The Pet Peeves That Really Gets On Your Nerves, According To Your Personality Type
What tests your patience the most?

The 16 Myers-Briggs types can give you great insights into your personality, especially when it comes to determining the pet peeves that drive you crazy.
No matter how patient you may say you are, there’s definitely at least one thing that just really bothers you. And what that thing is could be vastly different based on your personality type.
Chances are you’ve been irked by a certain sound, like nails on a chalkboard or the popping of fireworks. Or maybe a certain type of person, like those who are always late or those who drive slowly. Or perhaps there’s an event, like loud parties or subdued book club meetings, that you just dread going to.
All of these are pet peeves that seem to get under your skin. Whatever the case may be, everybody’s got their pet peeves that tick them off. And your Myers-Briggs personality type can make a huge difference in what this “something” may be. Read on to find out how each personality type is annoyed by certain people, things, or situations.
Your Biggest Pet Peeve, According To Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type
1. ISTJ: messiness, disorganized people
ISTJs love to be organized and, as such, really can't stand people who are messy. Keeping order in all aspects of their life allows them to remain calm during difficult situations. Anything that messes with their demand for organization and order throws them out of balance.
2. ISFJ: conflict, confrontations
ISFJs don’t respond well to conflict and discord with others; in fact, you can often find them at the opposite end of the room when any type of disagreement arises. They have a great awareness of people’s feelings, but are immediately affected if someone becomes angry and confrontational with them.
3. INFJ: cold people, high-pressure situations
INFJs are caring and compassionate, so they have trouble getting along with people who aren’t as forthcoming with their feelings. Because they are sensitive and intuitive, INFJs are completely put off by cold people. They may also become stressed when they are under a lot of pressure or faced with a troubling conflict.
4. INTJ: small talk, routines
The minds of INTJs are always working and thinking, whether it's forming big ideas or pondering our place in the universe. That's why conversations, thoughts, and actions that don’t go beyond surface level make INTJs feel like they’re wasting their time.
5. ISTP: long-term thinking, feeling dependent
ISTPs love to be in control of their own lives. This enables them to take risks, live in the moment, and explore the world around them. However, having to think about the future or depend on others makes them feel like they’re not living life to the fullest, and that can put a huge damper on their mood.
6. ISFP: feeling restricted, uncertainty
ISFPs thrive when they feel empowered to try new things and seek out fulfilling experiences. They hate the feeling of something or someone holding them back. They also prefer to have all the facts rather than ponder abstract ideas, so ISFPs may become worried when they are faced with uncertainties in their lives.
7. INFP: worldly problems, threats to their values
INFPs become upset when thinking about problems in the world, especially ones they cannot help. This fuels their intense desire to help make the world a better place and appeals to the humanitarian in them. When INFP's core values are attacked or threatened, they quickly react and defend themselves.
8. INTP: deception, randomness
The logical minds of INTPs are thrown for a loop whenever something random happens. They don't like it if their expectations aren’t met or if the pattern they’re sensing somehow gets broken. INTPs are also ticked off by lying; they’re very good at reading people and are likely to sense when someone isn’t being honest.
9. ESTP: impulsiveness, taking risks
ESTPs approach life cautiously and strategically, steering clear of any impulsive thoughts. Whenever they go into a new situation, they feel best when they have a plan ahead of time and prefer to stick to it. It becomes a pet peeve if they have to make a decision without having all the facts first.
10. ESFP: loneliness, routine
ESFPs thrive when they’re around others and thoroughly enjoy being in the spotlight, with all eyes on them. But when they don't receive the attention they crave, ESFPs feel slighted. They’re spontaneous and love to stay active, so falling into a routine is something they avoid.
11. ENFP: feeling restricted, laziness
ENFPs are very committed to the tasks they take on, and they don’t like anything that gets in the way of accomplishing what they set out to do. Having restrictions placed on them or having to work with lazy, undedicated people immediately gets on the ENFP's nerves.
12. ENTP: routines, not feeling challenged
ENTPs love a great challenge, whether it’s a debate, crossword puzzle, or problem to solve. In the absence of tasks like these, ENTPs feel like their time is being wasted and that they're not being productive. Routines have a similar effect, as sticking to a specific plan prevents them from seeking out new, interesting experiences.
13. ESTJ: inefficiency, unfamiliarity
ESTJs feel best when they know what to expect in their lives. Having to handle a new, unfamiliar situation makes them uncomfortable and will likely cause them to become quite stubborn. ESTJs like to work efficiently, so having to do things the long way only slows them down and hurts the productivity they desire.
14. ESFJ: conflict, being under-appreciated
ESFJs love to help others and feel proud if their work is recognized in some way. Without any appreciation for their hard work, ESFJs feel used instead of valued, and if there's one thing they hate, it's being under-appreciated, whether it's at work or in their personal lives. Conflict has a similar effect on them, as it will disrupt their preferred harmonic state.
15. ENFJ: betrayal, rudeness
ENFJs place a high value on loyalty, so if they feel like someone wrongs them, they are greatly affected. In fact, it's their number one pet peeve! Similarly, someone who is rude to them will get on their bad side, which is hard to do, since ENFJs are known for being kind and respectful to others.
16. ENTJ: inaction, being challenged
ENTJs are always on the move and can’t stand it when they have nothing to do or when they’re forced to take a break from their busy lifestyle. They thrive when they are leading (rather than following), so being challenged by another dominant personality makes them feel threatened.
Roman Chiarello is a writer and associate producer at Fox News Media, and former contributor to YourTango. His bylines have appeared on All4Women, CBS News, Yahoo Life, Fox Business, and others.