an emotional reaction in favor of a more logical approach.

They know when to value emotion over logic and often realize how their emotions may blind them. However, Virgos are always kind first, and make strong emotional connections with others despite their logic first approach.

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LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)

Libras are a very social group, driven to spend time with others because they can't spend to be alone. A Libra tends to be gentle, sweet natured, and fair minded up until the point when you spite them or let them down. As soon as that happens, a Libra loses faith in you. Libra knows how to hold a grudge. 


SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)

Scorpio is another zodiac sign well known for being wildly passionate and emotional. They feel deeply, which means their emotions can often be displayed in a very volatile way, such as outbursts of affection or rage.

Scorpio is also known for being jealous by nature, which means if you give them a reason to distrust you, they will. These kind of emotions aren't always a bad thing: if a Scorpio loves you, they will pursue you and do anything for you.

RELATED: Emotionally Understanding Zodiac Signs Vs. Those Have A Hard Time With Feelings

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)

Optimtimistic to a fault, Sagittarius can be emotionally let down more often than some of the other signs. Because they aim so high and expect that same value in others, they often may be disappointed and let down. Their ideals make them a warm and welcoming figure, seeing the best in others and being generally easy to become friends with.


CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorns are much more on the reserved side of things. Whereas other zodiac signs might prefer, or seem as if they prefer logic, Carpricorns are serious through and through. They approach problems from a knowledgeable perspective, often appearing to be a know it all.

Due to their serious and grounded nature, a Capricorn will often expect the worse. Perhaps the reason they seem to be such a steady and serious person is because they are prepared for the worst, and are able to control their emotions much easier than other signs.

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AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)

If Capricorn is generally less emotional and capable of focusing their energy on logical reactions, Aquarius is absolutely opposed to showing emotion. One of their biggest pet peeves is crying in front of someone. It's both difficult and distasteful to break down in front of someone in their eyes.

They also can be emotionally aloof to others, although they enjoy being social, which leads to  forming some friendships that are generally shallow. 

PISCES (February 19 - March 20)

One of the most prominent traits of a Pisces is compassion. Their emotional intelligence is high, meaning that they can relate to others with minimal effort, and can empathize with someone going through hard times. This is another zodiac sign that tends to feel deeply, but doesn't outwardly display their emotions in the same way other horoscope signs might. Their emotional battles are much more focused internally.


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Beth El Fattal is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture and relationships topics.
