How To Tell If You Have A Fever: 12 Ways To Know For Sure
Be good to your body.

Having a fever downright sucks. Sometimes it can be hard to tell with the palm of your hand if you have a temperature, and if you don't live at home with your mom anymore, it can definitely be a challenge knowing if you're sick.
If you're feeling under the weather, cozy up in bed with your favorite blanket and a steaming hot mug full of your favorite tea. That helps cure all the signs of fever, right? While everyone is different and can experience multiple symptoms, it's best to consult your doctor if you're not feeling well. Here's how to tell if you have a fever.
1. Cheeks
When you have a fever and start to feel a little off, chances are you'll start to see it too. Take a peek in the mirror to see if your face is a little flushed from what your body may be battling. It's completely normal for this to happen and it can more common for some more than others.
When the blood vessels start to enlarge, this gives way for more blood to flow through the cheeks. This can make it a sign that your body is going though something and trying to fight it off.
2. Dehydration
When was the last time you had a glass of water? Sometimes it can be hard to recount when life gets the best of us. Dehydration can play a huge factor in our overall health, and how we feel and look.
A clear way to tell if you're dehydrated is taking a look at your pee and making sure it's not yellow. Try to drink water as much water as you can because the more dehydrated you become, the worse your headache or fever can get.
3. Changes in your body
In this article on PopSci, the author makes an excellent point: "Knowing your body and how you feel when you are well, and then comparing that to how you feel when you are ill, is just as important. Because aches and chills typically accompany a fever, if you have those symptoms, then you most likely have a fever (even if it’s a mild one), regardless of what the thermometer says."
You know your body better than anyone else. If you're feeling achy or something is feeling out of wack, trust that.
4. Lethargy
A fever can be associated with a number of different things. Being lethargic can be determined by checking in with your body to see if you're experiencing mood swings, low energy, and sluggishness.
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5. Stiff neck
If you're having trouble moving your neck around or being noticeably sore, this is another indication you are on the midst of a fever. A lot of times, other symptoms will present themselves before this neck pain; however, everybody is different.
6. Vomiting
7. Headaches
A headache is common and sometimes can coincide with a fever. Typically, if you have a headache and a fever, this may be a sign of an infection. If you're experiencing a headache, try taking a fever-reducing pill such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
There are a few different headaches you could be experiencing including tension, cluster, sinus, and migraines. Each pain point can be directly associated with a different part of the body.
8. Sweating
Extreme sweating day or night could be your body fighting off an infection before you feel any other symptoms. When you sweat, your body is trying to regulate its temperature and fight off unwanted sickness. Sweating can be a sign of a fever and may be a sign of dehydration as well.
9. Chills and shivering
Getting a hint of the chills out of nowhere can happen with or without a fever. Chills can be a response to cold and viral infections that cause fevers and may cause you to be cold in a rather warm environment. There are a number of infections that may cause shivers.
10. Loss of appetite
Not feeling the urge to eat around the normal time you have lunch or dinner may be a clear indiction that something is off in your body. If you find yourself skipping meals or leaving too much on your plate that you normally can eat, a fever may be on the rise.
Another sign is a low urine output. If you’re not putting enough into your body, not a lot will come out. This can all lead to dehydration.
11. Irritability
It’s common to feel a little on edge when you’re not feeling well. If you find yourself snapping at your partner or friend or getting frustrated at a simple task, this may be a sign of a fever.
If you’re not already running a temperature, your body may be feeling restless and competing the infection which caused irritability. Irritability is often associated with shivering, loss of appetite, and muscle aches.
12. General weakness and muscle aches
Body aches can be a result of a number of things. First and foremost, if you’re not getting enough sleep at night, your body can begin to feel week and this alone may cause your body to feel fatigue.
Stress, vitamin D deficiency, and mono can be a cause of general weakness in the body. If you think you’re at risk for any of these illnesses, blood work may be involved to further diagnose.
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