25 Funny Texts & Memes To Send After Your First Date (So They Will Ask You On A Second Date!)
Just being extra friendly to someone who's extra attractive.

Admit it, we've all been there: having no clue what to text someone after a first date. Especially if you're interested in getting a second date. You had an amazing time with this person and are hoping for a second date, but ahhhh, what do you say?!
A thousand thoughts run through your head. Should you text them first or wait for them to text you? You want to follow-up but can't think of anything cool to say. Or perhaps you guys are already texting (yay!) and your date is super witty, sends the funniest memes, but you are stuck at a loss for words.
"Being short is okay. If the sky falls in, tall people will be killed first." — unknown
2. For a first date during the summer.
"'The f-ck is that?!' is the name I give 98% of summer insects." — unknown
3. For those dates who open up about their life struggles.
"Don't be so hard on yourself. The mom in E.T. had an alien living in her house for days and didn't notice." — unknown
4. I'm sure your date can relate to this.
"Some days I amaze myself. Other days I look for my phone while I'm talking on it." — unknown
5. The perfect follow-up during your lunch break at work.
"I'm just a girl, standing in front of a salad, asking it to be a donut." — unknown
6. When you feel like sharing some words of wisdom.
"When something goes wrong in your life, just yell 'Plot twist!' and move on." — unknown
7. Who doesn't love naps?
"Taking naps sounds so childish. I prefer to call them horizontal life pauses." — unknown
8. Some lighthearted political humor.
"If someone throws something at President Trump, do the secret service say, 'Donald Duck'?" — unknown
9. You can't go wrong with a Friends reference.
"I'm not great at advice, but can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?" — Chandler Bing
10. You'll have to follow up with a photo.
"I do a great impression of a hot dog." — Robin Williams
11. A fun way to respond back.
"You're killin' me Smalls!" — The Sandlot
12. It's always nice to give a compliment.
"You is kind. You is smart. You is important." — The Help
13. If you're a shortie.
"I'm not tiny. I'm travel sized for your convenience." — Mulan
14. A cute way to initiate a conversation.
"If you can think of a better fish pun let minnow." — unknown
15. Your date will appreciate a good laugh during the work week.
"After Tuesday, even the calendar goes W T F." — unknown
16. When you're on the subway and want to say hello.
"I wish more people were fluent in silence." — unknown
17. Just make sure your date is old enough to know the reference.
"It was me. I let the dogs out." — unknown
18. Some insightful thoughts.
"How come 'you're a peach' is a compliment but 'you're bananas' is an insult? Why are we allowing fruit discrimination to tear society apart?" — unknown
19. Be sure to actually text it as a Chewbacca quote though. Otherwise your date will be very confused...
"Uuuuuuuuur ahhhhrrrrr uhrrrr ahhhhrrrrrr aaaarhg." — Chewbacca
20. Another great one for the short people out there.
"Life is short and so am I." — unknown
21. You may get a request for a performance from your date.
"I don't sing in the car. I perform." — unknown
22. Something funny to throw in if you're talking about your jobs.
"I'm always one step ahead...like a carpenter...that makes stairs." — The Office
23. This hilarious quote from a caller on The Ellen Show is great for a laugh.
"Honey I'll be honest...I love jesus but I drink a little." — Gladys Hardy
24. A clever way to break the ice if there's an age difference.
"It's not the years honey, it's the mileage." — Raiders of the Lost Ark
25. This quote and photo reference is a fun response if you two are sending flirtatious texts.
"I'm your density." — Back to the Future
Jill Zwarensteyn is a writer and Michigan native. When she's not writing, Jill enjoys Zumba class, travel, and referencing classic Seinfeld episodes.