10 Ways To Stay In The Honeymoon Phase Of Your Relationship
The excitement of getting married never has to end.

The honeymoon phase is often seen as the best part of a relationship.
This period usually lasts for the first six months to a year of a relationship. During the honeymoon phase couples experience feelings of extreme happiness and excitement as partners get to learn more about one another and create new memories.
When this phase ends, couples are more likely to feel bored. This feeling of boredom can be easily mistaken for a loss of love and interest in the relationship. Two people can easily get into petty arguments as they appear to grow distant and start to question their feelings for one another.
The first step in handling this post-honeymoon phase period is to accept that feelings change. That is just a part of life. It doesn’t mean that the love no longer exists and that the relationship should end. The next step would be to realize that just because a honeymoon phase is expected to end after a certain period of time doesn’t mean it actually has to.
If it is important for a couple to keep a relationship fun and exciting, all they must do is come up with a plan to do so. This could include writing down a list of things that made them attracted to one another in the first place, and then finding ways to continue to incorporate those things throughout the relationship. Maybe this means going out on a date once a month or randomly sending each other cute text messages.
A deliberate effort to make something work is one sure way to make sure that you will have a healthy and successful relationship. If there is a will, then there is a way.
Listed below are 10 ways to make sure that the honeymoon phase of your relationship never ends.
1. Spend quality time together.
Find time in your busy schedules to have at least one date night a month. Whether you decide to stay in or go out, use this time to pick each other's brains about things unrelated to work and your every day stressful responsibilities. These planned nights will allow you to continue to learn more about one another as you enjoy remembering what inspired you'll to get together in the first place. Knowing that each of you is continuously making the relationship a priority is a good way to keep the love alive.
2. Effectively communicate.
Communication is a key factor in any successful relationship. This could mean biting your tongue sometimes because you realize that you are both emotional, meaning it might not be the best time to have a conversation. It also means not being afraid to express how you feel when something has been on your mind for a while. If you never share how you feel, then you can't expect the other person to help you come up with a solution to the problem.
Being open and honest will not only help you'll build trust, which makes for a strong foundation for a relationship to stand upon.
3. Continue to create new experiences.
Take some time to travel and engage in activities neither of you have experienced before. These experiences will give you a chance to get out of your comfort zone and witness how well you respond to change. You'll create memories that you never thought you could as you choose to willingly explore the world and all it has to offer.
There is joy in knowing that neither of you will settle for boredom, you can count on each other to make the necessary changes to keep the relationship interesting and unpredictable when you need it most.
4. Push each other to achieve your individual dreams and goals.
Talking about your goals and dreams and never allowing each other to give up is a good way to keep the relationship exciting. It shows that you care about your partner's success and want them to be happy doing what they love. Listening to one another and planning on how to turn dreams into realities keeps you'll focused. It challenges each person to strive and move forward in life and be a better version of themselves. Seeing each other climb to new heights keeps the spark alive, especially if you are a couple attracted to ambition.
5. Actively work to have positive exchanges.
Life is too often filled with negative people and moments. There's no need to have a relationship that is filled with negativity. Send each other affirmations and other positive words of encouragement to get through the hard times. Even when life is good, continue doing so to remind each other to always have a positive outlook. You can even be sure to give each other compliments, hugs and kisses to show that you paying attention to one another.
People are more likely to invest time in relationships that are causing them more happiness than stress.
6. Be each other's support system.
Having the support of a loved one is known to increase a person's overall well-being. Show that you can depend on one another by being a shoulder to cry on when you need it most. Welcome each other with open arms as you make yourselves available to listen as you take turns venting. Sometimes you just need someone to comfort you and allow you to sulk in the moment instead of trying to tell you how to feel.
You will both know that you always have someone who is in your corner, willing to lend a helping hand whenever you need emotional stability.
7. Learn each other's love language.
There a 5 love languages: words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, acts of service and quality time. Knowing your partner's love language can help you make sure they are satisfied and receiving the love they need to have a fulfilling relationship. This means knowing exactly when and how to make them feel appreciated.
If you both acknowledge each other's needs and wants then you can maintain a balanced relationship where both parties understand what actions need to be taken to avoid hurting each other.
8. Have alone time.
It is healthy and necessary to spend time apart in a relationship. Take time to do the things you enjoyed doing before you got together. Know that you still have the freedom to be yourself even though you have committed yourself to each other. This will help improve your physical and emotional stability.
Having space will not only help you'll be more appreciative of the time you do get to spend together, but it will also help you'll be more willing to compromise without feeling forced to do so.
9. Find ways to show appreciation for one another.
Whenever you can, show each other that your lives have changed for the better because you have found each other. It can be as simple as saying "thank you, I appreciate you" when one of you does something nice or thoughtful for the other. Compliment one another and regularly confess your love. It is always nice to be acknowledged for your efforts.
You will notice the difference it makes when you have less arguments or feelings of distance in the relationship.
10. Be understanding.
Understand that as time goes by people change and grow. Some days you might absolutely adore each other and smile as you think about how lucky you are to have found one another. Other days you might get so fed up that you forget why you wanted to be together in the first place. Therefore it is best that either way, you both get to a place where you are ok with how each of you might feel on any given day.
Don't waste time fearing that the love is gone just because your feelings have changed. Feelings change, and that is just a fact of life. You'll might still love each other, but that love may be expressed in a different way.
Alexis George is a writer who covers love, relationship advice, astrology and personality topics.