The 3 Soulmates You'll Meet In Your Lifetime — And The Purpose Of Each
The soulmates who will help you along your journey in life.

Nothing happens by chance — every meeting in this world is predestined and has a meaning. The people we interact with are all meant for a greater purpose in life. Both pleasant and unpleasant experiences we go through are destined.
In life, we encounter people who change us and stay throughout our journey—and then some leave us, simply taking up a few moments of our existence. Our interactions with these people shape our emotions and experiences, no matter how little time we have spent with them.
One YouGov poll shows that 60% of Americans believe in soulmates — people who you can deeply connect with based on mutual understanding and acceptance. We may not know our destiny, but understanding the types of souls we encounter can help us realize the true meaning of life.
Here are the 3 soulmates you'll meet and their purpose in your life:
1. The one who you feel like you've met before.
These are souls who come into our lives to be with us forever—or at least for a long time. Twin flames belong to this category. There might be others, too, but what’s expected of them is they are souls with whom we had prior connections. We agreed to meet them at a particular time and place before we were born.
These soulmates get us back to the flow of our lives, waking us up to the universe's call. The moment we meet them, we can immediately recognize their vibration because these souls vibrate at the same frequency as us. They do not disrupt the flow of our current state; instead, they come into our lives to make the transition smooth and less painful.
As young children, we dream of many things, but adulthood changes those ideas, and we succumb to disillusionment. Our promises are broken, and our trust is betrayed. That’s when these souls come to help us learn the path we need to take. They are there with us and are responsible for our awakening.
2. The one who helps you discover your identity.
Leeloo The First / Pexels
Do you still pick up the violin you used to play as a child, pick up a chord, and dream of becoming a musician before going to bed, tired after a hard day at the office? Not all of us are brave enough to be the adults we always wanted to be.
Some of us leave our childhood in memories and dreams. That’s why some souls come into our lives to remind us of our identities, which define us. But interactions with these souls might not always be joyous. Sometimes, we need a storm to create fertile land.
Things might be bitter with them, but we must understand that they serve a greater purpose. They help us bring out our true selves and realize our true identities. According to a 2020 research article, being your authentic self can lead you to a happier life — so although meeting this soulmate can be hard, they will help you learn who you need to be moving forward.
3. The one who is right under your nose.
Katerina Holmes / Pexels
These souls might be strangers we meet in the library, on a bus, at a movie theatre, on a flight, or anywhere. We converse with them, share a part of our lives with them, and leave often without trying to stay connected.
We don’t know much about these souls. But they are there to fill up our blank spaces, to help us experience things, no matter how small they might be.
Our life is a magical, unpredictable journey. We do not know who we will meet. But we need to have faith in the universe because everything has a purpose, and whatever that purpose is, it’s for the greater good.
Emilia Gordon is a writer and a frequent contributor to the Mind's Journal who writes about social activism, traveling, and lifestyle topics.