The Masked Singer Spoilers: Who Is The Alien?
Fans keep guess who the masked singers are. Who is the Alien?

The Masked Singer spoilers! Everyone is talking about The Masked Singer, a new celebrity talent competition on Fox. The twist on this is that everyone performs with their faces hidden by elaborate masks. Well, elaborate costumes. The performers all look like wild sports mascots who can sing.
A panel of five judges, consisting of Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thick all watch the performances and have to guess the identities of the singer. They’re working off performance styles and clues the each singer drops about their personality and career.
So far, four singers have been unmasked. Judges thought they were going to see Shaqille O’Neill when the Hippo’s mask came off but it was Steeler’s receiver Antonio Brown instead. When ti came time for the Pineapple to show his face, the popular guess was Jim Carrey. But Carrey’s ex Jenny McCarhy knew better: she figured out that it was Tommy Chong on stage.
For the Deer, at first, the judges had mixed guesses, until Robin noticed how the Deer laughed with his shoulders saying how it was very specific to Terry Bradshaw's laughing style — and he ended up guessing correctly. When it was the Poodle's turn to unmask itself, the judges were all way off guessing from Kathy Griffin to Jillian Michaels. But they discovered that it was Margret Cho.
Who is the Alien? We don’t know who will be revealed next, but fans are already making guesses. And in the mean time, check out our best guesses about the Unicorn, the Rabbit, and the Bee.
1. Clues
In the Alien’s video, she alluded to never having had any anonymity growing up. She also talks about growing up in the public eye and letting others define her in her younger years. As the Alien, she says, she’s finally performing on her own terms.
In episode four, she was hurt by the comments from the judges. Her performing reminded her as a young child, before everyone knew her and her family. In her video package, she is surrounded with stuff animals of penguins, lions, and snakes. She reveals that many believe her to be out of style. But then reveals she is a quadruple threat and has recorded many things.
2. Judge guesses
The identity of the Alien has the judges making a lot of wild guesses. Robin Thicke thinks it might be Bella Hadid. Jenny McCarthy is leaning toward a member of the Spice Girls. Nicole Scherzinger guessed a member of the Kardashian-Jenner tribe, and Ken Jeong got even more specific, saying it might be Kourtney Kardashian.
After her most recent performance, the judges are still stuck on model names like Bella Hadid and Kate Moss. Jenny, however, thinks it could be Taylor Swift because of the snakes in her video package, which are similar to the ones she used in a music video. Ken thinks it could be Paula Abdul.
Watch the latest performance of the Alien singing "Lovefool" by the Cardigans.
3. Other guesses
The internet jumped to the Kardashian conclusion as well, with many fans assuming it might be Kendall Jenner. Other fan theories are LaToya Jackson or Tamar Braxton.
4. Best guess
The Kendall Jenner guess was put to rest when everyone found out the Alien is only 5’5”. Jenner tops that measurement by 5 inches, at 5’10”, though little sister Kylie Jenner is about 5'5", so don't rule out all Jenners entirely.
But for now, the leading guess is LaToya Jackson, bolstered by her claim that she has many sisters and frequent allusions to the number 5 — possibly a reference to her brothers’ band The Jackson Five.
Do you think the Alien is LaToya Jackson?