15 Best Aretha Franklin Quotes To Inspire Your Inner Diva

You've gotta R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Best Aretha Franklin Quotes

Aretha Franklin is a household name and known for her amazing voice and vocal talents. She demands respect and we all listen with wide eyes and open ears to just how powerful her voice is. 

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The songstress has had plenty of hits including Respect, Natural Woman, I Say A Little Prayer and plenty more. All of her lyrics are empowering and let you know just how strong of a woman she is. Women everywhere look up to Aretha as a source of inspiration and it's easy to see why. 


Her vocals are still monumental even today. Everyone knows just how talented and powerful her songs still are. Plus *Kanye voice* Imma let you finish but 'Respect' is one of the best karaoke songs of all time.

Aretha is currently in hospice and at the moment is allegedly gravely ill. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her and her family. 


Here are the best Aretha Franklin quotes to help inspire you. Praying for you, Aretha.

1. You don't always have to keep searching. 

2. Respect should be given to all. 


3. Love is a battlefield. 

4. Confidence is key.


5. Tell em' girl.

6. Know your worth,  Aretha did. 


7. It is what it is.

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8. She has an amazing gift to give. 


9. Be the Goddess you know you are. 

10. She always related to her songs. 


11. Look after your soul. 

12. #Girlpower. 


13. Spreading her gift of song to everyone. 

14. Big woman, big hair, big talent.


15. Her catchiest message ever.


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Molly Given is a writer living in Philadelphia and lover of all things to do with mystery and magic in life. When she’s not writing her fingers off she can be found planning her next adventure in a new part of the world.