6 Very Awkward Details About Donald And Ivanka Trump's Relationship
She's his #1.

The second eldest of President Trump’s children, Ivanka Trump is well-known due to her success as a model, her inclusion in his company, her guest appearances on The Apprentice, and her full support of her father’s presidential campaign.
Not only do she and her father work so closely together, but she was the one to introduce him at the Republican National Convention. She has even been called the “chosen one” in reference to his affection for her.
I wont lie, I frequently confused Ivanka for Mr. Trump’s wife when he was first running for president (yep, that’s how much faith I had in him being with age-appropriate women). So, to me, it’s not surprising in the least that there are several things about their relationship that are just borderline awkward.
Regardless of how you feel about the president or what you believe about his relationships, there is no denying that Donald Trump's relationship with Ivanka is a tad on the uncomfortable side.
Check out these 6 things about Donald and Ivanka Trump’s relationship that are just a bit awkward.
1. He’s frequently made creepy comments about Ivanka’s appearance (even in front of her).
In the past, Trump has made remarks about how he’d “perhaps date” Ivanka if he wasn’t her father. But this wasn’t the only time he made inappropriate remarks about Ivanka’s appearance (even though it does seem to be the one that got the most media attention).
When Ivanka hosted the Miss Teen USA pageant in 1997, Trump reportedly turned to the then-Miss Universe and said, “Don’t you think my daughter is hot?”
Uhhh. Can you imagine how uncomfortable that interaction was?
Then, in 2004, he gave Howard Stern permission to call her a “piece of a**” (dad of the year award, right?). And he has also been reported to have called her “voluptuous” in another interview with Stern in 2006 after being asked if she had received breast implants.
The creepiness continued into 2015 during an interview for Rolling Stone, when Trump commented on Ivanka, saying, “She's really something, and what a beauty, that one. If I weren't happily married and, ya know, her father...'”
Uhhh. Then, what?! Gross. While these remarks may be innocent and just the president’s way of being “brutally honest,” it’s still safe to say that he makes most people uncomfortable with how often he has implied that fatherhood is the only thing keeping him from trying to sleep with Ivanka (ick).
2. Ivanka is his “favorite child.”
In a 2015 20/20 interview, Trump’s other children (Donald Jr., Eric, and Tiffany) all seemed to think that Ivanka is his favorite.
While people with a sibling will tell you that they are either the favorite, or their sibling is the favorite, it's pretty obvious from this interview that Trump favors Ivanka over his other 4 kids.
3. And if you didn't believe his other children, he's said so himself.
While it’s debatable whether Ivanka makes the top of the “favorite child” list in Donald Trump’s eyes, he has made it pretty clear that she is at least his favorite daughter.
Trump has actually admitted that he prefers Ivanka to Tiffany, his other daughter. While he says he loves both of his daughters, he has made it clear that Ivanka is his favorite “little girl.”
4. Ivanka wishes her father took better care of himself.
In a 2015 interview, Ivanka admitted that she wishes that her father would eat better, pointing to his love of the fast food chains like McDonalds.
She also says that she wished he would “slow down,” although she did mention that, “it’s the only speed he knows,” and that, “[she] kind of love[s] that about him.” This daughter’s love is clearly unwavering.
5. Ivanka seems resolved to support her father.
From being “proud to be a Trump” from such a young age, and modeling her career after him (outside of actual modeling, of course), to being called one of her father’s “most trusted advisors” and standing up for his unfortunate comments against women, it is clear that there must not be much the president can do to get her to stop backing him up.
She's kind of stuck to him, now with everything she’s put into the campaign and her career alongside him.
6. She isn’t bitter about the lack of his presence growing up.
Although Trump wasn’t home every night (or, very often at all probably), Ivanka claimed that “he always made us his top priority,” and she doesn’t seem to harbor any negative feelings towards him, despite him not always being “physically present.”
Again, not surprising considering she is modeling her life after his.
Nicole Bradley-Bernard is a writer who enjoys putting bright colors in her curly brown hair, spending time outside on cool days and being with her partner in life.
Editor's Note: This article was originally posted in June 2018 and was updated with the latest information.