What You See First In This Visual Test Reveals Where Should You Build Your Dream Home
Close your eyes and picture it...

Lots of people dream of buying their own home — heck, having a place to pay a mortgage on is pretty much part of the American dream. But with mortgage rates soaring and the price of houses at an all-time high, a cheaper option may be to build the home of your dreams.
While there are plenty of reality shows that make money off the idea that millions of us sit around dreaming about having a house to flip, the truth is, that just isn't a reality for most people.
Getting the chance to design and build the house of our dreams may also feel overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be that way. If you scrimp and save and otherwise manage your funds correctly, you will be in a position to buy or build a house of your own.
The real question is: Once you're in that position and ready to get going and bring that dream to life, where on Earth are you going to put your dream house? A house is all well and good, but everybody knows that location, location, location is the name of the game!
If you have your dream house already pictured but you need a place to plop it down in your mind's eye, you're about to take a very telling personality test.
To figure out the best place to buy or build a home, all you need to do is take this personality test.
It couldn't be any easier. Just look at the image below and pay attention to the first thing that happens to catch your eye. Once you have done that, simply scroll down to read about how what you saw is the key to finding out where you should build the home of your dreams.
1. If you saw the eye in the sky
If you looked at this image and saw the eye in the sky first, you're a person who loves the idea of building a house that makes a real statement.
You might not be showy in other areas of your life, but when it comes to your dream house you have truly opulent ambitions, and so you should. It's your dream house, after all.
You should build your home in the center of a prominent European city. You'll get culture, easy access to everything that you need, and plenty of opportunities to let people check out the beautiful home that you have worked so hard to make a reality.
2. If you saw the mushrooms
If you looked at this image and saw the mushrooms first, you're a person whose dream house blends seamlessly in with its environment.
For you, building a house is all about incorporating the natural landscape. You want your home to seem like it's a part of the natural scenery, not some monolith that sticks out like a sore thumb.
You should absolutely build your home in a remote area. Pick which you love more: the woods or the sand, and opt for building within a forest or building inside of a desert.
For you, keeping your home safe and hidden from prying eyes is the ultimate goal.
3. If you saw the river
If you saw the river first when you looked at this image, there's a very strong chance building a home isn't something you ever want to do.
If you had your way, you would rather invest in several apartments or flats throughout the world. That way, you always have a place to flop as you dedicate your life to your truest passion: travel.
For you, a home isn't the sanctuary that it is for other people; it's just a place to catch your breath before you head out for the next adventure. You want to make sure you've got plenty of homes to see you secure on your epic journeys.
4. If you saw the ladder
If you saw the ladder first when you looked at this image, your dream home is one that happens to be close to the ocean.
While you wouldn't have a lot of art or other objects cluttering up your home, that's not because you don't appreciate beauty. In fact, you are willing to spend the money to get the ocean view that you have always dreamed of.
In your dream house, every single window has a view to the water. Plus, there is a deck where you can sit and look out over your coffee to watch the sun coming up over the water.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer, editor, former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek, and former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango. She has a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime topics. Her bylines have appeared on Fatherly, Bustle, SheKnows, Jezebel, and many others.