What It Means If You Feel Burning During Sex
Don't panic.

When you're having sex with your partner, the last thing you want to be worrying about is why your vagina is burning. Heck, if you're having sex with your partner, the very last thing that you should be doing at all is worrying, period!
Sex, whether it be a casual fling or a serious committed expression of love, is all about feeling good, and when you experience your vagina burning during sex, that's when it's time to stop and assess the situation.
The vagina is an amazing part of the body. There's nothing else quite like it! In addition to helping cis-women conceive and deliver new life onto the planet, it also is completely self-cleaning. That's rad, but even a self-cleaning miracle between your legs comes head to head (pun not intended, but hilarious) with some pretty gnarly stuff that it just can't quite kick on its own.
If you're experiencing burning during sex, there are a few big reasons for it. Let's talk about the most common ones, and what you can do to put a stop to that terrible sensation so you can get back to enjoying sex without any sort of discomfort, shall we?
1. Allergies
Believe it or not, that burning you're feeling you've got going on downstairs might actually be the fault of his condom... or his semen itself!
If your vagina is burning during sex, you may be experiencing an allergy to the material the condom is made out of, and for most of us that means latex. Luckily, this is a quick fix. There are loads of alternatives to latex when it comes to condoms.
The other option is a little more intense. I mean, who wants to tell their dude that they've got an allergy to his semen?
2. Infection
One of the most common reasons to feel a burning in your vagina during sex is because your vagina is dealing with some sort of infection. The most common culprit is a yeast infection.
Some women get infections all of the time, while others can go lifetimes without experiencing that special brand of yuck and ouch. While yeast infections do have some common symptoms (burning, discharge, odor), not everyone experiences them in the same way. If you're noticing burning during sex, a yeast infection may indeed be the culprit.
3. Crabs
Nobody wants to hear that they might have pubic lice, AKA crabs, but unfortunately, if you're feeling a burning in your vagina during sex, crabs may be to blame.
If you're concerned that crabs may be to blame for your discomfort during sex, there are other symptoms to look out for including bruises on the vulva, loss of pubic hair, itchiness, and nits (lice eggs) at the ends of your pubes. All around a miserable time.
4. Endometriosis
You could also be suffering from endometriosis. This painful condition has other symptoms that include heavy, painful menstruation, pain during intercourse and while defecating, and a sore lower back.
This condition can lead to infertility, so if it sounds like you get yourself to the doctor, okay?
5. Vaginismus
This is a difficult one for some folks to wrap their heads around, but believe it or not, some woman have vaginal muscles that are so tight that it can make sex incredibly painful. It can also cause a burning sensation in your vagina.
In the past, it was thought to be incurable, but it's now very treatable. So don't put up with that burning and go see your doctor.
6. Atrophic vaginitis
If you are around menopausal age, this is a common reason why you might be experiencing burning during sex. Atrophic vaginitis causes the muscles of the vaginal walls to weaken, making sex burn and sometimes be quite painful.
Other symptoms include vaginal dryness and spotting intermittently. Hormone therapy can help with this condition, so don't be afraid to pipe up the next time you're at the doctor's office.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is a writer living in Brooklyn, New York with her cat, Batman. Her work focuses on relationships, pop culture and news. For more of her work, check out her Tumblr.