Why He Isn't Ready For A Relationship, Based On His Zodiac Sign

Astrology is one way to discover why a man may shy away from defining your relationship

Why He Won't Commit To A Relationship, Based On His Zodiac Sign Dean Drobot / shutterstock

Men and women can wisely be careful to commit themselves to a relationship for so many reasons. And thinking about those reasons can lead us to look to astrology for some answers.

In these modern times, the internet has opened up a world of possibility for connection. And you might think there not being enough women to go around would make some difference, but that hasn't stopped men from being resistant to commitment in a relationship.

Are there reasons why he won't commit to you?

Whether you've been dating for a few months or have finally decided to take things to the next level, we can see some reasons a man might run the other way when the words "I promise" are mentioned during a conversation about commitment.

If you're feeling like you have to force something to develop, you probably should shake that feeling off, because no matter how you may attempt to press your point, you can't force someone to like you, date you, or make any promises at all. 

Depending on his zodiac sign, here's why he's not ready to commit to a relationship with you.

Aries (March 21 - April 19)


An Aries man may not want to commit if he's feeling pressured into it.

You may not expect it, but if Aries feels like something isn't their idea, they will likely resist. He may come around when he's ready, but not a moment before.

An Aries man will love with his whole heart when he's ready, as these men are fun and energetic. But what they may not want you to know is that they are also a bit shy (you might not be able to tell because they are spirited and friendly). He needs time alone so he can process through the times he feels withdrawn.

RELATED: The Comprehensive Personality Traits Of The Aries Zodiac Sign — And What Every Aspect Of Their Life Is Like


Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

A Taurus man offers strength in his relationships, but he can also be a bit insecure.

He will need a partner he feels is dedicated to the long-term. Not just that, but he needs someone who can be vulnerable about their feelings. If he's not certain that a prospective partner can give that, he may hold back.

He likes his life to have stability, and if he feels he has this, he may be ready to change his situation, such as the ways a new relationship may cause. 

RELATED: 5 Facts About Taurus You Should Know (But Don't), According To Astrology

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

A Gemini man may seem like the sweetest, most interesting man you've ever meet initially, but then you see fairly quickly that he has a whole separate side — a darker one.


He's known to struggle in commitment because he always worries that love is not really love. He worries that something better is just over the horizon. He can't pick between the choices he's presented and he fears entrapment on a deep level.

He can then become rather insensitive and even rude, pulling people close, then firmly pushing them away for a long time. He may wait until his options are slim before he commits to a relationship. 

RELATED: Why Gemini Is So Hard To Date

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer men are sensitive, and when he feels the love and care feelings for someone, he may be afraid of being hurt.

Cancer needs to feel nurtured and safe before he will make a promise.  This can make him reluctant to make long-term promises.


He may need extra time to get to know you. Give this him time to get a comfort level where he feels safe. Being friends first, maybe for a very long time, would be a way to create a sense of familiarity with your energy. 

RELATED: How A Cancer Zodiac Sign Breaks Up With You, According To Astrology

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

A Leo man is fun-loving, gregarious, and talented in creative ways.

He may take a long while before he feels comfortable with making a promise, but when he does, he does so with his whole entire heart. Leo needs a partner he makes him feel inspired.

He's passionate and thoughtful, so if he's not feeling it yet, he may still be very kind to you, even flirty, which can be confusing. This is because he really wants everyone to feel good and be happy.


RELATED: 20 Facts You Need To Know About A Leo Woman — If You Know What's Good For You

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

For a Virgo man, he may hold back because he feels like his way of expressing affection isn't appreciated.

Virgo struggles to express affection openly, and their love expressions can be quite different than other signs. They may be showing it by performing tasks for the people they care for.

Talking about their feelings may be rather challenging. They are physical people, and showing their emotions may come more naturally than verbalizing them. 

RELATED: Why Virgo Zodiac Signs Are So Hard Working, Per Astrology

Libra (September 23 - October 22)


A Libra man can be fickle. He may not want to commit because his thinking doesn't feel quite perfect yet, or at all.

He loves a beautiful display. If things have been awkward in any way he hasn't been able to balance, he will not proceed and may feel off about things to the point of ill ease.

He would then need to step back and keep things light. He may even be blunt about it if you ask for a read on his feelings. 

RELATED: 4 Things Libras Always Do That Ruin Their Relationships

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

A Scorpio man may be reluctant to commit if he thinks you may like to play the field.

A Scorpio man wants complete devotion; he will settle for nothing less than an adoring partner, but that's because when he makes promises he keeps them, and wants to same from his partner.


Trust is key with a Scorpio man. He has a lot of intensity to offer and doesn't want that to be a waste.

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

A Sagittarius man may just want to date around, committing to no one at all.

He may still be in a space of experiencing all that his life has to offer. In other words, he may not be into promises at all.

This man wants to explore and just enjoy new atmospheres. He may be perfectly willing to tell you this if you ask, but he's a bold man, so be prepared for his truth. 

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Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

A Capricorn man can have the most grounded nature of all the signs, and quite simply if he doesn't feel that the relationship will work out long-term, his mind is made up.

He looks for practical reasons and solutions. He will want to see a solid and stable gain in all he pursues.

Trust for him is fundamental. That trust will lie within the security of the practical and physical needs in life. He won't be a man to make sudden changes and impulsive actions, so don't expect rapid change unless a life-changing event has occurred.

RELATED: 5 Ways To Keep The Capricorn You Love Happy — Or Else

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


With an Aquarius man, he may not open up about his feelings very willingly.

But you can't force this, as that will cause the alternate reaction to what you're seeking. Of course, no one wants to be forced into something they aren't comfortable with, and this man will understand and feel that deeply.

If he isn't interested in pursuing anything serious with you, he will block anything that resembles that direction. He's likely to be closed off in this case. You may even feel that he can be cold and withdrawn at times when faced with emotional conversations. 

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Aquarius Is So Fake

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

If a Pisces man holds back from making long-term promises, he may really not have felt deeply enough yet.


This man will wait for his feelings to be very deep before he proceeds all the way in a romantic relationship. If he's still experiencing feelings that are unresolved from a past relationship, he may hold back on moving forward. He may still be processing the past.

RELATED: 8 Reasons Pisces Women Are The Best Zodiac Sign To Love


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Amanda Ilene Sawyer is a writer and a Mississippi native who is interested in astrology, science, anthropology and spiritualism.
