20 Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Relationship If You're Having Doubts
Get back in touch with what you really want.

Whether you’re single or having doubts about your current relationship, consider exploring the below questions to develop a holistic view of where you are and what you want.
Knowing what you do not want is as important as knowing what you want.
Knowing your boundaries, fears, goals, dreams, beliefs, and nonnegotiable in relationships is crucial to foundational happiness.
These 20 deep questions were developed during several therapy sessions and have proven to be very developmentally foundational in my growth and journey to finding my true love and now fiance.
I wish you the best in your journey to finding yours.
20 Questions to ask yourself about yourself.
1. What do I want and need in a relationship?
2. What do I bring to relationships?
3. What are red flags?
4. What are green flags?
5. What are your non-negotiables?
6. What are your boundaries?
7. What are your fears?
8. What are the things/events/experiences you want to share?
9. What are your short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals, habits, and plans?
10. What type of lifestyle do you have? Do you want?
11. What do you find attractive and unattractive in a partner?
12. What does your perfect day look like? (This is also a beautiful Law of Attraction manifesting exercise to write out for periods ahead in the future = three months from now, six months from now, a year from now, etc.)
13. What are your core beliefs? Are these open to change when challenged?
14. What is the importance and desired frequency of dates to you in relationships?
15. Do you prefer to plan dates and be in charge, or is it a shared honor between you and your partner?
16. What is love? How do you feel about it? How is it communicated to you?
17. What are important things and stories to know about each other?
18. How important is time with friends and family? Do you see them frequently or only during holidays?
19. What are your priorities in life and relationships?
20. What is intimacy, and how important is physical intimacy? What is the desired frequency of it?
As with everything, I prefer to handwrite questions and answers in a journal. It’s a living, breathing document and flows with time as life changes me, and I change my life.
Beth Derrick is a parent, partner, multipreneur, writer, investor, maker, Lifestyle Coach, and calmly enthusiastic lover of people, animals, coffee, plants, and all facets of life.