What You See First In This Visual Test Reveals How Impatient You Are
If you're worried that you're too much of an impatient person, this visual test will solve that problem.

No matter how patient you might consider yourself, there are times when we all lose our cool, blow our stack, or whatever other term you want to call it.
Let's face it: the world moves at a tremendously fast pace, and when anything seems to slow down your routine or grind, it's normal to get a little bit frustrated or angry.
But there's a difference between sometimes getting frustrated and being the person who is always deeply impatient at each and every little situation that presents itself. And that's where a quiz to determine how impatient you are comes in handy.
Am I impatient? Well, if you're worried that your impatient nature might be getting the best of you, or you're curious about just how impatient you really are, you came to the right place.
With this quick visual personality test, you'll be able to find out just how impatient you are.
The personality quiz couldn't be easier. Simply look at the optical illusion below and pay close attention to the first thing that catches your eye.
Once you've done that, scroll down to find out what the first thing you saw in the personality test reveals about how impatient you are.
1. If you saw the lion
If you saw the lion first when you looked at this image, you're the kind of person who is patient... until they aren't.
It isn't your patience that's really an issue for you, it's your temper. You just can't help it — you want to be kind and smiley, but sometimes you flip your lid.
Rather than letting your inner lion roar, trying counting to 10 or removing yourself from the frustrating situation until you've cooled down.
2. If you saw the monkey
If you saw the monkey first when you looked at this image, you're the kind of person who is frequently described as having "the patience of a saint."
It's not that you're really all that good (so put away that halo), it's more that you tend to see the funny side of life.
You would prefer to spend your time just monkeying around, not getting into fights and losing your cool. That's all well and good, but it's okay to express your frustrations when they arise, so don't forget that either.
3. If you saw the tree
If you saw the tree first when you looked at this image, you're the kind of person who bends and bends until you're forced to snap.
Like most people, you're able to keep a handle on your impatience, but you're only human. When pushed too far, you'll express it and make your feelings known.
Frankly, this is the healthiest way to be. You know when to go with the flow and you know when to assert yourself. Get down with your leafy self!
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a freelance writer and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek with a passion for lifestyle, geek news, and true crime.